
Wild History: Before Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty died, he glanced at his concubine and sighed: It's so beautiful, let's die

author:Chen Shi's book

On the night before Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty died, the palace lights were dim, and only the low sound of crying echoed in the silent palace. On the sickbed, Emperor Wu of Han's face was pale, but his eyes flashed with an indescribable light. His gaze slowly moved to Mrs. Hook Yi, who was standing beside the bed, as beautiful as ever. This woman, who was once deeply favored by him, has now become a huge burden in his heart.

Wild History: Before Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty died, he glanced at his concubine and sighed: It's so beautiful, let's die

"It's so beautiful, let's die. This sentence, which was almost like a whisper, was gently spit out from the mouth of Emperor Wu of Han, but it shook everyone present like a thunderbolt from the sky. What are the complex emotions and helpless choices hidden behind this decision?

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and Liu Fuling: Father and son have a deep relationship

Wild History: Before Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty died, he glanced at his concubine and sighed: It's so beautiful, let's die

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, as a prominent emperor in the history of the Han Dynasty, was renowned for his outstanding statecraft and forward-looking vision. During his reign, he vigorously promoted reforms and made great efforts to make the Han Dynasty reach an unprecedented height. Among his many children, the attention to his youngest son, Liu Fuling, is particularly special.

Liu Fuling showed extraordinary intelligence from an early age, and his intelligence was very similar to the personality traits of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty when he was young, which made Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty have high hopes for him, hoping that he can inherit the throne and continue the Han family. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty would often mention Liu Fuling in the court, praising his wisdom and ability. He even said many times in private that Liu Fuling is the most like his many heirs.

Wild History: Before Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty died, he glanced at his concubine and sighed: It's so beautiful, let's die

But at the same time, Emperor Wu of Han was also deeply worried about Liu Fuling's future. He was worried that the young Liu Fuling would not be able to effectively control the court after his death, especially Mrs. Gouyi, the young master of the harem, who might take the opportunity to intervene in the court after his death and cause national turmoil. Therefore, he was always hesitant in his heart, not knowing whether he should make Liu Fuling the crown prince.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, who was well versed in the way of political art, chose a non-verbal way - art in order to clearly express his firm determination to appoint Liu Fuling as the crown prince. He summoned a famous painter in the palace and ordered him to paint a picture of the Duke of Zhou and the Cheng Dynasty meeting the princes. The painting was created not only to convey a clear message, but also to a profound political symbol.

Wild History: Before Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty died, he glanced at his concubine and sighed: It's so beautiful, let's die

This painting not only implies assisting the young lord, but also metaphorically hopes that the ministers of the DPRK and China can support the young Liu Fuling and maintain the stability of the country.

Zhou Gong became king: the deep meaning of a painting

After receiving this order, the painter was deeply impressed by its great historical significance. He knew that this painting was not only a work of art, but also a heavy political responsibility. Therefore, he carefully chose the layout and colors, and strived to make the work not only convey the intention of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, but also conform to the true emotion of the historical story.

Wild History: Before Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty died, he glanced at his concubine and sighed: It's so beautiful, let's die

On the canvas, the painter depicts the image of the Duke of Zhou with delicate brushstrokes. Duke Zhou's face looked kind and wise, and his eyes revealed his love and protection for King Cheng. King Cheng is painted with vitality, full of youthful vitality and longing for the future.

The contrasting but harmoniously integrated Zhou and Cheng princes symbolize the ideal interaction and cooperation between the young monarch and the experienced auxiliary ministers.

The surrounding princes were painted with their own distinctive figures, and they surrounded the Duke of Zhou and King Cheng with different expressions, but all showed their admiration for the Duke of Zhou and their support for King Cheng. The postures and expressions of these princes delicately show their expectations for the future young lord and their loyalty to the country.

Wild History: Before Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty died, he glanced at his concubine and sighed: It's so beautiful, let's die

After completing the painting, the painter was summoned to the imperial front of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Emperor Wu of Han carefully viewed the painting and expressed his appreciation for the artist's talent and deep understanding of his intentions. He ordered the painting to be hung in a prominent place in the court so that all visiting ministers could see it.

Subsequently, Emperor Wu of Han summoned the ministers of the court and showed them the painting. The ministers gathered around the painting and talked about it. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty stood in front of the painting and said to the ministers: "I want to take Fuling as the crown prince, do you have any objections?" The ministers looked at each other and bowed their heads in agreement. This painting became a consensus in their hearts, a self-evident decision.

Wild History: Before Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty died, he glanced at his concubine and sighed: It's so beautiful, let's die

The painting is not just a work of art, it is a symbol of a turning point in history. It conveys the unwavering determination of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, while also symbolizing the country's future that will continue to be stable and prosperous under the joint assistance of the young crown prince Liu Fuling and the ministers of the court.

After that, the painting hung on the court for a long time and became an unshakable belief in the hearts of all ministers. Whenever a new minister entered the court, they would be directed to look at the painting and learn about Emperor Wu of Han's expectations for Liu Fuling and his plans for the future of the country.

The tragedy of Mrs. Hook

And the fate of Liu Fuling's mother, Mrs. Gou Yi, took a dramatic turn on this day. As the favorite concubine of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, she once enjoyed supreme glory and favor in the harem. However, with Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty's worries about Liu Fuling's future and his consideration of the country's political situation, a storm began to brew behind all this magnificence.

On that fateful day, Emperor Wu of Han issued an order to put Lady Gou Yi to death. When the order reached the harem, the entire court was shocked by the sudden order. When Mrs. Hook Yi was told the news, she couldn't believe it was true. She thought that this was just the anger of Emperor Wu of Han for a while, and maybe it wouldn't be long before the emperor would forgive her.

