
Why doesn't the owner of the Internet café drive away the people who are sleeping?

author:Blossom Rich 27L

In this competitive society, everyone is running for a living. And somewhere in the city, there is a special group of people who are called "wanderers". They don't have a fixed place to live, no steady income, or even a place to call home. However, in this seemingly cold city, there is one place where they feel warm and cared for - and that is the Internet café.

Why doesn't the owner of the Internet café drive away the people who are sleeping?

I believe many people have had the experience of spending a long night in an Internet café, lying on their stomachs in front of the computer and falling asleep unconsciously. And when you wake up, you find that the owner of the Internet café has not chased you away, but has covered you with a dress. What's going on here? Today, let's unravel the mystery.

The story begins with a young man named Xiao Li. Xiao Li used to be an excellent college student, but due to family reasons, he had to drop out of school to work. However, life was not as good as he imagined, and he moved from factory to factory, living a precarious life. One day, he saw a homeless man shivering in the corner of an Internet café, and his heart couldn't help but tremble.

At this moment, the owner of the Internet café came over, handed the homeless man a cup of hot tea, and then sat down next to him and chatted with him. Xiao Li looked at this scene, and a warm current surged in his heart. He suddenly realized that there were still such warm people in this world, and they were willing to care about those who were forgotten by society.

Why doesn't the owner of the Internet café drive away the people who are sleeping?

So, Xiao Li decided to give up his part-time job and go back to school to continue his Xi studies. He hopes that through his own efforts, he will be able to become a person like the owner of an Internet café in the future, and give those homeless people a temporary home. After several years of hard work, Xiao Li was finally admitted to graduate school and started a new life.

However, fate did not let him go. While he was in graduate school, his father suddenly became seriously ill and needed a lot of medical bills. In order to raise this money, Xiao Li had to give up his studies and return to society. This time, instead of working in a factory, he returned to the Internet café that gave him hope.

Xiao Li became an Internet café owner, and he ran the Internet café well. And what he is most proud of is to provide a warm haven for those wanderers. Whenever someone spends the night in his internet café, he prepares a clean quilt for them to feel a little warmth on a cold winter night.

One day, a young man walked into an Internet café, looking tired and ragged. Xiao Li stepped forward, handed him a cup of hot tea, and sat down beside him. They started chatting, and the young man told Xiao Li that he was an unemployed college student who couldn't find a job and had to spend the night in an internet café.

Why doesn't the owner of the Internet café drive away the people who are sleeping?

When Xiao Li heard this, he couldn't help but feel sorry for him. He remembered his own experience, and he also remembered the owner of the Internet café that gave him hope. So, he decided to help the young man and get him a job at an Internet café.

In this way, Xiao Li's Internet café became the home of those wanderers. They have found work, hope, and warmth here. And all of this stems from the owner of the Internet café who is willing to give the homeless a temporary home - Xiao Li.

In this seemingly indifferent society, there are actually many kind people like Xiao Li. With their actions, they bring warmth and love to those who have been forgotten. And each of us has the ability to become such a person and make this world a better place. If you are also touched by this story, then follow our account! Let's spread love and warmth together, and let this world be full of sunshine!