
After the blood sugar rises, follow these 3 steps to adjust, and it will come down quickly


Even people who have consistently controlled their blood sugar well may experience elevated blood sugar. In addition, the weather is volatile, and the temperature fluctuates from high to low, and the patient's blood sugar is also very prone to fluctuations.

After the blood sugar rises, follow these 3 steps to adjust, and it will come down quickly

When you find that your blood sugar is elevated, you can follow these 3 steps to adjust it first, and you may be able to lower your blood sugar soon!

Step 1: Adjust your diet

Diet is the foundation of blood sugar reduction, and once the foundation is laid, it is not difficult to control blood sugar.

There are 4 principles to be followed in the diet: miscellaneous, light, vegetarian and simple.

Miscellaneous: The richer the daily intake of food, the more conducive to sugar control, it is best to eat more than 15 kinds of food every day, and at least 25 kinds of food per week.

Light: The daily diet should be as light as possible, with less salt, less sugar, and less oil, and it is best to choose steaming, boiling, and stewing cooking methods.

Vegetarian: Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, eat less greasy food, and choose less fatty meats such as fish, shrimp, and lean meat to supplement the protein needed by the body.

Jane: The simpler the processing of the ingredients, the better, if the cooking is too fine, it is not conducive to sugar control.

After the blood sugar rises, follow these 3 steps to adjust, and it will come down quickly

Step 2: Adjust the movement

On the basis of adjusting the diet, with regular exercise, can achieve a good sugar control effect.

Exercise time: Ensure at least 150 minutes of exercise per week, which can be divided into 5 days, exercise for 30 minutes a day, and it is best to keep exercising every day.

Exercise intensity: Moderate-intensity aerobic exercise is best for sugar control. When exercising, it is necessary to sweat slightly, feel a little laborious but still be able to speak, and do what you can, especially for patients who have no exercise Xi, and gradually increase the amount of exercise.

After the blood sugar rises, follow these 3 steps to adjust, and it will come down quickly

Step 3: Adjust your sleep

Good sleep is just as important to people with type 2 diabetes as diet and exercise, and if you don't sleep well, it can trigger high blood sugar in the morning.

If you want to have a good night's sleep, you must first ensure a regular work and rest, and go to bed and wake up at a fixed time every day, and weekends are no exception.

Before going to bed, you should create a quiet, comfortable sleeping environment, listen to some soothing music, or read a book for 10 minutes to slowly relax and gradually fall asleep.

It is important to note that before going to bed, avoid stimulant drinks such as coffee and strong tea, avoid strenuous exercise, do not watch TV programs that may cause excitement, and do not play with mobile phones.

After the blood sugar rises, follow these 3 steps to adjust, and it will come down quickly

In general, after the first 3 steps, most patients' blood sugar can return to stability. If your blood sugar hasn't dropped to the ideal range, you should see your doctor for help.