
Peking University's 22-year study: long-term garlic consumption reduces the risk of death from stomach cancer by 34%, is it scientific?

author:Dr. Guangyou talks about health

Garlic is a widely used spice and dressing that has many health benefits and culinary uses. It has a strong taste and smell, so it is often used to add flavor and aroma to food.

Garlic is an indispensable ingredient in many dishes, from grilled meats to pasta, from stir-fries to pickles.

Garlic not only has a flavor-enhancing effect, but it is also rich in many nutrients such as vitamin C, B6, potassium, iron, and antioxidants, among others. In addition to its nutritional value and health benefits, garlic has many practical cooking tips.

Peking University's 22-year study: long-term garlic consumption reduces the risk of death from stomach cancer by 34%, is it scientific?

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Peking University's 22-year study: long-term garlic consumption reduces the risk of death from stomach cancer by 34%, is it scientific?

A 22-year study led by the team of You Weicheng, dean of Peking University's School of Clinical Oncology, has revealed the subtle relationship between garlic and stomach cancer. The study, published in the British Medical Journal, included 3,365 participants in Linqu County in 1995.

Among them, 1107 H. pylori-negative patients were randomly assigned to vitamin supplementation, garlic supplementation, and placebo. A further 2258 H. pylori-positive participants were randomly assigned to H. pylori treatment, vitamin supplementation, garlic supplementation, and placebo.

After a long follow-up of 22 years, the results of the study are impressive: garlic supplements, Helicobacter pylori treatment, and vitamin supplements have all shown some role in reducing the risk of death from stomach cancer. Specifically, the adjusted hazard ratio of 0.66 in the garlic supplement group did not significantly reduce the incidence of gastric cancer, but it showed a certain effect in reducing the risk of death from gastric cancer.

Peking University's 22-year study: long-term garlic consumption reduces the risk of death from stomach cancer by 34%, is it scientific?

In short, although eating raw garlic may not directly fight cancer, its rich nutritional value and antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects still make it a delicacy on the table. As for the "anti-cancer theory", although it needs to be further scientifically verified, the benefits of garlic cannot be ignored.

  • So can eating raw garlic prevent and fight tumors?

Zhong Kai, director of Kexin Food and Health Information Exchange Center, said in an interview that allicin, as a representative of thiosulfinate, does have significant anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, blood pressure lowering and other effects. However, he stressed that allicin is not the same as eating garlic raw. The amount of allicin in a whole garlic is quite limited.

What's more, when garlic is heated or minced and left for more than 15 minutes, the allicin inside is almost completely broken down. Therefore, the way to obtain allicin through daily consumption of garlic has little effect.

Peking University's 22-year study: long-term garlic consumption reduces the risk of death from stomach cancer by 34%, is it scientific?

Garlic works wonderfully

Treatment of arthritis - removes wind, cold and dampness

In the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine, garlic has a unique inhibitory effect on arthritis caused by wind, cold and dampness due to its spicy taste and warm effect. However, for damp heat arthritis, it seems to be inadequate.

To get the most out of garlic, we can try the following simple remedies: First, choose a clean cotton cloth and gently wrap two layers around the knee as if to coat the joint with a warm coat of care. Next, take 3 to 4 plump cloves of garlic, carefully mash them into a fine puree, and spread evenly over a cotton cloth. In order to maintain the long-lasting effect, it is gently wrapped in plastic film to isolate it from the air.

Peking University's 22-year study: long-term garlic consumption reduces the risk of death from stomach cancer by 34%, is it scientific?

Treatment of "inverted teeth" - alleviate tooth allergies

"Inverted teeth", a seemingly ordinary word, is actually another name for "dentin hypersensitivity" in the medical field. Imagine using a fresh raw garlic every day and gently rubbing it on the sensitive part of your teeth for a few minutes, or chewing a few cloves of raw garlic with a meal.

The unique allicin silently helps you relieve the symptoms of tooth sensitivity. This method is simple and natural, without complicated steps and expensive expenses, just a heart full of love for life.

Asthma treatment – Asthma relief works wonders

Zhang Peitong, chief physician of Guang'anmen Hospital of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, gave an in-depth interpretation of the causes of asthma. He pointed out that asthma often stems from a weak constitution, coupled with the invasion of cold evils, which leads to the retention of disease in the body and hinders the normal function of the lungs.

