
The 81-year-old Biden fell into a trance after his speech, and his wife hurriedly took the stage to "save the scene" with a hug, but it was unsuccessful

author:Sissi Vision
The 81-year-old Biden fell into a trance after his speech, and his wife hurriedly took the stage to "save the scene" with a hug, but it was unsuccessful

A few days ago, current US President Joe Biden gave a speech at a Valley Forge winter camp outside Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, making his first public appearance after spending New Year's holidays on a Caribbean island.

The 81-year-old Biden fell into a trance after his speech, and his wife hurriedly took the stage to "save the scene" with a hug, but it was unsuccessful

Excitement and trance in the speech

According to the Daily Mail, Biden showed excitement towards his old rival Donald Trump during his speech, and both his expressions, body language, and tone of voice appeared to be filled with righteous indignation. Although this excitement may not be entirely objective, during that time, Biden did show a sense of "being alive". However, this feeling seems to have only lasted for a while.

The 81-year-old Biden fell into a trance after his speech, and his wife hurriedly took the stage to "save the scene" with a hug, but it was unsuccessful

After the speech, Biden fell into a trance and did not know how to leave the podium. His wife, Jill Biden, hastened to the stage and tried to help him leave. Jill ran up to the stage and hugged Biden, a gesture that looked natural, more like a wife coming up to congratulate her husband after his speech.

Witnesses at the scene said that during the hug, Jill leaned close to Biden's ear and said something, most likely telling him what to do next. However, Biden did not fully follow his wife's instructions and continued to speak into the microphone, even though the exit music had already begun to play.

The 81-year-old Biden fell into a trance after his speech, and his wife hurriedly took the stage to "save the scene" with a hug, but it was unsuccessful

Jill's "rescue" was unsuccessful

Despite Jill's attempts to "save the day," Biden doesn't seem to be doing exactly what his wife wants. The incident exposed that Biden needed guidance when he walked, and that he walked slowly.

Perhaps suddenly realizing the meaning of the music, Biden was finally ready to step down this time, but he walked alone, seemingly forgetting that there was still his wife on stage. Fortunately, Jill reacted quickly and hurriedly caught up with her husband and took his hand and walked together.

The 81-year-old Biden fell into a trance after his speech, and his wife hurriedly took the stage to "save the scene" with a hug, but it was unsuccessful

Judging from the back, Biden seems to need the guidance of others to walk, and he walks very slowly, there is no doubt that he is really old.

Age takes center stage

The report sparked a lively discussion among readers, with many arguing that Biden's age has become an issue that cannot be ignored.

Some have questioned whether a man who needs guidance from others to act is fit to be president. They believe that being president requires the ability to think and act independently. There are also calls for Jill, as Biden's wife, she should know more about Biden's situation and should not let him run and let him suffer such humiliation.

The reason behind the decline in approval ratings

According to a poll, Biden's approval ratings have also declined as he has had more unexpected incidents, such as falling and getting lost. Originally, in June last year, Biden's approval rating was slightly higher than Trump's, but then there was a reversal, and the gap is gradually widening.

The incident raised questions about Biden's suitability for a second term as president. His age and mobility became the focus of attention.

The 81-year-old Biden fell into a trance after his speech, and his wife hurriedly took the stage to "save the scene" with a hug, but it was unsuccessful

Two less than ideal options

For some Americans, neither Biden nor Trump is ideal. However, at the moment it seems that they may not have a better option. Biden's age and ability to act have been in the spotlight, raising questions about the suitability of a man who needs guidance to act.

In conclusion, the 81-year-old Biden fell into a trance after the speech, and his wife, Jill Biden, tried to "save the day" by hugging, but did not succeed. The incident has sparked discussions about Biden's age, ability to move and suitability for a second term as president, and could have an impact on his approval ratings. Neither Biden nor Trump would be ideal for many, but for now it looks like they may not have a better option.

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