
Yellow phlegm is hot, white phlegm is cold?Doctor's advice: cough up 4 types of phlegm, pay more attention to lung health

author:Dr. Su, Hepatobiliary Surgeon

"Whenever I cough, I carefully observe the phlegm on my handkerchief. This quote comes from one of my patients, Mr. Zhang, who has been suffering from chronic bronchitis for a long time. Mr. Zhang's words made me think deeply. In our daily lives, most of us may not realize that phlegm, which we consider insignificant, is actually a "warning sign" of health.

Phlegm, this seemingly ordinary bodily secretion, occupies an important place in traditional medicine. Not only is it a natural defense mechanism for our respiratory system, but it also reflects important information about lung health. However, did you know that changes in the color and texture of sputum can indicate a variety of health problems, especially for middle-aged and elderly people who often overlook these details?

Yellow phlegm is hot, white phlegm is cold?Doctor's advice: cough up 4 types of phlegm, pay more attention to lung health

The color of the sputum revealed: revealing the hidden signals of lung health

When we cough, the color and texture of our phlegm can be an important indicator of our health. Understanding these signals can help us better focus on our lung health.

1. Yellow sputum: Warning signs are lit up

Cause analysis: Yellow sputum is commonly seen in bacterial infections such as bronchitis or pneumonia. This color usually comes from white blood cells, especially when they are battling an infection.

Practical significance: Caution should be taken when coughing up yellow phlegm, as it may be a sign that the body is fighting a bacterial infection. If accompanied by fever, persistent cough, or difficulty breathing, prompt medical attention should be seen.

2. White or clear sputum: more common but not negligible

Cause analysis: White or clear sputum is usually normal, but if it is elevated, it may indicate allergies, viral infections, or chronic diseases such as asthma and COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).

Practical implications: While white sputum is not usually an emergency, medical advice should be sought if accompanied by symptoms such as persistent cough, shortness of breath, etc.

3. Green sputum: Alert to potential infection

Cause analysis: Green sputum is often associated with bacterial infections such as bronchiectasis or lung abscess. This color may be due to specific enzymes and white blood cells present in the sputum.

Practical Significance: Coughing up green sputum is a clear sign that there may be a more serious infection. If symptoms persist or worsen, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible.

4. Brown or rust-colored sputum: possible signs of blood

Cause analysis: Brown or rust-colored sputum may indicate that the sputum contains blood. This could be due to a lung infection, chronic bronchitis, or more serious conditions like lung cancer.

Practical Implications: If you cough up bloody sputum, this is a serious health warning and professional medical help should be sought immediately.

When observing sputum, it is important to note persistence and other accompanying symptoms. While occasional coughing up colored phlegm may be temporary, if this condition persists or is accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, weight loss, or persistent chest pain, it is important to be vigilant and seek medical advice. By paying attention to these small details, we can better protect our lung health.

Yellow phlegm is hot, white phlegm is cold?Doctor's advice: cough up 4 types of phlegm, pay more attention to lung health

"Alert Signals: The Hidden Thing Behind Bloody Sputum and Frothy Sputum"

1. Bloodshot sputum: A health alert that should not be ignored

Phenomenon analysis: Bloody sputum, that is, sputum accompanied by blood when coughing. This can be caused by a rupture of tiny blood vessels in the respiratory system, but it can also sometimes signal a more serious health problem.

Common causes:

Mild causes: prolonged coughing that causes damage to the microvessels of the throat or trachea.

Serious causes: Conditions such as pneumonia, tuberculosis, and even lung cancer can cause coughing up blood.

Coping strategies: Don't be overly concerned if you notice occasional mild blood streaks, but if blood streaks persist or increase in volume, you should see a doctor right away.

2. Frothy sputum: a possible cardiopulmonary warning

Phenomenon analysis: Foamy sputum is usually white or pale pink in color, and is characterized by a large amount of foam. This may be because fluid from the body enters the lungs, causing bubbles to form.

Associated Diseases:

Heart disease: Insufficiency of the heart, which causes fluid to flow back into the lungs.

Lung diseases: such as pulmonary edema, where the alveoli are filled with fluid.

Life adjustments: Maintain healthy Xi, such as exercising, controlling salt intake, and avoiding prolonged bed rest.

Medical advice: If there is persistent frothy sputum, you should seek professional medical advice and perform cardiopulmonary function tests in a timely manner.

Through the analysis of bloody sputum and frothy sputum, we can understand that the different manifestations of sputum may reflect different conditions inside the body. These two specific types of phlegm should be treated with great attention to maintain lung and overall health. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and regular check-ups in daily life are key to preventing and detecting problems early.

Yellow phlegm is hot, white phlegm is cold?Doctor's advice: cough up 4 types of phlegm, pay more attention to lung health

Prevention is key: the secret to easy lung protection

While paying attention to the color of the sputum, we should pay more attention to the daily maintenance and preventive measures of lung health. Here are some simple yet effective ways to maintain respiratory health that are applicable to daily practice.

The importance of a healthy lifestyle

Quit smoking: Smoking is one of the leading causes of lung disease. Quitting smoking can significantly reduce the risk of diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and lung cancer.

Eat a balanced diet: High-fiber foods such as vegetables and fruits are rich in antioxidants that help protect the lungs from free radical damage.

The benefits of regular exercise

Regular aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking, swimming, or cycling, can boost lung function and improve the efficiency of the respiratory system.

Exercise also boosts immunity and helps the body fight infections and diseases.

Maintain indoor air quality

Use an air purifier to reduce pollutants and allergens in your indoor air.

Open windows regularly for ventilation to keep indoor air fresh.

Proper vapor inhalation

Using a humidifier or vapor inhalation can help keep the airways moist and reduce cough and phlegm.

During cold or flu season, vapor inhalation can help relieve respiratory symptoms.

Respond to breathing problems in a timely manner

Seek immediate medical attention if you have a persistent cough, sputum production, or difficulty breathing.

Have regular pulmonary function tests, especially if you have a history of smoking or a family history of chronic respiratory disease.

With the above simple and practical measures, we can not only effectively prevent respiratory diseases, but also improve overall health. Remember, a healthy lifestyle is the cornerstone of lung health.

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