
What are the physical benefits for people who exercise on a regular bicycle? One of the things is good for the cardiovascular system

author:Dr. Puwai Lee

As a popular form of exercise, bicycles are loved and accepted by the masses. Regular cycling not only strengthens the body and promotes the function of the cardiovascular system, but also has many benefits. Among them, the benefits for the cardiovascular system are particularly significant. Based on the theories of traditional Chinese medicine, this article will combine ancient and modern prescriptions to discuss in detail the benefits of people who regularly ride bicycles for the cardiovascular system.

First of all, regular cycling can improve your heart and lung fitness. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the five internal organs of the human body belong to each other, and the heart and lungs are related to each other. Cycling, on the other hand, is an aerobic exercise in which the large muscles of the whole body work together to fully exercise the cardiopulmonary system. This not only enhances the contractility and elasticity of the heart, but also improves lung capacity and increases oxygen absorption in the lungs, thereby promoting the overall improvement of cardiopulmonary function.

What are the physical benefits for people who exercise on a regular bicycle? One of the things is good for the cardiovascular system

Secondly, cycling exercise also has a role in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. There are many famous prescriptions for regulating cardiovascular disease in the classic literature of Chinese medicine. For example, the Ming Dynasty physician Zhang Jingyue's "Jingyue Quanshu" recorded that "cycling" can treat heart disease. The rationale is that cycling can increase the oxygen supply to the body, improve blood circulation, and reduce the burden on the heart. In addition, there are also famous recipes such as "Riding a Thousand Miles Without Hearing Your Heart" and "Wonderful Blood of Bicycles", all of which show the good effects of cycling on cardiovascular disease.

What are the physical benefits for people who exercise on a regular bicycle? One of the things is good for the cardiovascular system

In addition, regular cycling exercises can also boost blood circulation. Exercise can increase blood flow, increase microcirculation, and improve the blood and oxygen supply to the cardiovascular system. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the heart is the main blood vessel, and through exercise, it promotes the flow of blood, which can prevent blood retention and coagulation, and prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases. In addition, exercise can also promote the excretion of metabolic waste products from the blood, keeping the serum clean and smooth.

What are the physical benefits for people who exercise on a regular bicycle? One of the things is good for the cardiovascular system

The benefits of cycling exercise for the cardiovascular system are manifold, in addition to the above-mentioned aspects, including promoting blood lipid metabolism, lowering blood pressure, enhancing heart function, regulating autonomic nervous system, etc. In general, cycling exercise can not only increase the amount of exercise and physical fitness level of the human body, but also promote the health of the cardiovascular system, prevent and improve the occurrence of related diseases.

While enjoying the benefits of cycling, there are a few things to keep in mind. First of all, it is necessary to choose the right riding position and the right gear to avoid adverse effects on the spine and joints. Secondly, whether you are just starting to ride a bicycle or riding for a long time, you must reasonably arrange the riding distance and intensity according to your own situation to avoid excessive fatigue. In addition, it is important to do proper warm-up exercises before riding to avoid injury. If there is a history of cardiovascular disease or other complications, it is advisable to exercise under the guidance of a doctor.



1. Zhang Jingyue.Jingyue Quanshu[M].Beijing:Health Press,1985.

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