
resigned from CCTV and turned to become an actor, his partner Sun Li became popular in acting, and won the actor at the age of 33

author:Poetic and entertaining

From CCTV host to actor: Gong Zheng's career change

resigned from CCTV and turned to become an actor, his partner Sun Li became popular in acting, and won the actor at the age of 33

Gong Zheng's transformation from a host to an actor was not all smooth sailing. After resigning from CCTV, he decided to regain his love for acting in college and stepped into a new world full of unknowns.

resigned from CCTV and turned to become an actor, his partner Sun Li became popular in acting, and won the actor at the age of 33

At the beginning of his new career, Gong Zheng didn't gain much, he could only receive some small roles, and everyone didn't have too high expectations for this newcomer from the TV industry. But Gong Zheng was not discouraged, on the contrary, he tried his best to hone his acting skills, studied each role in depth, and strived to break the preconceived notions.

resigned from CCTV and turned to become an actor, his partner Sun Li became popular in acting, and won the actor at the age of 33

Continuous efforts eventually paid off, and his wonderful performance in the drama "The Legend of Miyue" was impressive, and was hailed as a turning point in his career. Since then, more theatrical business opportunities have opened up to Gong Zheng, but he has always been careful to choose and not follow the crowd, which makes him enjoy a high reputation in the industry.

resigned from CCTV and turned to become an actor, his partner Sun Li became popular in acting, and won the actor at the age of 33

In 2020, he won the "Best Actor in a Drama Series at the China TV Drama Media Awards" for his excellent acting skills in the TV series "Yongya", which is ultimately a huge reward for his efforts on the road of new art, and it can also be said that he is a great achievement from host to actor.

resigned from CCTV and turned to become an actor, his partner Sun Li became popular in acting, and won the actor at the age of 33

became popular at the age of 33: Gong Zheng's actor achievements

The role of the ruling king in "Yongya" is undoubtedly a climax in Gong Zheng's career. This historical drama swept the country, and the image of King Ling played by Gong Zheng is also deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

resigned from CCTV and turned to become an actor, his partner Sun Li became popular in acting, and won the actor at the age of 33

He used superb performances to fully interpret this character full of wisdom and humanity, and fully integrated into this character from the details. At that time, Gong Zheng was 33 years old and in the prime of life, which represented the peak of his career as an actor.

resigned from CCTV and turned to become an actor, his partner Sun Li became popular in acting, and won the actor at the age of 33

To this day, every time they look back on this work, the audience can still feel the charm and dazzling performance of the character that Ling Junwang performed by him. The performance in other TV series is also excellent, but it is undoubtedly in "Yongya" that he really opened the climax of his career, and he also fully demonstrated his talent and achievements in performing arts as an actor, marking his success from the shackles of the TV host and shining an extraordinary and comparable light on the new stage.

resigned from CCTV and turned to become an actor, his partner Sun Li became popular in acting, and won the actor at the age of 33
resigned from CCTV and turned to become an actor, his partner Sun Li became popular in acting, and won the actor at the age of 33

The work was not going well, and he resolutely changed careers: Gong Zheng's career choice

Gong Zheng hosted a program with very high ratings during his work at CCTV, and his career reached its peak, but then the program was stopped due to adjustments, and the new program arranged for him did not match him well, and the ratings plummeted, which was undoubtedly a heavy blow to him. And the throbbing of performance in his heart has never been calm, which makes him enter a critical moment in his career and think deeply.

resigned from CCTV and turned to become an actor, his partner Sun Li became popular in acting, and won the actor at the age of 33

After experiencing a low period after that, Gong Zheng chose to resolutely change careers. It was undoubtedly a high-stakes decision, and he could be beaten back to square one, but he believed in his passion for acting.

resigned from CCTV and turned to become an actor, his partner Sun Li became popular in acting, and won the actor at the age of 33

He made up his mind to enter the Central Academy of Drama for further study and start over, which required great courage and courage, and also showed his dedication to his career and ideals. It is this perseverance and courage that has supported him to achieve glory on a new path.

resigned from CCTV and turned to become an actor, his partner Sun Li became popular in acting, and won the actor at the age of 33
resigned from CCTV and turned to become an actor, his partner Sun Li became popular in acting, and won the actor at the age of 33

A heart that is unwilling to be ordinary: Gong Zheng's growth background

Gong Zheng was born in an ordinary family in Jiangxi, and his growth process was smooth and smooth, but he has always been fascinated by the glamorous and colorful walk on the big stage. In college, he came into contact with hosting and acting, and since then he has ignited an unusual fire in his heart.

resigned from CCTV and turned to become an actor, his partner Sun Li became popular in acting, and won the actor at the age of 33

Academically excellent, he could have chosen a more secure job, but he longed for higher and farther goals. After graduation, he chose to get involved in the risky TV circle, and successfully took root in Jiangxi TV with his appearance and talent.

resigned from CCTV and turned to become an actor, his partner Sun Li became popular in acting, and won the actor at the age of 33

Then, he resolutely chose to try himself in the bigger world of CCTV. The step-by-step efforts and choices show that Gong Zheng's deep yearning for brightness drives him to take bigger steps.

resigned from CCTV and turned to become an actor, his partner Sun Li became popular in acting, and won the actor at the age of 33

It is this ambitious and unwilling heart that supports him to shine today.

Accidental acting experience: Gong Zheng's first contact with acting

resigned from CCTV and turned to become an actor, his partner Sun Li became popular in acting, and won the actor at the age of 33

When Gong Zheng was in college, he accidentally came into contact with the magical charm of acting. It was 2003, and he participated in the "New Student Gathering" performance held by the school as a student, and was temporarily arranged to play a small role in a small crew. It was an unprecedented experience for him, and he was fascinated by the excitement and sense of accomplishment of standing on stage and feeling the applause of the audience.

resigned from CCTV and turned to become an actor, his partner Sun Li became popular in acting, and won the actor at the age of 33

Although Gong Zheng had already made up his mind to choose the path of host, that performance left an indelible impression on him. He still remembers the passion and sense of accomplishment he felt when he stepped into the role, and he was drawn to the experience of taking someone else's life. From then on, no matter in between hosting, he would secretly think about how wonderful it would be if he could really become an actor one day.

resigned from CCTV and turned to become an actor, his partner Sun Li became popular in acting, and won the actor at the age of 33

That experience seemed to foreshadow future changes. When facing professional difficulties, Gong Zheng has always remembered every detail of participating in the "New Life Exchange". Looking back on that acting experience hidden deep in his memory, he believes that if he wants to grow, he must make bold breakthroughs, can no longer stay in his comfort zone, and can only start again by challenging himself. So, he made up his mind and chose a new path.

resigned from CCTV and turned to become an actor, his partner Sun Li became popular in acting, and won the actor at the age of 33

Conclusion: Gong Zheng's efforts and achievements

Since then, Gong Zheng has devoted himself to the Xi of his acting career. He resolutely applied for the Central Academy of Drama, where he was absorbed in learning Xi acting skills like an apprentice in pursuit of truth. From body language to voice control, there's nothing he doesn't strive for. For the purpose of program review, he often conducts interpretation Xi in front of the audience.

resigned from CCTV and turned to become an actor, his partner Sun Li became popular in acting, and won the actor at the age of 33

Life can't stand still, and Gong Zheng showed us this with his own experience. Only by constantly learning and Xi and growing, can we find our most brilliant moment in this complex and changing art stage.

resigned from CCTV and turned to become an actor, his partner Sun Li became popular in acting, and won the actor at the age of 33

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