Peking University's 22-year study: long-term garlic consumption reduces the risk of death from stomach cancer by 34%, is it scientific?

60-90 heads of fresh garlic from spring are carefully washed, soaked in honey and sealed for 6 months. In autumn and winter, you can open it and eat it once a day, easily injecting healthy vitality into your lungs.

Headache treatment - one drop into the nose relieves pain

Tension headache, also known as muscle contraction headache, is the most common chronic headache in clinical practice, especially in adults. In the face of this headache, there is an easy way to alleviate it.

Just take a piece of garlic, peel it and mash it into juice, then the patient needs to hold their head high, gently tap a little garlic juice into their nose, inhale it deeply into their brain, tears come out of the corners of their eyes, and the headache can be relieved.

Peking University's 22-year study: long-term garlic consumption reduces the risk of death from stomach cancer by 34%, is it scientific?

For these groups of people, it is best to eat less raw garlic

Eye Disease Patients – Garlic is a spicy food, and eating too much of it can irritate the eyes, especially for patients with eye diseases. For example, patients with eye diseases such as glaucoma, cataract, and conjunctivitis are best to eat less or no garlic to avoid aggravating the condition.

Patients with liver disease - some components in garlic can stimulate the gastrointestinal tract and affect digestive function, for patients with liver disease, the digestive function itself is weak, and eating too much garlic will increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, which is not conducive to the recovery of the disease.

People who take medicine regularly - Garlic has certain medicinal properties, and if people who take medicine regularly consume too much garlic, they may react with the medicine and affect the efficacy of the medicine. Especially those who need to take Chinese medicine need to pay more attention.

Peking University's 22-year study: long-term garlic consumption reduces the risk of death from stomach cancer by 34%, is it scientific?

People with low immunity – Although garlic has a bactericidal effect, it can cause damage to the body if it is consumed in excess of those with low immunity. Therefore, it is better for these people to eat less garlic.

People with yin deficiency and fire - garlic is a warm food, and for people with yin deficiency and fire, eating too much garlic may aggravate symptoms, such as dry mouth, sore throat, etc.

How to eat garlic and how much is appropriate?

2~3 petals per day

Experts from the Beijing Institute of Cancer Prevention and Treatment reminded us that although garlic is good, it should not be excessive. Excessive consumption can stimulate gastric acid secretion and damage gastrointestinal health. Therefore, eating raw garlic every day should be controlled within 2~3 cloves.

Peking University's 22-year study: long-term garlic consumption reduces the risk of death from stomach cancer by 34%, is it scientific?

At the same time, we should also pay attention to cooking Xi. Garlic may lose some of its active ingredients when it is heated or salty during cooking.

In order to maximize the nutritional value of garlic, it is recommended that everyone eat garlic raw and mash it into a puree. Before eating, let the garlic paste sit at room temperature for 10 to 15 minutes to allow the alliin to fully combine with alliin to produce allicin, which can better exert its health care effects. Let's consume garlic scientifically and maintain good health.

Eating garlic like this does not leave a peculiar smell

The garlic flavor mainly comes from the sulfur compounds in garlic, which can cause an off-flavored odor when broken down in the mouth. Therefore, the key to reducing the taste of garlic is to reduce the intake of these compounds or speed up their breakdown.

An effective way to do this is to brush your teeth immediately after consuming garlic. Brushing your teeth removes sulfur compounds from your mouth, which reduces the residue of garlic odor. In addition, we can also use mouthwash or chewing gum to freshen our breath and further reduce the smell of garlic.

Peking University's 22-year study: long-term garlic consumption reduces the risk of death from stomach cancer by 34%, is it scientific?

In addition, we can also reduce the taste of garlic by adjusting the way we eat garlic. For example, mincing garlic and leaving it for a while to allow some of the sulfur compounds to evaporate before eating. Or when eating garlic, it can be combined with other ingredients, such as milk, bread, etc., which can absorb some of the sulfur compounds, thereby reducing the intensity of the garlic flavor.

In addition to this, we can also control the intensity of the garlic flavor from the source. For example, choose fresh garlic and avoid using expired or spoiled garlic. At the same time, eat garlic in moderation according to personal taste and avoid excessive intake of sulfur compounds.

In short, through these methods, we can effectively reduce the taste of garlic, so that you can enjoy the delicious taste without worrying about the embarrassment of your breath. Whether it's a family dinner or a gathering of friends, you'll be able to taste the deliciousness of garlic with more confidence.