
The throat can not withstand the "toss", please correct bad Xi, prevent laryngeal cancer, start from 4 aspects


In the heart of Shanghai's bustling metropolis, Li Hao is a legal professional who is busy day in and day out. His profession often required him to speak for long periods of time, and at the same time, in the face of significant professional pressures, he gradually developed a lifestyle of smoking and drinking. Recently, Li Hao feels that his throat is often uncomfortable, and his voice gradually becomes hoarse. At first, he thought it was just temporary exertion, but over time, the symptoms worsened. Eventually, at the suggestion of his relatives, he went to the hospital for a diagnosis, which showed that he had an early stage of a laryngeal tumor. Li Hao's case is not unique. Laryngeal tumors are a serious health problem that is closely related to many unhealthy lifestyle Xi.

The throat can not withstand the "toss", please correct bad Xi, prevent laryngeal cancer, start from 4 aspects

Proper prevention of laryngeal cancer requires the following points

Quitting harmful Xi: It is important for middle-aged and older men to give up smoking. The harmful components in tobacco, such as nicotine and benzopyrene, are well-known carcinogens. Smoking not only increases the risk of laryngeal cancer, but can also lead to many types of cancer, such as lung cancer and oral cancer. At the same time, excessive alcohol consumption should be avoided, as the irritation of the mucosa of the throat by alcohol can lead to damage and carcinogenesis of the mucosa.

Improve eating Xi habits: It is recommended to avoid long-term consumption of foods that are too spicy and irritating, such as hot pot and spicy tang. These foods cause strong irritation to the throat and digestive tract and can be a cause of cancer.

Avoid exposure to carcinogenic chemicals: Chemical carcinogens such as sulphur dioxide, chromium and arsenic in the living or working environment may be associated with laryngeal cancer. Protective measures, such as wearing a mask and avoiding prolonged exposure to harmful chemicals, are essential to prevent throat damage.

Pay attention to laryngeal discomfort: In the early stage of laryngeal cancer, it may manifest as pharyngeal discomfort, such as foreign body sensation, itching, coughing, hoarseness, etc. When these symptoms appear, they should be checked by a doctor in time for early detection and treatment. Although these symptoms do not necessarily mean laryngeal cancer, they should not be ignored.

The throat can not withstand the "toss", please correct bad Xi, prevent laryngeal cancer, start from 4 aspects

Focus on precancerous lesions: Laryngeal cancer usually develops gradually. Vocal cord leukoplakia, laryngeal papilloma, etc. may be precancerous. Patients should be reviewed regularly and, if necessary, surgically treated.

Regular medical check-ups: Even if there is no throat discomfort, it is recommended to have a throat check-up once a year. For people with smoking, drinking Xi, a family history of laryngeal cancer, or a history of chemical exposure, it is recommended to check every six months.

There is a fatal carelessness called: mistaking laryngeal cancer for laryngitis

Acute pharyngitis and chronic pharyngitis

Acute pharyngitis usually develops rapidly, and the main symptoms include dryness, burning, and pain in the pharynx, especially when swallowing. Patients may have fever, headache, and loss of appetite. Chronic pharyngitis, on the other hand, lasts for more than two months and is characterized by dry, itchy and swollen pharynx, frequent retching, and worsening symptoms after eating spicy foods.

Four warning signs of laryngeal cancer

Dr. Zhou Shuihong, an expert from the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine, emphasized that there are four warning signs of laryngeal cancer:

The throat can not withstand the "toss", please correct bad Xi, prevent laryngeal cancer, start from 4 aspects

Persistent sore throat: Unlike common pharyngitis, pain caused by laryngeal cancer is difficult to relieve even with treatment. If pain persists after two weeks of treatment, the possibility of malignancy should be suspected.

Hoarseness: Vocal cord involvement and hoarseness are common in patients with laryngeal cancer. Unlike the common cold, this hoarseness worsens over time and can eventually lead to loss of voice.

Neck lumps: If there is an abnormal lump in the neck, especially if it is hard and large, it should be alert to the possibility of lymph node metastasis of laryngeal cancer.

The throat can not withstand the "toss", please correct bad Xi, prevent laryngeal cancer, start from 4 aspects

Persistent pharyngeal foreign body sensation: People over the age of 50 who feel a foreign body sensation in the pharynx for a long time for more than a month should seek medical attention in time.