
Adults and children have been hit one after another! Some people said: "It hurts to the crack of the bone", and the doctor warned——

author:Poster News

Following the A flu

The second stream has also attracted public attention


have left messages saying that they have "been recruited"

Adults and children have been hit one after another! Some people said: "It hurts to the crack of the bone", and the doctor warned——
Adults and children have been hit one after another! Some people said: "It hurts to the crack of the bone", and the doctor warned——

The proportion of B stream continued to rise

Influenza A is still predominant

According to the Health Times, the reporter combed through the weekly data of the National Influenza Center and found that the current flu is still dominated by influenza A (type A), accounting for 64.5% of the positive numbers. It is worth noting that the proportion of influenza B has been on the rise for nine consecutive weeks in the north, from 4.2% in the 44th week to 47.3% in the 52nd week, and in the south, it has increased for six consecutive weeks, from 11.6% in the 47th week to 26.4% in the 52nd week, and the proportion of influenza B in the country has increased for six consecutive weeks.

Adults and children have been hit one after another! Some people said: "It hurts to the crack of the bone", and the doctor warned——

There has been an increase in the number of children infected with influenza B

Some netizens said that "it hurts in the cracks of the bones"

According to reports, Li Ran, deputy chief physician of the Department of Infection and Clinical Microbiology of Beijing Chaoyang Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University, said that the number of patients with influenza A has decreased relatively compared with some time ago, while the number of patients with influenza B has increased slightly.

On January 4, Niu Bo, deputy director of the respiratory department of Hebei Provincial Children's Hospital, also said, "Recently, among the children who have been admitted to the hospital, the main ones are adenovirus, influenza B and respiratory syncytial virus infection, and the number of children infected with influenza B has indeed increased." ”

On social media, a patient said, "Yiliu is the king of kings, and his whole body hurts to the point that he has a pain in the cracks of his bones." Some patients said that they could have a high fever overnight. Li Ran said that from the perspective of clinical manifestations, the symptoms of influenza B will be slightly milder than that of influenza A, but there will also be fever, body aches, sore throat, cough and other symptoms.

Adults and children have been hit one after another! Some people said: "It hurts to the crack of the bone", and the doctor warned——

What are the symptoms of influenza B?

Influenza (influenza for short) is an acute respiratory infection caused by influenza viruses. Influenza viruses can be divided into three types: A (A), B (B), and C (C). Influenza B (influenza B) is an influenza type B (B) virus.

The incubation period of influenza B is mostly 1~4 days.

Infected children often have fever (body temperature up to 39 °C ~ 40 °C), headache, muscle aches, general weakness, loss of appetite and other systemic symptoms, accompanied by cough, sputum, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat and other respiratory symptoms. Gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea are more pronounced than those of influenza A. Sick children are mainly concentrated in the school-age stage, and most of them are infected in clusters, and children in the younger age group are mainly infected by other family members because of the limited place of activity.

Doctor: Don't worry too much

The probability of an outbreak of influenza B is low

Li Tong, chief physician of the Department of Infectious Diseases of Beijing You'an Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University, once said in an interview: "Relatively speaking, influenza A is more likely to cause a high incidence of influenza cases and spreads faster, while influenza B has a low probability of outbreak and relatively slow transmission. ”

Although the symptoms of influenza B are slightly milder than those of influenza A, children are more likely to have gastrointestinal symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea, and the treatment is the same.

Adults and children have been hit one after another! Some people said: "It hurts to the crack of the bone", and the doctor warned——

Doctor's Warning:

Don't put off 2 things after being infected with B flu!

What should I do if I am accidentally infected with influenza B? Many doctors have reminded that there are two things not to delay after being infected with influenza B!

1. Take anti-influenza medication as soon as possible and don't delay

Hu Yang, deputy chief physician of the respiratory department of Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital affiliated to Tongji University, reminded that there is no difference between influenza B and influenza A in treatment, mainly with anti-influenza drugs, which can shorten the course of the disease. Take the medicine as soon as possible, if you take the medicine late, you will either get better, or it will become serious, and the effect will be greatly reduced.

Li Ran reminded that for patients with underlying lung diseases or immunodeficiency, diabetic patients, obese patients, pregnant women, including dialysis patients, it is recommended to go to the hospital as soon as possible.

2. Be sure to rest in time and don't procrastinate

In December 2023, a 14-year-old influenza B patient admitted to the First People's Hospital of Hangzhou, Zhejiang, in just over a month, she "took turns" with mycoplasma pneumonia, influenza A, and influenza B. Doctors said that repeated infections with mycoplasma, influenza A, and influenza B in a short period of time are related to low immunity and lack of recovery and rest.

Source: Beijing Daily Comprehensive Health Times,, Beijing Daily previously reported