
Sima Nan counterattacked Hu Xijin and challenged Cheng Hao's "inappropriate remarks"!

author:Hongzheng Kan Entertainment

Behind the scenes of the bustling entertainment industry, the turmoil of public opinion always rises and falls, and this time, the incident of the host Cheng Hao making "inappropriate remarks" and being suspended by the TV station has undoubtedly set off an uproar in this flashy circle. This incident touched the hearts of countless netizens, and even triggered a wonderful debate among well-known critics. Cheng Hao, a name who has been galloping in front of the TV screen for a long time, has a career full of brilliance.

Sima Nan counterattacked Hu Xijin and challenged Cheng Hao's "inappropriate remarks"!

The reaction of netizens was quick and enthusiastic, and they expressed their support for Cheng Hao through various channels and questioned the punishment decision. Hainan TV's hotline was overwhelmed, and the TV's social accounts turned off the comment function under the fierce criticism of netizens, and it is clear that the public's mood has reached a boiling point. At the center of this turmoil, two well-known people with clear opinions, Hu Xijin and Sima Nan, launched a heated debate on the Internet.

Sima Nan counterattacked Hu Xijin and challenged Cheng Hao's "inappropriate remarks"!

Sima Nan, in particular, another well-known critic and media personality, seems unhappy with Hu's remarks. Sima Nan wrote an article entitled "Complex Issues Should Not Be Handled Simply," which was written in a sharp style and forcefully refuted Hu Xijin's views.

Sima Nan counterattacked Hu Xijin and challenged Cheng Hao's "inappropriate remarks"!

After all, Hu Xijin's previous remarks now seem somewhat contradictory, and whether he chooses to attack or retreat, it seems that it is not easy to get rid of the pressure of public opinion. This debate around "inappropriate speech" is not only a test for Cheng Hao personally, but also a discussion on the boundary between the responsibility of public figures and freedom of speech.

Sima Nan counterattacked Hu Xijin and challenged Cheng Hao's "inappropriate remarks"!

The confrontation between Sima Nan and Hu Xijin is not only a collision of personal views, but also a profound reflection on the professional ethics and responsibility of media professionals. Regardless of the eventual outcome, the event has become the focus of public conversation, sparking widespread discussion about freedom of expression, media responsibility, and personal codes of conduct.

Sima Nan counterattacked Hu Xijin and challenged Cheng Hao's "inappropriate remarks"!

The development of this incident will continue to be the focus of our attention and thinking.

Sima Nan counterattacked Hu Xijin and challenged Cheng Hao's "inappropriate remarks"!