
To treat diabetes, first "extinguish" the false fire in the body, and blood sugar will naturally come down!

author:Professor Fang Zhihui for sugar control and drug withdrawal

Diabetes mellitus is based on "yin deficiency and heat and dryness". In fact, it is a "false fire" in the body of diabetic patients, because the false fire burns the fluid, causing diabetic patients to have a dry mouth, thirst, and drink more and uria.

To treat diabetes, first "extinguish" the false fire in the body, and blood sugar will naturally come down!

Because this "false fire" in the body has been burning, with the prolongation of the course of diabetes, it leads to yin damage and yang, weak flow of qi and blood, resulting in blood stasis and internal resistance, and then various complications will follow. Next, let's take a look at the experience of this sugar friend. See how traditional Chinese medicine "extinguishes" the false fire in the body and returns blood sugar and other indicators to normal.

To treat diabetes, first "extinguish" the false fire in the body, and blood sugar will naturally come down!

Share a case study

Mr. Wu, 54 years old, has a history of diabetes for 6 years. Although he has been diagnosed with diabetes for so many years, Mr. Wu has never received formal treatment. For a long time, I have been buying some Chinese patent medicines to eat, and the medication is also very irregular. Blood sugar control is unstable, high, and high blood pressure.

To treat diabetes, first "extinguish" the false fire in the body, and blood sugar will naturally come down!
Immediate: lightheadedness, irritability, insomnia, excessive sweating. The pulse is stringy and thin, and the face is red. Fasting blood glucose 17.4mmol/L.

Why does diabetes worsen after taking proprietary Chinese medicine?

Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to syndrome differentiation and treatment, no matter what kind of disease, it is necessary to use medication after syndrome differentiation according to the pathogenesis and constitution of each patient. However, Chinese patent medicine is not a prescription drug, and not all diabetic patients can alleviate their condition and lower blood sugar after taking it. Because Mr. Wu self-medicated, and the medication was irregular. As the course of the disease prolongs, diabetes worsens and complications come.

To treat diabetes, first "extinguish" the false fire in the body, and blood sugar will naturally come down!


Nansha ginseng, asparagus, wheat winter, smallpox pollen, raw land, polygonatum japonica, dendrobium, yam, schisandra, wolfberry, mangrove meat, raspberry. Water decoction. Note: Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to one person, so the dosage is not marked.

To treat diabetes, first "extinguish" the false fire in the body, and blood sugar will naturally come down!


Under the premise of following the doctor's instructions, after taking 10 doses, the symptoms of polydipsia and polyuria were significantly reduced, and the blood pressure was also lowered. On the basis of the original formula, continue to take 15 doses with the positive addition and subtraction. The above symptoms are gone, and the blood sugar and blood pressure indicators are normal.

To treat diabetes, first "extinguish" the false fire in the body, and blood sugar will naturally come down!


Fangzhong uses Nansha ginseng to clear the lungs and nourish the lungs and yin. Wheat winter and asparagus nourish the lungs and yin, moisten the lungs and dry, and clear the lungs and heat. Smallpox pollen clears away heat and quenches thirst. The raw land clears heat and cools the blood, nourishes the yin and nourishes the body. Yuzhu nourishes yin and moistens dryness, and quenches thirst. Dendrobium nourishes yin and clears heat, nourishes and nourishes the stomach. Yam nourishes the spleen and stomach. Schisandra nourishes the lungs and kidneys. Goji berries nourish the liver and kidneys, and benefit the eyes. Yamagi meat is not easy to dry, astringent and antiperspirant. Raspberry is good for the kidneys and urine, nourishing the liver and brightening the eyes.

To treat diabetes, first "extinguish" the false fire in the body, and blood sugar will naturally come down!

If you have diabetes problems, click on the parentheses [Online Appointment-Form-Golden Data] to talk about your situation, and guide after syndrome differentiation.