
Experience Server 1.10 Update: Weakened "Tumor" for blood return, strengthened for Nezha/Chang'e, and weakened for Attack Speed Shoes

author:Jade Mask Small White Fox

The Honor of Kings experience server has been adjusted to 6 heroes in the early morning of January 10th, including Nezha greatly strengthened, Chang'e strengthened, Erin strengthened, Ji Xiaoman weakened, Yun Zhongjun weakened, and Haino weakened. The details are as follows:

Nezha is greatly strengthened: the base HP is reduced, the shield value and upper limit are greatly increased, the damage of skill 1 is reduced, and the ultimate target is locked and counted as an assist.

Experience Server 1.10 Update: Weakened "Tumor" for blood return, strengthened for Nezha/Chang'e, and weakened for Attack Speed Shoes

Chang'e Enhancement: The damage bonus when full blue is reduced, the early CD of skill 1 is reduced, the CD of skill 1 is increased, the damage of skill 1 is increased, the early CD of skill 2/3 is increased, the CD of skill 2 is reduced, the damage of skill 2 is slightly increased, the early damage of the ultimate is reduced, and the damage of the late stage is increased. In short, Chang'e's full blue damage decreases, and at other times, her damage increases, and the gap between the upper and lower limits narrows.

Experience Server 1.10 Update: Weakened "Tumor" for blood return, strengthened for Nezha/Chang'e, and weakened for Attack Speed Shoes

Erin Enhanced: The damage of the enhanced basic attack has been slightly increased.

Experience Server 1.10 Update: Weakened "Tumor" for blood return, strengthened for Nezha/Chang'e, and weakened for Attack Speed Shoes

Ji Xiaoman weakened: The base damage of the combo skill 1+1 is reduced, the proportional damage is reduced in the early stage, and increased in the later stage.

Experience Server 1.10 Update: Weakened "Tumor" for blood return, strengthened for Nezha/Chang'e, and weakened for Attack Speed Shoes

Cloud Jun Weakened: Skill 2's attack speed is reduced.

Experience Server 1.10 Update: Weakened "Tumor" for blood return, strengthened for Nezha/Chang'e, and weakened for Attack Speed Shoes

Haino Weakened: The range of melee 1 skills is reduced, and the recovery of 2 skills is reduced.

Experience Server 1.10 Update: Weakened "Tumor" for blood return, strengthened for Nezha/Chang'e, and weakened for Attack Speed Shoes

Attack Speed Boot Weakening: Attack speed is reduced, and passive health regeneration is reduced.

Experience Server 1.10 Update: Weakened "Tumor" for blood return, strengthened for Nezha/Chang'e, and weakened for Attack Speed Shoes

The above is the main content of this experience server update, in which Nezha's win rate in the official server has been at the bottom for a long time, and the ranked win rate is only 45.1%, and this significant strengthening is expected to return to normal levels. Secondly, although Haino is not particularly strong, but the flesh of Hainault is a nightmare for many players, and its candor is even higher than some of the front rows, and this nerf is mainly aimed at melee recovery and improving the opponent's experience. For more latest information on Honor of Kings, please pay attention to the jade-faced little white fox!