
Lead-acid batteries are safe and cheap, why do Mavericks and No. 9 choose lithium batteries? There are three main reasons

author:Those things about electric cars

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The battery is the core component of the electric vehicle, on the one hand, the battery is an indispensable accessory, on the other hand, the price of the battery accounts for more than 30% of the price of the whole vehicle, so people are very concerned about the battery of the electric vehicle. At present, the battery mainly uses lead-acid batteries and lithium batteries, of which lead-acid batteries are safe and cheap, why Mavericks, No. 9 high-end electric vehicles have chosen lithium batteries? There are three main reasons.

Lead-acid batteries are safe and cheap, why do Mavericks and No. 9 choose lithium batteries? There are three main reasons

Lead-acid batteries are cheap and safe

Lead-acid batteries have a history of hundreds of years and are used in different life scenarios, and this kind of battery has two very prominent advantages, that is, it is cheap and safe.

Lead-acid batteries are safe and cheap, why do Mavericks and No. 9 choose lithium batteries? There are three main reasons

The production process of lead-acid battery is relatively simple, and the cost of raw materials is relatively low, so the price is relatively cheap, and the reason for the raw materials of lead-acid batteries makes the battery very safe, and there will be no fire and explosion during use. Therefore, at present, about 70% of electric vehicles are still equipped with lead-acid batteries.

Why do Mavericks and No. 9 choose lithium batteries? There are three main reasons

The vast majority of electric vehicles choose lead-acid batteries, but the so-called high-end electric vehicles such as Mavericks and No. 9 are almost equipped with lithium batteries.

1. Maverick and No. 9 have advanced battery management system, which is safe and controllable

Although there are certain safety risks in lithium batteries, it does not mean that all lithium batteries are not safe, as long as the use of lithium batteries with quality assurance and the configuration of advanced battery management systems, the safety of lithium batteries is still controllable.

Lead-acid batteries are safe and cheap, why do Mavericks and No. 9 choose lithium batteries? There are three main reasons

Mavericks and No. 9 electric vehicles are equipped with a very advanced battery management system, which can monitor the battery in real time, and if there is overcharge, overdischarge, overheating, short circuit, etc., the battery management system will deal with it immediately to ensure the safety of users using the battery.

2. Mavericks and No. 9 have many intelligent functions and need more power support

As we all know, Maverick and No. 9 electric vehicles have many intelligent functions, and when using these intelligent functions, they need to be supported by electricity, so they need to be equipped with a larger capacity battery.

Lead-acid batteries are safe and cheap, why do Mavericks and No. 9 choose lithium batteries? There are three main reasons

However, the electric bicycle has a weight limit, so that the vehicle can not be equipped with a large-capacity lead-acid battery, otherwise it will be overweight, and the lithium battery has high energy density, light weight, and is very lightweight, so even if the large-capacity battery is configured, it will not be overweight.

Lead-acid batteries are safe and cheap, why do Mavericks and No. 9 choose lithium batteries? There are three main reasons

In the case of the configuration of large-capacity lithium batteries, Mavericks and No. 9 electric vehicles will still not be overweight, and all intelligent functions can be used normally, and they can also improve the mileage of electric vehicles, so they will choose to configure lithium batteries.

3. Maverick and No. 9 are positioned as high-end electric vehicles, and users are not sensitive to price and are more concerned about the black technology of electric vehicles

Mavericks, nine electric vehicles are mainly for young white-collar workers, this kind of people are not very sensitive to the price of electric vehicles, even if the price is higher, they can also accept, the key is to look at the performance of electric vehicles, appearance, black technology, if the appearance is high, strong performance, with personalized black technology, user groups spend more money.

Lead-acid batteries are safe and cheap, why do Mavericks and No. 9 choose lithium batteries? There are three main reasons

That is to say, although lead-acid batteries have a higher cost performance, the user groups of Maverick and No. 9 pay more attention to the performance and intelligent functions of electric vehicles, so they still choose lighter lithium batteries, which are more in line with the needs of user groups.


Lead-acid batteries are safe and cheap, why do Mavericks and No. 9 choose lithium batteries? There are three main reasons

Although the advantages of lead-acid batteries are more prominent, and there are certain safety hazards in lithium batteries, there are three main reasons why Mavericks and No. 9 electric vehicles still choose to use lithium batteries, namely the safety of lithium batteries is completely controllable, lithium batteries are lighter, and users value performance and intelligence more, so Mavericks and No. 9 choose lithium batteries instead of lead-acid batteries. So, what do you think about this?

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