
If you have this action at the wine table, the leader will never promote you, so take it as a warning!

author:Serena Williams said things

In business networking, performance at the wine table can have a significant impact on career development. However, there are some actions that, if presented at the wine table, can lead to a negative perception of your career development by your leader. Today, we're going to talk about a drinking table action to be wary of, which can hinder your promotion.

In business networking, the wine table is an important place for people to interact with each other, build connections, and enhance relationships. Smart people will use this opportunity to demonstrate their abilities and interpersonal skills, leading to opportunities for promotion and career advancement. However, there are also some actions that can backfire and make a bad impression.

If you have this action at the wine table, the leader will never promote you, so take it as a warning!

Excessive alcohol consumption

In business networking, drinking can be part of socializing. However, if you drink excessively at the table to the point of losing control or exhibiting inappropriate behavior, this will leave a negative impression on the leader. Leaders want to see rationality and self-control at dinner with their peers, not drunken gaffes or inability to control their situation.

If you have this action at the wine table, the leader will never promote you, so take it as a warning!


Conversations at the wine table may become lighthearted and casual, but that doesn't mean you can make any comments or quit with professional politeness and ethics without restrictions. Gaffes, inappropriate remarks, or offensive remarks can make your supervisors and colleagues doubt your professionalism and can negatively impact your chances of promotion.

If you have this action at the wine table, the leader will never promote you, so take it as a warning!

Lack of proportion

At the wine table, proper drinking etiquette and interaction are very important. However, lack of proportionality often leaves a bad impression. For example, frequent toasting or forcing others to drink, demands that exceed the bounds of reason, or behavior that does not take into account the feelings of others may be seen as immature and disrespectful.


In business networking, performance at the wine table often has an impact on career development. Leaders want to see rationality, self-control, and professionalism at dinner with their peers. Therefore, avoid excessive drinking, gaffes, and lack of proportion. Instead, show maturity, confidence, and politeness, and build good workplace relationships through active participation and interaction.

We hope you find this inspiring and admonishing you. If you have other questions or ideas, please feel free to share them with us. We wish you success in your career!