
One of the most damaging drinks can cause cancer in a serious way? Many people drink it every day

author:Doctor Speaks Class

It is widely believed that alcohol consumption damages the liver, but it is worth noting that the incidence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is quietly increasing and becoming one of the most prevalent chronic liver diseases in the world. According to the Lancet report, about 25% of the global population has NAFLD, a condition that is closely linked to cirrhosis and liver cancer. Obesity and insulin resistance are now widely recognized as major risk factors for this condition. However, a growing body of research suggests that the consumption of sweetened beverages is also a significant contributor to liver damage.

One of the most damaging drinks can cause cancer in a serious way? Many people drink it every day

This kind of "liver-damaging water" advises you to drink less

Recently, the medical journal Nutrients published a study revealing the effects of sugar-sweetened beverages on liver health. Studies have shown that people who consume sugar-sweetened beverages frequently have a 60% higher risk of fatty liver disease than those who do not consume such beverages. Surprisingly, replacing sugar-sweetened beverages with those containing artificial sweeteners does not reduce this risk. In fact, the risk of fatty liver disease increased to 78% in people who consumed artificially sweetened beverages, and to 94% when they consumed beverages with different artificial sweeteners.

One of the most damaging drinks can cause cancer in a serious way? Many people drink it every day

On the market, many beverages that are advertised as "sugar-free" actually contain sweeteners such as erythritol. Therefore, even if it is a "sugar-free" label, consumers need to choose carefully.

Researchers from Harvard Medical School published a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association in August 2023, showing that women who consume at least one sugar-sweetened beverage a day have an 85% increased risk of liver cancer and a 68% increased risk of death from chronic liver disease compared to those who consume little or no sugar-sweetened beverages. In addition to the effects on the liver, sugars and phosphates in sugar-sweetened beverages may also cause a loss of calcium, increasing the risk of kidney stones and urinary tract stones. Electrolytes, flavors, colours and preservatives in beverages may also burden the kidneys and impair kidney function.

Although sugary and sugar-substituted beverages are pleasant on the palate, the health effects on the liver and kidneys should not be underestimated. Consumers are advised to drink in moderation and pay attention to their health.

01 Tooth erosion

The original text tells how sweetened drinks can cause tooth damage. We can highlight the natural human love for sweets and point out the dangers of high sugar and acidic components in carbonated drinks. For example, highlight how the acidic environment of carbonated beverages can accelerate the wear and tear of tooth enamel, which in turn can lead to tooth decay. We can also mention that the sugar in the drink is metabolized by oral bacteria, which produces more corrosive acids that can aggravate tooth damage.

02 Obesity

Regarding obesity, we can elaborate on how the high calories in a bottle of carbonated drinks equate to the energy of half a meal. Emphasize the effect of this drink on sugar and fat accumulation, especially without increasing satiety.

One of the most damaging drinks can cause cancer in a serious way? Many people drink it every day

03 Risk of gout

When discussing gout, we can highlight how the high fructose syrup content in carbonated drinks promotes uric acid production, while potentially triggering insulin resistance and reducing uric acid excretion rates, thereby increasing the risk of gout.

04 Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

For cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, we can talk about the link between the high sugar content of carbonated drinks and obesity, and how obesity is a major cause of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. The adverse effects of long-term consumption of carbonated beverages on blood glucose and blood lipid metabolism are emphasized.

One of the most damaging drinks can cause cancer in a serious way? Many people drink it every day

05 Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

Finally, we can explore the pathogenesis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), especially the role of carbonated beverages. In addition to obesity and insulin resistance, highlight how sweetened beverages contribute to NAFLD, and its potential threat to liver health.

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