
Middle-aged and elderly men, why do you advise you to "wear hats" in winter? 4 advantages, many people don't know


Accessories do not occupy a large proportion of the outfit, but they can play a finishing touch, beautiful and practical. Especially for middle-aged and elderly men, the clothes they wear are relatively simple and monotonous, and if they are not decorated with any accessories, it is easy to expose their age and look old-fashioned and tacky.

Middle-aged and elderly men, why do you advise you to "wear hats" in winter? 4 advantages, many people don't know

Among them, the hat is a more controversial accessory used in the middle-aged and elderly men's clothing, even so, why do you still advise you to wear more hats in winter? After reading these amateur outfits, maybe you will find the answer~

1. Middle-aged and elderly men, wearing hats in winter have these 4 advantages

Advantage (1): Keep warm from the cold and prevent colds

Middle-aged and elderly men, why do you advise you to "wear hats" in winter? 4 advantages, many people don't know

The temperature in winter is relatively low, especially in the northern regions, and even reaches a low temperature of minus ten or twenty degrees. The head is one of the parts of the body that dissipates the most heat in the body, and wearing a hat can effectively keep out the cold, prevent wind and keep warm, and reduce the risk of cold.

Advantage (2): Cover up gray hair and baldness

Middle-aged and elderly men, why do you advise you to "wear hats" in winter? 4 advantages, many people don't know

When most men get older, they will have problems such as gray hair, thinning hair, and even baldness, which will look very old-fashioned when directly exposed, and affect the spirit of the overall shape. With the blessing of the hat, it can effectively cover the problem of gray hair and baldness, and the whole person will look younger and more energetic.

Advantage (3): Modify the head and face shape

Middle-aged and elderly men, why do you advise you to "wear hats" in winter? 4 advantages, many people don't know

A hat is an accessory that acts on the position of the head and face, which can play a certain role in modifying the head and face shape, balancing the coordination of the two parts in the body structure, and thus optimizing the proportions. At the same time, hats can also hide the appearance of facial age, such as sunken cheeks or cheeks, etc., and hats can make the facial lines look softer.

Advantage (4): Enrich the level of dressing and enhance the taste

Middle-aged and elderly men, why do you advise you to "wear hats" in winter? 4 advantages, many people don't know

Hats are used in wearing, mainly to enrich the layering of the effect, can get rid of the disadvantages of clothing items that are slightly monotonous and dull, and make the overall outfit more fashionable and advanced. In addition, a person's taste can also be judged from the hat worn, after all, the average middle-aged and elderly man will ignore the importance of hats.

2. How to choose the right hat for middle-aged and elderly men?

(1) The version is not close to the scalp, and it should have a sense of structure

Middle-aged and elderly men, why do you advise you to "wear hats" in winter? 4 advantages, many people don't know

When choosing a hat, take into account the head shape and face shape, try to avoid hats that are too close to the scalp, which is prone to the effect of "head wrapping face", giving people a feeling of being too old-fashioned. In contrast, hats with a more structured fit can add a certain amount of height and enhance the contour of the face, such as top hats, newsboy hats and baseball caps.

(2) The color is not fancy, and the basic color is preferred

Middle-aged and elderly men, why do you advise you to "wear hats" in winter? 4 advantages, many people don't know

Color directly determines skin color, age and temperament, for middle-aged and elderly men, the choice of hat color can not be too fancy, easy to appear too abrupt and disobedient, look cheap, and then lower the personal temperament taste. The basic color of the hat is more adaptable, such as black, white gray, navy blue, army green, etc., which can control different styles of styling.

(3) The style is not young or old, and fits the temperament

In the choice of hat style, remember not to contradict your age, otherwise it will give people a sense of pretentiousness that is either young or old. For middle-aged and elderly men, the hat style should reduce age, but it should also fit their mature and stable temperament, such as baseball caps, which are young but also versatile, and can be controlled in formal or casual wear.

3. Middle-aged and elderly men, only by doing these three things can they reduce their age and become advanced

01. The hat echoes the color of a certain garment

Middle-aged and elderly men, why do you advise you to "wear hats" in winter? 4 advantages, many people don't know

Although the hat only plays an embellishment role in wearing, it is also necessary to pay attention to the control of details. The color of the hat worn should be consistent with the color of a certain clothing item worn, and there should be echoes between the colors to strengthen the layering of the overall shape and avoid looking abrupt and out of harmony.

02. Emphasize the unity of style between hats and clothing

Middle-aged and elderly men, why do you advise you to "wear hats" in winter? 4 advantages, many people don't know

The stylistic attributes between hats and clothing must have echoes and blends. If you're wearing casual gear like a jacket, jeans and sneakers, try to wear a baseball cap or bucket hat, and the same style of clothing and accessories will look more cohesive.

03. Do a good job in posture management to highlight your temperament

Middle-aged and elderly men, why do you advise you to "wear hats" in winter? 4 advantages, many people don't know

Whether it is clothing or accessories, they are all part of dressing, and dressing is only a plus point for styling, and the foundation that determines a person's temperament is posture. For middle-aged and elderly men, they can't control their weight, but they must do a good job in posture management, and they can usually do more sports activities, such as tai chi, square dancing, etc., which are helpful to their posture.

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