
I'd rather rot in my stomach than say 3 things to my children, parents should keep in mind!

author:Talk about who the ceiling loves

His wife, Liu Xiaomei, is still busy with tedious housework every day, but she has developed a strong curiosity and love for the magical object of the Heart Stone. She often couldn't help but stop and stare deeply at the dark and mysterious stone as she walked past the door of the study. She longed to know what it would be like to be able to talk inward and reveal the feelings hidden in her heart.

I'd rather rot in my stomach than say 3 things to my children, parents should keep in mind!

Finally, on a quiet and peaceful night, she could no longer hold back the urge in her heart. At that time, her husband Zhao Jun was sorting out work documents in the study, and Liu Xiaomei quietly entered the study, quietly picked up the heart stone, and gently touched its smooth surface with her slender fingertips. Then, she closed her eyes slightly and prayed silently: "As long as I can express my true feelings, I hope to understand the whole picture of Zhao Jun's inner world." ”

I'd rather rot in my stomach than say 3 things to my children, parents should keep in mind!

It was at this moment that a miraculous change befell the depths of her soul. Liu Xiaomei seemed to feel some kind of awakened mission, and a warm power surged in her body. When she opened her eyes, she was greeted by a vivid picture of Zhao Jun chatting with his colleagues in a bustling business place, and at this moment, he looked vulnerable and lonely due to excessive fatigue. At this moment, Liu Xiaomei suddenly realized that she deeply blamed herself for being too subjective and misunderstanding Zhao Jun's living conditions. She didn't ask him fiercely, but quietly made him a cup of hot tea, walked into the study gently, then put the tea in the cup on the desk, and asked softly: "Zhao Jun, what are the problems or concerns that bother you? We can discuss them together, and maybe we can find a solution." ”

I'd rather rot in my stomach than say 3 things to my children, parents should keep in mind!

On a quiet night, Zhao Jun seemed to have mustered up great courage and wanted to pour out the secrets that had been hidden in his heart for many years. This secret was like a heavy shackle, firmly binding his already tired mind. He understands that the only way to repair a marriage that has long been fractured is to face the truth. Before the words were decided, Liu Xiaomei suddenly spoke, with an unconcealable sadness in her voice: "I already know your secret, and you have the figure of that lady in your heart." This unexpected news made Zhao Jun feel shocked. He stared at Liu Xiaomei in confusion, trying to find an answer. "How do you know this?" he said, with confusion and caution in his tone.

I'd rather rot in my stomach than say 3 things to my children, parents should keep in mind!

Liu Xiaomei smiled bitterly and began to tell the story of the long-sealed past: "A few years ago, I obtained a Heart Speech Stone from someone else. In order to maintain the harmony of the family, I chose silence. As time went on, even though our marriage seemed to be happy, there was always an indescribable sense of vacancy in our hearts. She finally couldn't suppress the pain in her heart, but the tears quietly fell. In the face of all this, the husband and wife fell into endless silence, but they both understood each other's intentions. This secret brings them only boundless pain, but it also prompts them to begin to realize that both of them are trying to escape from the cruel reality they don't want to face in their daily interactions. In order to save this marriage from breaking down, they inevitably have to face the shadows of the past and be honest with each other about their true feelings.

I'd rather rot in my stomach than say 3 things to my children, parents should keep in mind!

After a deep conversation, the couple finally untied the knot and regained the passion they had when they first met. They abandoned their secrets, no longer keeping a secret from the mysterious object called the "Heart Stone", and began to actively share their innermost feelings. They opened the closed doors of their hearts and began to tolerate and understand each other. Marriage is undoubtedly a long-term process that lasts for years or even decades, and it is full of countless difficulties and obstacles. However, it is during this long journey that the importance of being honest with each other has become more and more prominent. Only when couples are sincere with each other can they work together to deal with the challenges and dilemmas they face in life. As parents, we should cherish and remember this teaching even more, so that the shadow of the past does not block the path to happiness for the whole family.

I'd rather rot in my stomach than say 3 things to my children, parents should keep in mind!

That night, Wang Jun and Li Mei resolutely decided to confess the secret of the "Heart Stone" to their children. Although this secret had caused them great mental torment, they no longer had to carry this heavy burden. They expect the child to understand and accept this fact, which in turn will lead to greater synergy as a family. However, when the children heard the story, they reacted with a surprising serenity and calmness. It turns out that long before their parents tell them, children are aware of the subtle changes that lie in their parents' relationship. They simply chose to play the ignorant in an empathetic way, so that they could give their parents more time and space to deal with their own emotional distress. In fact, this secret has become a godsend for them to grow together.

I'd rather rot in my stomach than say 3 things to my children, parents should keep in mind!

Children are well versed in tolerance and understanding, and they know that their parents are ordinary people, each with their own pasts and pains that cannot be easily expressed. They learned from their parents' personal experiences how to be inclusive and supportive. This secret, which could have been divisive, ended up bringing the whole family closer together because of their openness, and they were all interdependent and supportive of each other. Now, they no longer hide the truth from each other, nor do they silently endure the pain in their hearts in order to protect each other. On the contrary, they face problems head-on with an open heart and use the power of understanding to resolve conflicts. Although there will still be ups and downs in this journey, they have found the motivation to forge ahead together.

I'd rather rot in my stomach than say 3 things to my children, parents should keep in mind!

Since then, Wang Jun and Li Mei have decided to stop avoiding reality and bravely tackle every challenge in their lives. As a result, their families have become more harmonious and welcoming. After unloading the burden in their hearts, they began to participate in various family activities together with a more positive attitude, and witnessed the growth of their children together. Wang Jun used to be a collector of stones, but after this change, he turned his attention to his home. He came to realize that spending more time with his family was better than any priceless jewel in the world. On weekends, Wang Jun always takes the children and Li Mei to the park for a holiday, or to take care of household chores together. He devoted himself to observing the growth of the children, and thus saw the deep love and endless trust in the clear and bright eyes of the children. The happiness and satisfaction that comes from the family has long surpassed the satisfaction that comes with any precious collection.

I'd rather rot in my stomach than say 3 things to my children, parents should keep in mind!

Li Mei also began to be interested in understanding her husband's interests and hobbies, and actively integrated into them. She and Wang Jun visited a well-known stone museum and Xi learned a rich and diverse knowledge of collecting stones. Li Mei began to view Wang Jun's obsessive behavior in a more friendly and tolerant manner, and she did her best to understand the enthusiasm that overflowed in his unique inner world. Sometimes, she would even take out a few of her favorite stones to share with Wang Jun to taste the deep pleasure together. This spirit of selfless dedication made Wang Jun feel a strong warmth, and he deeply realized how honored he was to be able to meet such a partner who shared adversity and suffering.

I'd rather rot in my stomach than say 3 things to my children, parents should keep in mind!

They fully experience happiness in the process of companionship and understanding of each other, and find that life is bound to change for the better as long as both parties are willing to work hard for each other's happiness. In this atmosphere of mutual support and love, they find true satisfaction and happiness. At this moment, they no longer choose to escape, but work together towards a clearer and firmer direction, and work hard for their future lives. This change has not only helped to improve their family harmony, but also created an exemplary image for the children.

I'd rather rot in my stomach than say 3 things to my children, parents should keep in mind!

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