
Eat twice a week in winter, the blood vessels are good, the kidneys are full of qi, the muscles and bones are strong, and the legs and feet are still good when you are old!

author:Medical Food Reference
The old man often said: When you are old, you will be sick and you will not be able to walk. I can't walk anymore, and it's related to old age, but the main reason is a disease - knee arthritis!

Arthritis of the knee, the pain is unbearable

Eat twice a week in winter, the blood vessels are good, the kidneys are full of qi, the muscles and bones are strong, and the legs and feet are still good when you are old!

1. Pain

The most important feature of knee arthritis is pain, which is deepened by activity and relieved by rest. However, after sprains, colds and overexertion, the pain can worsen and even the legs cannot move freely.

2. Redness and swelling

Synovial hyperplasia and fluid accumulation in the knee joint can lead to joint redness and swelling, which can be caused by cold or trauma in the early stage, and long-term swelling of the knee joint in the later stage.

3. There is a sound

In knee arthritis, the joints will be stuck in the process of walking and standing, and the joints need to be bent or moved tentatively until there is a sound.

4. Hit soft legs

Playing soft legs refers to the phenomenon of weak knees when walking, and even kneeling or falling, accompanied by severe pain. In addition, if you sit for a long time, your joints will be "stuck", resulting in your legs not being able to move immediately.

5. Other performances

The cartilage of the knee joint is destroyed, synovial proliferation, etc., resulting in the knee joint cannot be fully extended or bent, squatting, lifting heavy objects, and even with the development of knee arthritis, the joint will become thicker, and the deformed leg (X or O-shaped leg) will appear.

Massage these 4 acupuncture points to improve arthritis relief

For knee arthritis, I often choose to massage 4 acupuncture points, and the effect is excellent. So what acupuncture points should be used for knee arthritis? Massage 4 acupuncture points can effectively improve knee arthritis, let's find out today!

1. Zusanli acupoint

Eat twice a week in winter, the blood vessels are good, the kidneys are full of qi, the muscles and bones are strong, and the legs and feet are still good when you are old!

Zusanli acupoint is a relatively common acupuncture point for the treatment of knee arthritis, and it can be decompressed by massaging Zusanli acupoint. The Zusanli point is located on the outside of the tibia, about 4 fingers below the knee eye.

When massage, you can find a more accurate position by yourself, and then massage, the long-term effect is excellent.

2. Lungling Spring Hole

Eat twice a week in winter, the blood vessels are good, the kidneys are full of qi, the muscles and bones are strong, and the legs and feet are still good when you are old!

The Yinling Spring acupoint is located on the inner side of the lower leg of the human body, in the depression of the inner tibia below the knee, and presents a relative position with Zusanli. Yinlingquan acupoint is also an acupuncture point often used in the treatment of knee arthritis, you can choose to massage this acupoint, you can also choose acupuncture and moxibustion, which can make the symptoms of knee joint inflammation be properly controlled.

And in the process of treatment, you also need to drink more warm water.

3. Blood Sea Hole

Eat twice a week in winter, the blood vessels are good, the kidneys are full of qi, the muscles and bones are strong, and the legs and feet are still good when you are old!

This acupuncture point is located about 3 finger widths above the inside of the kneecap. Massaging the Blood Sea Acupoint can effectively relieve physical discomfort, especially to help reduce knee inflammation and knee pain.

This acupressure point is suitable and you need to warm your hands before massaging.

4. Hundred Hole

Eat twice a week in winter, the blood vessels are good, the kidneys are full of qi, the muscles and bones are strong, and the legs and feet are still good when you are old!

Also known as the acupoint of longevity, Baihui acupoint can not only treat knee arthritis, but also treat other diseases of the body, and also has a certain effect on constipation.

Therefore, the symptoms of knee joint inflammation can be properly relieved by massaging the Baihui acupoint, which can be used as an auxiliary treatment. After the occurrence of knee arthritis disease, massage therapy can be selected, which has a certain control effect on the disease.

Stewed chicken with ginger - invigorate the blood and strengthen the muscles and bones

Eat twice a week in winter, the blood vessels are good, the kidneys are full of qi, the muscles and bones are strong, and the legs and feet are still good when you are old!


Traditional Chinese medicine believes that chicken has the effect of warming and invigorating qi, replenishing deficiency and filling essence, strengthening the spleen and stomach, invigorating blood vessels, and strengthening muscles and bones.


Ginger is spicy and dissipates warmth, which can invigorate blood and dispel cold. Danish biochemist Morten Vedner has also shown that ginger has a significant effect on joint pain.

Therefore, we can use ginger stewed chicken to nourish our joints, muscles and bones, invigorate blood and drive away cold and relieve pain, and can be used for people with wind and cold bone pain, joint pain, and people who like warmth and are afraid of cold.

Chicken stew with ginger

Eat twice a week in winter, the blood vessels are good, the kidneys are full of qi, the muscles and bones are strong, and the legs and feet are still good when you are old!

Ingredients: 1 rooster that has just been opened, 100~250 grams of ginger, oil, salt, Shao wine.

Method: Cut the chicken and ginger into small pieces, add oil to the pot, put the chicken and ginger in the pot after the oil is hot, stir-fry and simmer in the pot, add Shao wine for 10 minutes, add salt out of the pot, eat it within 1 day, and eat it once every 1 week or half a month.


People who should not eat chicken mainly include:

People with cold and fever, internal fire, heavy phlegm and dampness, obesity, high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, cholecystitis, and gallstone disease should avoid eating chicken, chicken is warm, fueling fire, hyperactivity of liver yang and oral erosion, skin boils, and constipation should not eat chicken;

In addition, people with chronic urinary diseases, such as nephritis and pyelonephritis, should not eat too much, which affects urination and is prone to edema.

Warm reminder: Please follow the doctor's advice for specific medication matters!