
Don't choose blindly to change your mobile phone in the New Year! Recommend three cost-effective mobile phones, the price is different but they are all fragrant!

author:Xiao Ang Ji commented

Unknowingly, 2024 has arrived, and the Spring Festival is coming soon, and many people have plans to change their phones in the New Year. But don't step on the pit when you buy a mobile phone, as a senior digital enthusiast, here are three recommended to you, different prices of "real fragrance machine", high configuration and low price performance full, to get a 3 years and 4 years of basic no problem, there is always a suitable one for you!

1、iPhone 15 Pro Max

Apple's price cut this year is coming quickly, some of the third-party platform iPhone 15 Pro Max has fallen to the early 8200s, directly reduced by nearly 1800, this price to start with 256GB iPhone is very fragrant, the follow-up may have to wait until 618 or iPhone 16 series release, if you want to rush now, you don't have to worry about being backstabbed in the back!

Don't choose blindly to change your mobile phone in the New Year! Recommend three cost-effective mobile phones, the price is different but they are all fragrant!

And this generation of 15 PM does have a lot of claims at the product power level, the titanium alloy middle frame raises the texture of the fuselage, the world's leading 3nm process A17 Pro chip also greatly helps its performance, and there is also an exclusive 5X light variable telephoto, which is much ahead of other iPhones in telephoto ability. The overall user experience is absolutely top-level flagship.

Don't choose blindly to change your mobile phone in the New Year! Recommend three cost-effective mobile phones, the price is different but they are all fragrant!

2、努比亚Z60 Ultra

During this time, Android mobile phone manufacturers are too outrageous, and now you can buy Snapdragon 8Gen3 models at 4K prices, such as this Nubia Z60 Ultra, 4299 can get 12+256GB, and the cost performance is really good. And in addition to performance, other aspects of this model's configuration are also very interesting. For example, it's a "true full screen", which is one of the few non-digging screens on the market at present, and the front appearance can be said to be at the ceiling level.

Don't choose blindly to change your mobile phone in the New Year! Recommend three cost-effective mobile phones, the price is different but they are all fragrant!

In terms of imaging, it is also equipped with three high-quality lenses, and all three lenses support OIS optical image stabilization, and the photo experience is also quite excellent. The battery life is also given to a 6000mAh large-capacity battery, and there is basically no problem with one charge a day for daily use. It can be said that its comprehensive product power is indeed outstanding at the 4K price point, and users who don't care about pre-sales and after-sales and are willing to toss the system have no problem at all.

Don't choose blindly to change your mobile phone in the New Year! Recommend three cost-effective mobile phones, the price is different but they are all fragrant!

3. OnePlus Ace3

Although the performance of Snapdragon 8 Gen3 is strong, for most ordinary users, Snapdragon 8 Gen2 is actually enough, and the recent 8G2 model is more cost-effective. For example, this OnePlus Ace3 starts at 2599, and the 16+512GB version is only 2999, and the price is very attractive. And its configuration is also very top,Equipped with a 1.5K oriental screen,Picture delicacy、Smoothness、Peak brightness has a flagship level,A number of parameters have set new industry records。

Don't choose blindly to change your mobile phone in the New Year! Recommend three cost-effective mobile phones, the price is different but they are all fragrant!

The appearance texture is also given to the metal middle frame glass backplate, and the workmanship of the green factory mobile phone is basically not to worry, and it is also a proper flagship level. In terms of battery life, it is directly given to the 5500mAh battery + 100W fast charging, judging from the actual measurements of major bloggers, OnePlus Ace3 is also the best Snapdragon 8Gen2 mobile phone. On the whole, OnePlus Ace3 really can't find any shortcomings in hardware configuration, if you are not a hardcore straight screen party, this OnePlus Ace3 may be the most suitable bucket machine for you at this price.

Don't choose blindly to change your mobile phone in the New Year! Recommend three cost-effective mobile phones, the price is different but they are all fragrant!

Write at the end

The above are the three real incense machines to be recommended this time,These three mobile phones have strong competitiveness in their respective price points,Don't be afraid to step on the pit,I don't know if there is one you like?#一加Ace 3 mobile phones are sold for the first time today#

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