
Dream chasing personally revealed the ban: Xiao Hua refused to retire Kerr cried in the yard and figured out Durant's evaluation

Dream chasing personally revealed the ban: Xiao Hua refused to retire Kerr cried in the yard and figured out Durant's evaluation

After being banned for 12 games, the Dream Chaser, who lost $1,847,291, returned to the Warriors, and the Dream Chaser after his return naturally became the focus of attention from fans and the media.

Dream chasing personally revealed the ban: Xiao Hua refused to retire Kerr cried in the yard and figured out Durant's evaluation

Dream chasing: Xiao Hua refused my retirement

In the latest episode of the "Dream Show" podcast, Dream revealed his conversation with Xiao Hua during the ban.

Dream chasing told Xiao Hua that the ban was too difficult for him, and he wanted to retire. Xiao Hua said: "You made a very hasty decision, I won't let you do it." For this, Dream Chasing thanked Xiao Hua and said that a leader like Xiao Hua is not hurting you or punishing you, but caring about you.

In addition, Dream also revealed that James also encouraged himself during this period, according to TMZ's previous report, Dream Chase participated in James's 39th birthday party during the ban.

Dream chasing personally revealed the ban: Xiao Hua refused to retire Kerr cried in the yard and figured out Durant's evaluation

Dreamcatcher: Cole came to my house and cried

When chasing dreams about coach Cole, he said that during his ban, Cole came to his home to visit him after training, and the two sat in the yard, he cried, and he cried.

Dream Chaser bluntly said that there is an emotional bond between the two, this bond is everything, whether he is standing on the top of the mountain or at the bottom of the valley, he hopes that he can have a good ending.

Dream chasing personally revealed the ban: Xiao Hua refused to retire Kerr cried in the yard and figured out Durant's evaluation

Dream Chasing: I want to understand Durant's evaluation

After the suspension of Dream Chasing, Durant talked about this topic in an interview and said publicly: "I understand Dream Chasing, when I am around him, he is not like that, and I hope he can get the help he needs to get back on the court." ”

Dream Chaser said that he repeatedly reviewed Durant's speech, at first he didn't understand what the other party meant, but then he figured it out, Durant admitted that he was showing his true self to the world.

I don't think about it in a bad direction, and when I think about it, I feel very proud because it proves that I am ready to grow and take another step in the right direction.

Dream chasing personally revealed the ban: Xiao Hua refused to retire Kerr cried in the yard and figured out Durant's evaluation

Dream Chasing: Mother receives death threats

Dream Chaser bluntly regretted it on the show, the ban brought great pain to himself, and even his wife, children and parents were embarrassed by it, and his mother also received death threats.

Dream chasing personally revealed the ban: Xiao Hua refused to retire Kerr cried in the yard and figured out Durant's evaluation

Dreamcatcher: Curry was devastated by the criticism I was in

Dream said that the thing that broke me the most during the suspension was that A Smith criticized Curry as a bad leader, and he was criticized for his actions, which made him very broken and guilty.

He needs to apologize publicly to Curry, and he has been communicating with him throughout the suspension and accompanying him through the difficult time.

Dream chasing personally revealed the ban: Xiao Hua refused to retire Kerr cried in the yard and figured out Durant's evaluation

Dream Chaser: No more antics but no change in play

Dream Chaser apologized to the Warriors, the NBA, his family, himself and his partners one by one on the show, thinking that he had disappointed everyone, and that he would be the original Draymond again, and would not do those funny acts again, but he would not change his style of play, just like a leopard would not erase its spots.

After the show, Dream Chaser also released another social media public apology.

Dream chasing personally revealed the ban: Xiao Hua refused to retire Kerr cried in the yard and figured out Durant's evaluation

It is worth mentioning that TheVolumeSports, a digital media platform, just announced that it had reached a multi-year contract renewal with Dream Chaser before apologizing, and Dream Chaser's voice in this issue is its latest episode of the program "Dream Chaser Show".

Dream chasing personally revealed the ban: Xiao Hua refused to retire Kerr cried in the yard and figured out Durant's evaluation

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