
Yang Qi is the best medicine in the world, teach you three super fierce prescriptions to replenish yang, sweeping the cold and dampness all over the body!

author:Dr. Hou Wenjie of traditional Chinese medicine

Yang Qi is like the sun, warming our limbs, meridians, muscles, and organs; moreover, when the body's Yang Qi is sufficient, it is equivalent to putting a warm cover on the body, resisting the invasion of external evils, and not getting sick easily.

Today, I will share with you three super strong prescriptions for supplementing yang, sweeping the whole body inside and out! First of all, the first one is Guizhi aconite soup.

Yang Qi is the best medicine in the world, teach you three super fierce prescriptions to replenish yang, sweeping the cold and dampness all over the body!

It comes from the hand of the medical saint Zhang Zhongjing, if the yang qi in the body is insufficient, coupled with the body by the wind and cold evil qi, it is easy to have chest tightness and chest pain, cold limbs, cough and diarrhea. The tongue is pale and white, and the tongue coating is white and greasy, which is caused by yang deficiency and is not solid outside, and the cinnamon branches, aconite, and ginger in it can not only warm the yang and dispel the cold, but also dispel wind and dampness, so we can refer to it.

Yang Qi is the best medicine in the world, teach you three super fierce prescriptions to replenish yang, sweeping the cold and dampness all over the body!

The second is the real martial arts. In addition to the effect of warming and yang, the strength of the water is also very good. Because after yang deficiency, the moisture in the body cannot be evaporated, and it is particularly easy to accumulate a large amount in the body, resulting in body swelling, frequent urination, urgency, listlessness, dizziness and other conditions. The traditional Chinese medicine such as aconite, poria, and atractylodes in Zhenwu soup can not only warm and replenish yang qi, but also strengthen the spleen and promote dampness, and discharge the moisture in the body through urine, so if the dampness in the body is serious, you can refer to it to distinguish the syndrome or add or subtract.

Yang Qi is the best medicine in the world, teach you three super fierce prescriptions to replenish yang, sweeping the cold and dampness all over the body!

The third four-reverse soup, although it only has 3 flavors of medicinal herbs, but the strength of dispelling cold and dampness is not as good as the first two, but it is very strong in tonifying kidney yang. When the loss of kidney yang reaches a certain extent, it is easy to appear afraid of cold and cold, cold hands and feet, pale face, mental dissipation, etc., at this time, the combination of aconite, dried ginger and boiled licorice will play a role, warm and replenish the yuan yang, break the yin and cold, return to the yang to save the adversity, and quickly replenish the defective yang qi.

Yang Qi is the best medicine in the world, teach you three super fierce prescriptions to replenish yang, sweeping the cold and dampness all over the body!

However, it should be noted that these three recipes have aconite in them, so you must not blindly follow the trend of medication, and must use it under the guidance of a professional doctor.