
The resolute liberation has been completely liberated, and the elimination of the electric fraud industry has come to an end! Countless people's money bags are finally safe!

author:Turning her face and not recognizing the lady
The resolute liberation has been completely liberated, and the elimination of the electric fraud industry has come to an end! Countless people's money bags are finally safe!

Some time ago, a message ending telecom fraud in Myanmar made many people finally let go of their worries for many years. This successful large-scale operation in the Kokang region of Myanmar and the complete eradication of the local wire fraud industry can be said to have brought hope to countless victims. The victory of this purge not only protected the safety of the people's property, but also ushered in a new stage for the development of the entire society.

The resolute liberation has been completely liberated, and the elimination of the electric fraud industry has come to an end! Countless people's money bags are finally safe!

Troubled before the boldness

You must know that the Kokang region of Myanmar was once an important stronghold of the well-known wire fraud industry, and countless scammers used telephone, Internet and other means to deceive people's efforts under various pretexts. These scammers are cunning, causing huge financial damage to the victims and greatly reducing people's trust in society.

The resolute liberation has been completely liberated, and the elimination of the electric fraud industry has come to an end! Countless people's money bags are finally safe!

I remember a news story that was particularly impressive, about a Mr. Zhang, a resident of the Kokang area, who received a call one night from a person claiming to be a bank worker, who claimed that there was an irregularity in his bank account and needed to be verified. Due to Mr. Zhang's lack of vigilance against wire fraud, he was defrauded of a large amount of money by scammers under various pretexts.

The resolute liberation has been completely liberated, and the elimination of the electric fraud industry has come to an end! Countless people's money bags are finally safe!

In the case of Ms. Lee, a young man who had just arrived in Kokang and was looking for a job there, she posted her job search on social media, only to receive a call from a person claiming to be an HR manager who claimed to help her find her dream job. In order to be able to find a job smoothly, Miss Li didn't think too much, but she didn't expect to be charged a large amount of money by scammers in various names, but in the end she didn't get any substantial help.

The resolute liberation has been completely liberated, and the elimination of the electric fraud industry has come to an end! Countless people's money bags are finally safe!

There is also Mr. Wang, who is also a farmer in Kokang Prefecture, who met a person who claimed to be a professional investor on an investment platform through the so-called introduction of a friend. The other party used the high return as a bait to let Mr. Wang put all his savings into it. As a result, you don't have to think about it to know that when Mr. Wang wanted to recover his principal, he found that the other party had disappeared without a trace.

The resolute liberation has been completely liberated, and the elimination of the electric fraud industry has come to an end! Countless people's money bags are finally safe!

Bold awakening and action

Because of this series of scams, when people were helpless against the wire fraud industry, the relevant departments in Kokang launched a thorough clean-up operation on the matter. They worked closely together and successfully destroyed a number of wire fraud gangs through reconnaissance and arrest, so that the wire fraud industry in the region began to show signs of shrinking.

The resolute liberation has been completely liberated, and the elimination of the electric fraud industry has come to an end! Countless people's money bags are finally safe!

In this operation, the relevant departments successfully arrested a number of core members of the wire fraud gang, cracked down on their organizational structure, and weakened their power. And this series of actions also made the scammers panic and did not dare to continue to engage in illegal activities.

The resolute liberation has been completely liberated, and the elimination of the electric fraud industry has come to an end! Countless people's money bags are finally safe!

Therefore, in order to raise people's awareness of the prevention of wire fraud, the relevant departments publicized a series of cases through radio, television and other media, and provided a variety of methods and skills to prevent wire fraud. These campaigns have also been effective in raising people's vigilance and reducing the number of people who fall victim to them.

The resolute liberation has been completely liberated, and the elimination of the electric fraud industry has come to an end! Countless people's money bags are finally safe!

In fact, this encirclement and suppression operation is also due to the strengthening of cooperation between the Kokang region and neighboring countries to jointly crack down on transnational wire fraud gangs. It is also because of the increased information sharing and collaborative action that the two sides have been able to successfully capture a number of fugitive wire fraud criminals, making the wire fraud industry lose a place in the region.

The resolute liberation has been completely liberated, and the elimination of the electric fraud industry has come to an end! Countless people's money bags are finally safe!

A bold outlook for the future

The campaign to completely eradicate the wire fraud industry in Kokang is a milestone, which not only injects new vitality into the whole society, but also improves people's sense of trust and security in society, and significantly increases their enthusiasm.

The resolute liberation has been completely liberated, and the elimination of the electric fraud industry has come to an end! Countless people's money bags are finally safe!

The success of this operation is not only to clean up the wire fraud industry, but more importantly, to set a positive example for the whole society. In fact, as long as we put aside the mustard and work together, we can destroy all kinds of social chaos and let everyone live a life of peace and contentment.

The resolute liberation has been completely liberated, and the elimination of the electric fraud industry has come to an end! Countless people's money bags are finally safe!

At the same time, we should also be aware that the eradication of the wire fraud industry is only the beginning, and there are still further laws and regulations that need to be further improved. Only in this way can we fundamentally solve the problem of wire fraud and protect people's property.

The resolute liberation has been completely liberated, and the elimination of the electric fraud industry has come to an end! Countless people's money bags are finally safe!

The crackdown on the wire fraud industry in Kokang has taught us that if we work together and move forward, we can overcome all kinds of social chaos and create a better future. Let's work together to contribute to building a safe, just and harmonious society!

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