
How to arrange three meals a day? Here comes the evidence! Eating three meals in this way makes blood sugar more stable and blood vessels better

author:Pharmacist Wang's Cardiovascular Lecture Hall

Seeing that a year has passed, everyone's dinner has increased, but at this time of year, some people have made difficulties.

My father was like this, when he came to dinner, he didn't dare to eat anything, just ate some vegetables, but he couldn't control his "alcohol addiction", and would rather not eat meat than drink some wine. There is also a relative, who is notoriously careful, every time there is a dinner, if you can, you don't participate, even if you have to go, you just sit down, eat some food in advance, just chat with you.

My father has high blood pressure, and this relative has a history of diabetes and coronary heart disease for many years, so it's no wonder he's so careful!

It is undeniable that for patients with chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and coronary heart disease, dietary management is indeed a crucial part, especially at meals, which are high-calorie foods that are heavy on oil and salt, which may aggravate the disease and even endanger life if you are not careful. In fact, not only for these patients, but also for the elderly, people at high risk of cardiovascular disease, etc., eating well is the key to a long and healthy life.

How to arrange three meals a day? Here comes the evidence! Eating three meals in this way makes blood sugar more stable and blood vessels better

In that case, how do you eat healthy?

1. Eat dinner early, blood vessels are healthier!

I know an old man, every day at 5 o'clock in the afternoon on time to eat, thunder can not move, others just ready to cook, the two of them have finished eating out for a walk, the old man has more than 20 years of coronary heart disease history, now is more than 80 years old, but does not look like a patient at all, can walk and move, not hunched back or dazzling, even more robust than healthy people of the same age. If you want to talk about how the elderly do it, in addition to taking medicine, this diet management must have played a big role.

Eating dinner early is not groundless for cardiovascular benefits!

Just some time ago, a study published in the prestigious journal Nature confirmed this. Studies have found that eating breakfast and dinner too late increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, eating breakfast for an hour every night increases the risk by 6%, eating dinner for an hour every night increases the risk by 8%, compared with eating before 20 p.m., eating after 21 o'clock increases the risk of cerebrovascular disease by 28%, and the longer the night fast, the lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, and the risk decreases by 7% for each additional hour. Other studies have found that eating dinner earlier can also significantly reduce the risk of diabetes.

How to arrange three meals a day? Here comes the evidence! Eating three meals in this way makes blood sugar more stable and blood vessels better

In short, there must be nothing wrong with eating dinner early, and if you eat too late, beware of these diseases!

1. Obesity: Needless to say, if you eat too late at night and eat too much, you can't consume energy, and it will easily lead to obesity after a long time.

2. Gastrointestinal diseases: The stomach and intestines also need to rest, eat dinner too late, and then go to bed after eating, which is also a burden on the stomach and intestines, which will affect the normal digestion and absorption function over time, resulting in a "strike" of the stomach and intestines.

3. Fatty liver: The body's metabolism slows down at night, and eating too late at dinner can easily lead to fat accumulation and induce fatty liver.

4. Diabetes: For diabetic patients, eating dinner too late can easily lead to blood sugar loss control, while for normal people, eating dinner too late will greatly increase the risk of diabetes, which is also related to slow consumption and less exercise at night.

5. Cardiovascular disease: At night, the blood flow rate is slow, the circulation is poor, and the blood viscosity is high, if the dinner is too late and the energy consumption is not timely, it will naturally increase the cardiovascular burden, and it is not conducive to the control of blood pressure, blood sugar and blood lipids, which will undoubtedly greatly increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Eat two or three meals like this, which is considered healthy!

In addition to having dinner early, what you eat is also crucial. As for the old man with coronary heart disease mentioned above, in addition to eating dinner early, another point is that people eat very carefully, what can be eaten and what cannot be eaten, he knows better than anyone else. As far as I know, the old two's favorite is to drink porridge, and the daughters are also filial, and they send all kinds of grains every three to five, and then the old two eat porridge three times a day, usually stir-fry and eat by themselves, it is very light, and they have insisted on this dietary Xi for many years.

How to arrange three meals a day? Here comes the evidence! Eating three meals in this way makes blood sugar more stable and blood vessels better

Nowadays, people are faced with too many temptations of food, so that the occurrence of many diseases has become the fault of "food", in fact, I want to say, the real fault is our lack of self-discipline, in fact, what is considered a healthy diet, everyone is clear in their hearts, but they just can't control their mouths. Especially for special groups such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cardiovascular high-risk groups, and the elderly, it is enough to keep these points in mind if you want to be healthier.

1. What to eat?

At present, the recommended is the Mediterranean diet, that is, a diversified diet based on vegetables and fruits, fish, whole grains, legumes and olive oil, which not only meets the supplement of nutrients required by the body, but also meets the requirements of cardiovascular protection, and can be said to be the best dietary pattern for the elderly and patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Of course, for diabetic patients, it is also necessary to pay attention to limiting carbohydrate intake, not long ago there are also studies that recommend four more suitable dietary patterns, in addition to the Mediterranean diet, there are also ketogenic diet, medium carbohydrate diet and low glycemic index diet, which is the best diet for sugar friends to control blood sugar.

Specifically, pay attention to:

(1) Food diversification, there should be everything, staple food pay attention to the combination of coarse and fine grains to eat, more coarse grains, miscellaneous beans, etc., to ensure that the meal has vegetables, meat is mainly white meat, such as fish, skinless chicken, etc., edible oil is mainly vegetable oil.

(2) It is necessary to control the diet in a targeted manner, such as limiting the intake of high carbohydrates for sugar friends, limiting the intake of high sodium salt for patients with high blood pressure, limiting the intake of high-fat and high-cholesterol foods for patients with high blood lipids, and restricting high-protein foods for patients with kidney disease.

(3) Seven or eight minutes full at each meal, you must not eat too much, especially dinner, do not overeat.

How to arrange three meals a day? Here comes the evidence! Eating three meals in this way makes blood sugar more stable and blood vessels better

2. What not to eat?

There are also a lot of things that should not be eaten, and the more delicious the food, the less healthy it may be, so you must keep your mouth shut for the sake of health.

(1) Three-high foods, that is, high-salt, high-fat and high-sugar foods, such as fried foods, pickled foods, various desserts, animal offal, broths, etc., it is best for these elderly people not to eat, and patients with three highs need to keep their mouths shut.

(2) Processed food, including all kinds of processed meat, such as sausages, ham, bacon, bacon, etc., of course, there are all kinds of processed instant food, prepared food, canned food and other foods containing various additives, as well as various snacks, it is best to eat less.

(3) leftovers, many old people are more good at living, leftovers are hot one after another, and even a lot of rotten fruits and vegetables have to be processed before eating, but they don't know that such thrift only lays the bane for future diseases, and the money saved at that time is really a drop in the bucket.

How to arrange three meals a day? Here comes the evidence! Eating three meals in this way makes blood sugar more stable and blood vessels better

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