Wild History: Before Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty died, he glanced at his concubine and sighed: It's so beautiful, let's die

However, this is not the case. When the guards arrived at her palace and prepared to take her away, she still had an uncertain expression on her face, as if she was still waiting for the final turnaround. The guards were also hesitant to give this order, after all, Lady Gou Yi was once the woman whom Emperor Wu of Han loved deeply. However, the emperor's orders could not be questioned, and they could only obey.

In the process of being taken out of the palace, Mrs. Hook Yi's steps seemed a little hesitant. She looked back at the emperor's dormitory several times, as if expecting Emperor Wu of Han's final change of mind. But everything in the palace was silent, and there was no indication that Emperor Wu of Han would retract the order.

Wild History: Before Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty died, he glanced at his concubine and sighed: It's so beautiful, let's die

At this moment, the voice of Emperor Wu of Han was heard in the distance, and he shouted to the guards: "Take her away! she is too beautiful to let this woman live!" This sentence was like a thunderbolt from the sky, instantly breaking the last illusion of Mrs. Gouyi. She finally realized that it was all true. She was to be put to death, and on the orders of Emperor Wu of Han.

This scene caused a great shock in the harem. The other concubines were stunned by this sudden change. Some wept quietly, some were silent, and an atmosphere of sadness and fear permeated the entire harem. Lady Hook Yi was once the best of them all, but now she ended up like this, which made everyone uneasy.

On the way to the execution ground, Mrs. Hook Yi's eyes gradually became hollow. She no longer had any struggles or pleading, just silently accepted the arrangement of fate. When she was taken to the execution ground and stood in front of everyone, her beauty was still there, but the brilliance of life was no longer in her eyes.

Wild History: Before Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty died, he glanced at his concubine and sighed: It's so beautiful, let's die

In this way, a beauty who was once peerless in the Han Palace ended her short and tragic life under the ruthless order of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. This scene not only shows the determination and ruthlessness of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty as a politician, but also makes future generations full of sympathy and sighs for this former harem beauty. The tragedy of Mrs. Gou Yi has become an indelible memory in the history of the Han Dynasty.

The enthronement and posthumous reverence of Emperor Zhao of the Han Dynasty

Wild History: Before Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty died, he glanced at his concubine and sighed: It's so beautiful, let's die

After Emperor Zhao of the Han Dynasty Liu Fuling succeeded to the throne, although he was still young, he began his own governance with the assistance of Huo Guang, a senior auxiliary minister. Despite his young age, Emperor Zhao of Han showed a steady and wise man beyond his years, and he knew that as a king of a country, he had a duty to honor and respect those who had a great influence on his upbringing. Therefore, he decided to posthumously crown his late mother, Mrs. Gou Yi, as the queen mother, to express his nostalgia and respect for his mother.

In honor of his mother, Emperor Zhao of the Han Dynasty ordered the construction of a magnificent mausoleum called Yunling. The construction of Yunling is not only a commemoration of Mrs. Gouyi, but also a symbol of Emperor Zhao of the Han Dynasty's deep nostalgia and respect for his mother. He personally oversaw the design and construction of the mausoleum, making sure that everything was in line with his memory and respect for his mother. The design of the mausoleum is a blend of Han Dynasty architecture and exquisite artistic craftsmanship, and is intended to express respect for the noble temperament of Madame Gouyi.

Wild History: Before Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty died, he glanced at his concubine and sighed: It's so beautiful, let's die

During the construction of Yunling, Emperor Zhao of the Han Dynasty visited the site many times. He scrutinizes every detail to make sure everything is as he wants. During its construction, he also ordered a large number of flowers and trees to be planted around the mausoleum, making it a beautiful resting place. He hopes that the mausoleum will not only be a place of burial, but also a sacred place to remember and remember his mother.

After the completion of Yunling, Emperor Zhao of Han personally presided over a grand memorial ceremony. In the presence of many officials and the common people, he respectfully bowed three times and bowed nine times to his mother's spiritual seat. His action deeply touched everyone present, and they were all moved by the young emperor's filial piety.

Wild History: Before Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty died, he glanced at his concubine and sighed: It's so beautiful, let's die

However, despite Emperor Zhao of Han's efforts to honor and honor his mother, there are still doubts in people's minds. They couldn't help but wonder if such a pursuit of respect could truly make up for the misfortune that Mrs. Hook Yi suffered during her lifetime. The fate of Madame Hook Yi is a tragic reflection of the cruelty and ruthlessness of ancient imperial politics, and even the ornate mausoleum and posthumous honor cannot really change her fate during her lifetime.

This incident has aroused widespread discussion among the people. Many people expressed their admiration for Emperor Zhao of Han's filial piety, but at the same time they also felt sympathy for the tragic fate of Lady Gouyi. In their opinion, the death of Mrs. Hook Yi was a great injustice, and even the later posthumous reverence could not completely heal the injuries she suffered during her lifetime.

Wild History: Before Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty died, he glanced at his concubine and sighed: It's so beautiful, let's die

Over time, Yunling has become an important historical site, attracting countless tourists to visit it. While visiting, people are not only appreciating the beauty and grandeur of this mausoleum, but also looking back and thinking about that complex history. Yunling became a place where people reflected on history and understood human nature and power struggles.

All in all, Emperor Zhao of the Han Dynasty's reverence for his mother and the construction of the Yunling Tomb, although they showed his filial piety and respect, also reflected the complex power structure of ancient society and the helplessness of individual fate. This period of history has become an important case for future generations to study the politics, society, and royal family relations of the Han Dynasty, as well as a profound reflection on power, emotion, and morality.

"Historical Records - The Family of Relatives"

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