
Why is uric acid high?What should I do if uric acid is high?How high do I need to take medicine?

author:Released by Longnanli County

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High uric acid has become an increasingly common health problem, many people have such troubles, and the occurrence of this phenomenon is inseparable from our life and rest, why in recent years, high uric acid has gradually appeared in our lives, when we are really unfortunate to have such a health problem and how to deal with it?

1. Why does uric acid occur?

Uric acid is a metabolite produced in the human body, mainly from purine substances produced by the breakdown of proteins. Normally, uric acid is excreted from the body through the kidneys and is maintained at a certain level. However, in some cases, uric acid levels can rise, which can lead to the deposition of urate crystals in joints, kidneys, and other areas, triggering diseases such as gout and uric acid nephropathy.

First, elevated uric acid levels may be related to dietary Xi. A high-protein diet, especially purine-rich foods, can lead to an increase in the intake of purine substances, which in turn leads to an increase in uric acid production. Excessive alcohol intake can affect the liver's ability to metabolize uric acid, further leading to an increase in uric acid levels. In addition, high glucose intake also increases the rate of uric acid synthesis, as sugar metabolism depletes coenzyme A, which in turn accelerates the uric acid synthesis pathway.

Why is uric acid high?What should I do if uric acid is high?How high do I need to take medicine?

Secondly, the weakened excretory function of the kidneys is also one of the reasons for the increase in uric acid levels. The kidneys are the main organs in the body that excrete uric acid, and if kidney function is impaired and the glomerular filtration rate decreases, the excretion rate of uric acid slows down, resulting in the accumulation of uric acid in the body.

Not only that, but genetic factors can also contribute to elevated uric acid levels. Studies have shown that some people have higher levels of uric acid, which may be related to mutations in certain genes. These mutations may directly affect the pathway for the synthesis, transport, or excretion of uric acid, allowing uric acid to accumulate in the body.

2. How to deal with high uric acid levels?

Uric acid is a waste product produced by metabolism in the body, which is normally excreted by the body through urine. However, when uric acid accumulates too much in the body, it can cause the problem of elevated uric acid levels. High uric acid levels can be managed as follows:

1. Dietary modification: Proper dietary modification can help control uric acid levels. First, reduce your intake of high-purine foods, such as meat, especially offal, seafood, soy products, and beer. At the same time, increase your intake of low-purine foods, such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products. In addition, drinking plenty of water also helps to excrete uric acid.

Why is uric acid high?What should I do if uric acid is high?How high do I need to take medicine?

2. Control your weight: Obesity is a risk factor for elevated uric acid levels. By controlling your weight, you can help reduce the burden on your joints and lower your uric acid levels.

3. Moderate exercise: Regular physical exercise can promote better excretion of uric acid. Suitable exercises include walking, jogging, swimming, etc., and be careful not to overdo it so as not to increase the burden on the joints.

4. Avoid overexertion: Overexertion can lead to faster metabolism in the body and increased uric acid production. Maintaining proper rest and rest routines to avoid overwork and mental stress can help lower uric acid levels.

5. Avoid alcohol and smoking: Alcohol and nicotine have a negative impact on the excretion of uric acid. Therefore, alcohol and nicotine intake should be minimized.

Why is uric acid high?What should I do if uric acid is high?How high do I need to take medicine?

6. Medications: In some cases, lifestyle modifications may not be effective in controlling uric acid levels, and your doctor may recommend medication. Commonly used drugs include diuretics, inhibitors of uric acid synthesis, and agents that increase uric acid excretion.

7. Regular check-ups: For people with high uric acid levels, it is recommended to have regular blood uric acid tests, as well as other relevant indicators such as kidney function and blood lipids. Regular check-ups can help you stay on top of changes in your uric acid levels and take appropriate action.

3. What is the level of uric acid that must be intervened by drugs?

Uric acid is a compound produced by the metabolism of nucleic acids and is normally excreted in the urine. However, when uric acid is produced too much or is not eliminated well, uric acid levels can rise in the body, causing hyperuricemia. Hyperuricemia is the main cause of gout and uric acid nephropathy.

So, under what circumstances do we need to intervene with medication when uric acid levels are reached?

First, we need to know the reference range for normal uric acid levels. According to the World Health Organization's recommendations, uric acid levels should be maintained between 404-416 μmol/L for adult males and 339-416 μmol/L for adult females. Uric acid levels above this range lead to hyperuricemia.

In general, abnormal uric acid levels do not cause noticeable symptoms, so many people do not realize that they have hyperuricemia. However, when uric acid levels reach high levels, it can lead to a range of health problems. In general, when uric acid concentrations exceed 420 μmol/L, pharmacological intervention is considered.

Why is uric acid high?What should I do if uric acid is high?How high do I need to take medicine?

Once hyperuricemia is diagnosed, we need to consider pharmacological intervention. Current mainstay of pharmacological treatment includes inhibitors of uric acid synthesis and promoters of uric acid excretion. Uric acid synthesis inhibitors reduce uric acid production by inhibiting the enzyme that synthases in uric acid.

Common inhibitors of uric acid synthesis are allopurinol and benzbromarone. Uric acid excretion promoters mainly reduce uric acid levels by increasing uric acid excretion, and common uric acid excretion promoters are probenecid and benzbromithiazine.

When choosing a treatment, the doctor will decide whether or not to intervene with medication based on the patient's specific situation and uric acid level. In general, when the uric acid level exceeds 420 μmol/L and is accompanied by obvious symptoms such as joint pain, uric acid crystals, etc., it is necessary to consider the use of drugs for treatment. In addition, in the case of hyperuricemia with comorbidities, such as gout and uric acid nephropathy, medical intervention is also required.

Why is uric acid high?What should I do if uric acid is high?How high do I need to take medicine?

In summary, in general, when uric acid levels exceed 420 μmol/L, accompanied by significant symptoms or hyperuricemia-related comorbidities, medical intervention is required. While carrying out drug treatment, patients should also pay attention to changing bad Xi habits, controlling uric acid intake and strengthening uric acid excretion, so as to achieve the purpose of controlling uric acid levels and preventing hyperuricemia-related diseases.

Source: Source: Baidu Chen Doctor Popular Science Health

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