
The husband and wife AA system for 7 years, the wife left 2.6 million to her parents, and the husband was angry: You dare!

author:Wise Barton 1T2q

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The husband and wife AA system for 7 years, the wife left 2.6 million to her parents, and the husband was angry: You dare!

I remember it was a cold winter evening, with snow falling outside the house and a bitter chill in the silence of the street. I walked inside from the outside, only to be amazed by a family storm.

In the living room, the couple was arguing fiercely. The husband stood there angrily, his face pale, pointing at his wife sitting on the sofa, his eyes full of anger and disappointment.

"How can you do this? 2.6 million! You actually gave it to your parents! You already knew that there was a system between us, why didn't you even tell me, and made a decision like this!" the husband's voice was excited and angry.

The husband and wife AA system for 7 years, the wife left 2.6 million to her parents, and the husband was angry: You dare!

The wife sat there quietly, with a hint of sadness and helplessness in her eyes. "I know you're going to be angry, but I'm their daughter after all, and they need my help. She said softly.

"Don't you think you're being selfish in doing this, what about our future, what about our family?" said the husband.

"But they really need money right now, and I can't just watch them live in misery. His wife's voice was weak but firm.

I stood in the doorway, watching their quarrel, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion. This couple is my best friend, they used to be so affectionate, but now they are in an irreconcilable impasse because of a money dispute. I know very well that the story between them is not simple, and there are too many emotional entanglements between them.

The husband and wife AA system for 7 years, the wife left 2.6 million to her parents, and the husband was angry: You dare!

"I have half of it!" the husband's voice was full of anger and helplessness, as if he was giving his wife a final warning.

"I know, I'll give you half of it. The wife remained calm and determined.

I couldn't help but wonder what had happened to this couple to get into such a violent argument over a sum of money, and I stood there silently, silently contemplating how it had all unfolded.

"Why can't you understand, my parents need me, I can't just ignore it!" the wife's voice was full of grievance and helplessness.

The husband and wife AA system for 7 years, the wife left 2.6 million to her parents, and the husband was angry: You dare!

"They are your parents, not ours! We've been married for seven years, can't you think about our family?" the husband's voice was full of heartbreak and despair.

I could feel the pain in their hearts. Tears glistened in the wife's eyes, and her heart must have suffered an indescribable contradiction. She is a filial daughter, but at the same time a loving wife. This choice was no easy one for her.

"Have you forgotten our original vows? The system is agreed upon by us, can you be arbitrary?" the husband's voice was full of helplessness and unwillingness.

"I'm not dictatorial, I just didn't expect it to cause such a big fight. His wife's voice was full of exhaustion and powerlessness.

The husband and wife AA system for 7 years, the wife left 2.6 million to her parents, and the husband was angry: You dare!

Their arguments went on for a long time, and I started to feel tired. Watching the argument between them, my heart inevitably fluctuated. They love each other so much, but now they are irreconcilable because of their financial differences. I've never seen such a contradiction between them.

"Maybe we can calm down and not make hasty decisions. "I tried to break the deadlock between them.

"You're right, maybe we all need to be quiet. My wife looked at me tenderly and left the living room.

The husband sighed and looked at his wife's back sadly. I know that he has too much reluctance and anger in his heart, but he is also full of distress and distress for his wife.

The husband and wife AA system for 7 years, the wife left 2.6 million to her parents, and the husband was angry: You dare!

"She shouldn't have to do it all alone, and I should have understood her better. The husband whispered to himself.

I watched him silently, and I knew that he must be in pain as well. He is a responsible husband, but he also feels torn between love and responsibility.

On this cold winter night, the knot between them has not been untied, and my heart is full of endless anxiety. How can this family crisis be resolved? I secretly prayed that they would find the best solution.

The next morning, I received a call from my wife saying that she was going back to her parents' house to take care of some things. I know she has a heavy heart and needs time to calm down and adjust. The husband sat silently alone in the living room, his expression a little haggard.

The husband and wife AA system for 7 years, the wife left 2.6 million to her parents, and the husband was angry: You dare!

"Why don't you send her?" I asked worriedly.

The husband sighed: "I don't know how to deal with her, I keep being angry like this, it will only make the situation worse." ”

"Some things may take a little time and precipitation, don't rush too much. I comforted him.

"I've always felt that there was equality and respect between us, but this time she made a decision that made me feel a little disappointed. The husband had a tired look on his face.

The husband and wife AA system for 7 years, the wife left 2.6 million to her parents, and the husband was angry: You dare!

"Perhaps this is an opportunity to reflect on our relationship and trust again. "I tried to give him some inspiration.

He nodded silently, as if he understood this.

A few days later, I learned that my wife had come home to visit her parents. She didn't seem to have any intention of coming back, and I was nervous. I called her and her voice sounded a little tired.

"What are you thinking?" I asked softly.

The husband and wife AA system for 7 years, the wife left 2.6 million to her parents, and the husband was angry: You dare!

"I just feel tired, and there are too many contradictions and entanglements in my heart. Her voice trembled slightly.

"Maybe it's an opportunity to find a real relationship between us and revisit our trust and communication. "I tried to give her encouragement.

She was silent for a moment, then whispered, "Thank you for your understanding, I'll think about it." ”

"I know what I did before made you angry, I didn't take into account your feelings, I'm sorry. There was remorse in his wife's eyes.

The husband and wife AA system for 7 years, the wife left 2.6 million to her parents, and the husband was angry: You dare!

