
Eat more of this dish in winter, the calcium content is 10 times that of Chinese cabbage, nutritious and delicious, remember to stock up more

author:Cao County Rong Media Center
Eat more of this dish in winter, the calcium content is 10 times that of Chinese cabbage, nutritious and delicious, remember to stock up more

01. 荠菜

Capsule, rich in calcium, its calcium content is 10 times that of Chinese cabbage, calcium plays an important role in maintaining bone health, promoting blood clotting, etc., especially for children, adolescents and osteoporosis middle-aged and elderly people are more important, shepherd's cabbage is rich in carotene, is the precursor substance of the human body to synthesize vitamin A, vitamin A has a positive effect on protecting eyesight, promoting cell growth, and enhancing the immune system.

Capsule's cabbage is rich in protein, which is an important nutrient necessary for the human body to maintain normal physiological functions, and protein plays a key role in the repair of body tissues and the improvement of immunity.

The carbohydrates in Capsule, which is one of the main sources of energy for the body, can help provide the energy needed by the body to maintain normal life activities.

Eat more of this dish in winter, the calcium content is 10 times that of Chinese cabbage, nutritious and delicious, remember to stock up more

Rich in vitamin C, which has a strong antioxidant effect, vitamin C helps to slow down the aging process, promote wound healing, and at the same time enhance the immune system and prevent colds and other diseases.

02. How to preserve shepherd's cabbage

1. Cleaning and disposal

After picking the purses, it is first necessary to wash them thoroughly, put them in cold water, and gently scrub them to remove soil and impurities.

In particular, the root of the shepherd's cabbage can also be cleaned and eaten, because the pursued purse root is rich in nutrients, and then the cleaned pursed purse can be blanched in boiling water, boiled for 1 minute, and then quickly removed from the cool water to keep it tender in color and taste.

Eat more of this dish in winter, the calcium content is 10 times that of Chinese cabbage, nutritious and delicious, remember to stock up more

2. Cryopreservation

Put the processed shepherd's cabbage into a fresh-keeping bag or sealed container, ensure that the air in the bag is excluded as much as possible, reduce the oxidative effect of oxygen on the shepherd's cabbage, put the packaged shepherd's cabbage into the freezer, and use the cryopreservation method, and the frozen shepherd's cabbage can be stored in the refrigerator for several months, so that it is convenient to take it at any time.

3. Make the shepherd's cabbage dumplings

It is a delicious and convenient way to preserve the shepherd's cabbage, wash and chop the shepherd's cabbage, chop the dried beans, chop the carrots for later use, put the shepherd's cabbage, dried beans, carrots, and beaten eggs into a large bowl, add the appropriate amount of salt, oyster sauce, thirteen spices, stir well, and season to your liking.

Eat more of this dish in winter, the calcium content is 10 times that of Chinese cabbage, nutritious and delicious, remember to stock up more

Gradually add white flour, cornmeal, and buckwheat noodles to the filling, stir evenly until the dough is formed, and knead the prepared dough into small balls, the size can be based on personal preference, put the kneaded shepherd's cabbage dumplings into boiling water and cook, and remove them for later use after cooking.

Add an appropriate amount of cooking oil to the hot pan, fry the shepherd's cabbage dumplings until golden brown, add a crispy texture, after frying, decant off the excess oil, drip some sesame oil, and you can get out of the pot, the shepherd's cabbage dumplings can be eaten directly, or they can be paired with soy sauce, peanut butter and other seasonings, and enjoy according to personal taste.

4. Bottled marinate

Bottled pickled shepherd's cabbage is a traditional way to preserve shepherd's cabbage, wash the picked shepherd's cabbage, rinse the soil and impurities on the surface with clean water, control the water of the cleaned shepherd's cabbage, ensure that the moisture on the surface is minimized, take a clean glass bottle, wash it thoroughly and dry it. Make sure the bottle is dry inside and out.

Divide the cleaned shepherd's cabbage into segments suitable for the size of the bottle mouth, put them into the bottle layer by layer, put each layer of shepherd's cabbage, sprinkle an appropriate amount of salt, to ensure that each piece of shepherd's cabbage can be evenly salted, if you like more layers of taste, you can add a small amount of spices between each layer of shepherd's cabbage, such as star anise, cinnamon, etc., to add flavor.

Eat more of this dish in winter, the calcium content is 10 times that of Chinese cabbage, nutritious and delicious, remember to stock up more

Inject white vinegar or cooking oil into the bottle, making sure the shepherd's cabbage is completely soaked in the liquid. The acidity of white vinegar helps to keep the shepherd's cabbage fresh, while the cooking oil prevents air from entering the bottle, delays the oxidation of the shepherd's cabbage, closes the cap tightly to ensure a good seal, and the bottle can be wrapped in plastic wrap and then capped to ensure moisture-proof.

Place the pickled shepherd's cabbage bottle in a cool, dry place, the pickling time is usually about 2 weeks, you can adjust the pickling time according to your personal taste, after the pickling is completed, take out the shepherd's cabbage, cut it into palatable segments, it can be eaten, it can be used as a cold dish, with meals, or added to other dishes, to enhance the taste and flavor.

5. Dry and dry

Drying is another way to preserve shepherd's cabbage, which can keep it for a long time and maintain a certain taste, the following are the steps to make dried shepherd's cabbage:

Eat more of this dish in winter, the calcium content is 10 times that of Chinese cabbage, nutritious and delicious, remember to stock up more

Wash the picked shepherd's cabbage, rinse it with water to remove the dirt and impurities on the surface, and place the cleaned shepherd's cabbage in a well-ventilated place to let the excess water drip dry naturally.

Place the sorted shepherd's cabbage on the drying net, bamboo mat or gauze, ensure that there is a certain gap between the shepherd's cabbage, facilitate air circulation, and avoid exposure to strong sunlight in the process of drying the shepherd's cabbage, and choose a semi-cool, well-ventilated place to prevent the shepherd's cabbage from being sunburned and faded.

In the process of drying, turn the shepherd's cabbage regularly to ensure that each side of the shepherd's cabbage can be evenly winded, to avoid mildew, the drying time is determined according to the local temperature, humidity, it generally takes a few days to a week, when the shepherd's cabbage becomes dry, the feel becomes brittle, the drying is completed.

Put the dried shepherd's cabbage in an airtight container or a clean bag, make sure that no air enters when preserving, this helps to prevent the effect of moisture on the shepherd's cabbage, and the place where the shepherd's cabbage is stored should be kept away from moisture, preferably in a cool, dry environment to avoid mildew.

03. Summary

Through clever preservation and cooking, we can fully appreciate the unique charm of shepherd's cabbage throughout the winter, and the nutritional content of shepherd's cabbage is the embodiment of the homology of medicine and food, providing us with an opportunity to explore the way of health from our daily diet.

Source: Hebi Exploration

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