
Long-term cold hands and feet are early warning signs of sub-health in the body! It may be yang deficiency and lack of qi and blood

author:Department of Urology, Dr. Li Kui

On a cold winter morning, Aunt Zhang, a 70-year-old retired teacher, sat in a warm living room with a cup of freshly brewed hot tea in her hand. Her home is full of warmth and comfort, but there is one thing that always bothers her - whether it is summer or winter, her hands and feet are always cold, as if they can never be warm. This not only affected her sleep quality, but even made her feel embarrassed and uncomfortable during some social activities.

For many middle-aged and elderly people, cold hands and feet are not an exception. It may be dismissed as a common phenomenon of old age, but in fact, this symptom may be a sub-health warning sign that the body is emitting. In TCM theory, long-term cold hands and feet are often associated with "yang deficiency" and "lack of qi and blood", which may be a manifestation of imbalance in the body's internal balance.

Long-term cold hands and feet are early warning signs of sub-health in the body! It may be yang deficiency and lack of qi and blood

The Mystery of the Cold: Why Are Your Hands and Feet Always Cold?

The body is like a precision machine, and each part is silently doing its job. When our hands and feet are cold, it is actually the two major systems of blood circulation and body temperature regulation that are sending signals to us. The hands and feet are the peripheral parts of the human body, and blood circulation here requires more energy and efficiency. If the circulation is not smooth, the blood cannot effectively convey warmth, and the hands and feet will naturally feel cold.

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, this phenomenon is usually associated with "yang deficiency" and "lack of qi and blood". Yang deficiency means that the body is not warm and energetic, while a lack of qi and blood implies an inadequate supply of the basic elements of life force—qi and blood. Studies have shown that yang deficiency and lack of qi and blood may slow down metabolism and affect blood circulation, which can make hands and feet more susceptible to cold.

For example, chronic diseases such as high blood pressure or diabetes often affect the health of blood vessels, blocking blood flow. This is why people with these conditions are more likely to experience cold hands and feet. In addition, lack of exercise is also a key factor. Exercise stimulates blood circulation, strengthens heart function, and helps deliver warmth to every corner of the body.

It's important to note that this coldness isn't just about feeling uncomfortable. Long-term cold hands and feet may indicate problems in the blood circulation system, which needs to be paid enough attention. Understanding the medical rationale behind this can help find the right solution to improve the quality of life and restore the body to the warmth and vitality it deserves.

Long-term cold hands and feet are early warning signs of sub-health in the body! It may be yang deficiency and lack of qi and blood

Revealing Body Signals: Self-Diagnosis of Cold Hands and Feet

Long-term cold hands and feet may not just be a small problem in life, but a health alert that the body is silently sending out. The first step in recognizing this signal is to observe the body's other reactions. In addition to the cold sensation in the hands and feet, it may also be accompanied by symptoms such as fatigue, decreased sleep quality, and memory loss. These can be signs of poor circulation or endocrine disorders.

In one study, more than 60% of people with cold hands and feet for a long time were found to have mild circulatory disorders during circulation-related tests. This data suggests that cold hands and feet should not be ignored.

In addition to observing other physical symptoms, some simple self-examination methods can be used to aid in diagnosis. For example, if your hands and feet don't warm up in a warm environment, or if you don't have a significant increase in temperature after light activity, this could be a sign of poor circulation. Similarly, if you find that your hands and feet are particularly cold at night, it may be due to the body's metabolism slowing down during the night and blood circulation weakening.

It's important to note that cold hands and feet can also be an early symptom of other health problems, such as hypothyroidism or diabetes. Therefore, if you feel cold hands and feet for a long time, especially if it is accompanied by other uncomfortable symptoms, you should consult a doctor for a comprehensive examination.

Long-term cold hands and feet are early warning signs of sub-health in the body! It may be yang deficiency and lack of qi and blood

Diet and lifestyle modifications: Simple changes to warm hands and feet

Adjust your diet: Warm from the inside out

Diet plays a key role in regulating body temperature and blood circulation. Choosing foods rich in iron and vitamins, such as lean meats, green leafy vegetables, and legumes, can help improve blood quality and circulation. For example, spinach and red meat are good sources of iron, while oranges and other citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C, which aids in iron absorption.

Especially in winter, increasing the intake of warm foods, such as ginger, green onions, and garlic, can effectively raise body temperature. A cup of warm ginger tea not only repels the cold, but also boosts blood circulation. At the same time, a moderate amount of nuts, such as walnuts and almonds, is also a great way to raise your body temperature, and they are rich in healthy fats and energy.

Lifestyle Improvements: Active body and warm limbs

In addition to diet, small lifestyle changes can make a difference. Light to moderate exercise, such as brisk walking or simple home fitness, can strengthen heart function, which can improve blood circulation and reduce cold hands and feet. Staying active for 30 minutes a day not only improves the health of your circulatory system, but also boosts your overall physical fitness.

Staying warm enough is also crucial. During the cold season, wearing appropriate clothing, especially warm socks and gloves, can prevent the temperature of your hands and feet from getting too low. At the same time, using a hot water bottle or electric blanket to warm up the bed before going to bed at night can effectively improve the feeling of coldness when you fall asleep.