The husband looked at her, the doubts and struggles in his heart gradually faded, and he took a deep breath: "Maybe we all have shortcomings in this matter, I should also understand you more, this time is a test for us." ”

I stood aside and watched as the couple finally untied the knot. I understand that their relationship needs more understanding and communication, and this turmoil has also made them cherish their time together even more.

"In the future, we will communicate more openly and without any barriers. The husband stretched out his hand, and the wife did not hesitate to hold his hand.

The moment the two of them made eye contact, I saw the affection and understanding. Although their marriage has been conflicted because of money problems, all this has made them more aware of each other's preciousness.

The husband and wife AA system for 7 years, the wife left 2.6 million to her parents, and the husband was angry: You dare!

At that moment, I was deeply proud and relieved for them. Just like after that winter storm, their marriage will be stronger because of it. This is an emotional sublimation and a marriage growth.

"I feel like we're getting closer, and I want to say I'm sorry, I may have been a little impulsive and extreme. The husband's expression revealed remorse.

"I may have been too selfish and didn't take your feelings into account, but in the future we will be more understanding and tolerant of each other. The wife said softly.

Both of them had gratitude and understanding in their eyes. Although this turmoil hurt each other, it also made them know more about how to understand each other and how to grow together in marriage.

The husband and wife AA system for 7 years, the wife left 2.6 million to her parents, and the husband was angry: You dare!

"No matter what difficulties we encounter in the future, we must face them more openly and support each other. The husband said solemnly.

"Yes, our relationship also needs more communication and understanding. The wife nodded in agreement.

Watching the two of them find each other in each other's eyes, I know that their marriage will be more mature and stronger because of this experience. Love requires understanding, tolerance, and more importantly, mutual support. There may be ups and downs and setbacks in their marriage, but I believe they will work through every hurdle together.

"Thank you for your constant companionship and encouragement, without you, it may be difficult for us to make such a choice. "My husband sincerely thanked me.

The husband and wife AA system for 7 years, the wife left 2.6 million to her parents, and the husband was angry: You dare!

"You two are my best friends, and I'm so happy to see that you're being honest about your problems. I said with a smile.

This incident not only made me more aware of the sweetness and ups and downs in marriage, but also gave me a deeper understanding of the power of love. Perhaps, only in the midst of tribulations and challenges can love shine more brightly.

This family turmoil eventually became an opportunity for a deeper friendship between us. We have grown a lot with each other and cherish each other's company more in life. May we always be sincere with each other's emotions and make friendship and love last longer.

The wife sighed deeply in her husband's arms, and she held her husband's hand tightly, her eyes full of gratitude. All this seemed to give her a sense of relief and relief.

The husband and wife AA system for 7 years, the wife left 2.6 million to her parents, and the husband was angry: You dare!

"It's been a really tiring time, but I think our relationship has deepened. The wife said softly.

Her husband hugged her tightly: "Yes, this experience made us cherish each other more, and it also made me more sure that our marriage is worth our hard work." ”

I looked at the two of them, and my heart was full of emotion. Love needs to be understood and tolerated, and it needs lasting perseverance and protection, and this couple has been able to understand more deeply in this turmoil. I know that this experience has been an invaluable asset to them and to the friendship between us.

"Thank you for your support, I have also learned a lot during this time. "I am grateful to both of them.

The husband and wife AA system for 7 years, the wife left 2.6 million to her parents, and the husband was angry: You dare!

"Friends need to support each other in order to go further. The husband said with a smile.

We all know that there will be various challenges and trials in the future, but no matter what happens, it is important that we can face it with heart and understanding and support each other.

Honesty, understanding, and tolerance are not only secrets in a marital relationship, but also an important factor in friendship and relationships. Thanks to this family turmoil, it has taught us more about how to deal with and embrace life's challenges.

"Maybe it's an opportunity to re-examine our relationship and marriage. The wife looked at her husband affectionately.

The husband and wife AA system for 7 years, the wife left 2.6 million to her parents, and the husband was angry: You dare!

"Yes, it's a new beginning and an opportunity for us to grow. The husband said firmly.

I know that the bond between them will be stronger and sweeter because of this experience. This experience is an emotional sublimation and a growth of marriage. In the days to come, we will face the challenges of the future together, believe in the power of love, and make our friendship and love last longer.

The days slowly returned to their former peace, and her wife returned home, and she felt relieved. I watched her secretly rejoice and rejoice in the love that emanated from her and her husband.

"Thank you for your continued support, without your help and understanding, I probably wouldn't be so brave. You are a good friend of mine. My wife looked at me with gratitude in her eyes.

"You know, friends are meant to support each other, and the love between you and your husband is the most important thing. I said with a smile.

She sighed: "Yes, with love, you can face all challenges. ”

As the days passed, the relationship between the wife and the husband became closer and sweeter. I see them working hard for their families together, facing the challenges of life together, and there is more understanding and cherishing in their relationship.

"We will cherish each other more in the future and be more honest with everything. The husband said.

"Yes, this experience has made us more determined in our marriage. The wife looked at her husband affectionately.

I know that their love will be more mature and sweet because of this experience. All this is a precious treasure, which makes them understand each other's preciousness even more. This experience deepened our friendship and strengthened their marriage.

This incident not only made me more aware of the sweetness and ups and downs in marriage, but also gave me a deeper understanding of the power of love. Perhaps, only in the midst of tribulations and challenges can love shine more brightly.

We raise a glass to celebrate the end of this turmoil, and also celebrate the eternal existence of friendship and love. On this warm evening, we laughed and talked about our past experiences and looked forward to a better life in the future. Life goes on, and we will all continue to move forward together with each other's support and understanding.

The husband and wife AA system for 7 years, the wife left 2.6 million to her parents, and the husband was angry: You dare!