
"The Annual Meeting Can't Stop": He is even more poignant

author:Yangcheng faction

Appraisal object: "The annual meeting cannot be stopped"

Release date: December 29, 2023

"The Annual Meeting Can't Stop": He is even more poignant

True comedy is satire that makes you laugh out loud and cry out loud. It's been a long time since I've seen such a comedy on the big screen, but fortunately, there is finally a "Annual Meeting Can't Stop".

The title of the film is really crotch-pulling, giving people the illusion that it is purely born in response to the situation. After reading it, I realized that these five words came from an important line in the film: the chairman of the big factory encountered a financial crisis before he was developed, and in order to encourage the employees, he insisted that "the annual meeting cannot be stopped". Of course, this sentence was chosen for the occasion, but at the same time, it is also a reminder to those who get rich first: the annual meeting cannot be stopped, and people's hearts cannot be hurt.

The success of the whole movie is based on the resonance and tacit understanding of those heartbroken workers. How does a smart boss assign work?" "Why is overtime popular in large factories?" "Is overtime to complete work?" Overtime is a way to show work attitude. "How to solve this problem?" The key to solving this problem is to find the key problem. "One stalk a minute, and it all comes from the familiar life of migrant workers, so you can't laugh.

The whole story is based on the adventures of a fitter. Hu Jianlin, played by Dapeng, was mistakenly transferred to the company's headquarters, and changed from a "blue collar" to a "gold collar" overnight. He can't speak Mandarin clearly, so he has to "align the granularity", "get through the underlying logic" and "achieve a precise closed loop" when he opens and closes his mouth. Because no one could figure out his origin, Hu Jianlin was even misrepresented as the chairman's own son, and his position in the company was even promoted by three levels. But the simple fitter did not completely lose his way after all, and he chose the latter between soaring and worthy of his conscience.

"The Annual Meeting Can't Stop": He is even more poignant

Dapeng plays Hu Jianlin

Hu Jianlin's story is a standard cool essay mode. The coolness of the first half comes from his feet on the lucky star, and he is still rising step by step when he does everything wrong-in the tacit "tolerance" and "protection" of all people, he does everything right. The coolness of the second half comes from the counterattack after his conscience is discovered. The film specially created a bunch of villains as targets - the grassroots who bribed, the middle level who accepted bribes, and the high-level who laid off employees without blinking. Hu Jianlin's undisciplined shooting caused the villains to fall to the ground one after another, justice was demonstrated, and the injured hearts of the workers in the theater were also appeased for a moment.

But no matter what kind of counterattack, Hu Jianlin's story is still "overhead". His story is too bizarre and the ending is too idealistic for ordinary migrant workers to really take over. Compared with him, what is even more sour is actually Ma Jie, the personnel manager of the big factory played by Bai Ke. This is a standard worker who almost writes "good" and "received" on his face, and when he greets Hu Jianlin, he can bow 90 degrees and say respectfully: "Hello, you will be my subordinate in the future." When Hu Jianlin, who didn't know anything, quickly counterattacked and became his boss, he would also convince himself: "If he can become a leader, it means that he must be capable." In the film, Hu Jianlin once conducted a middle-level training, forcing the middle-level people in straight suits to collectively go to the lathe to make hammers. When Ma Jie's hammer was inspected, Hu Jianlin commented: "The edges and corners are all smoothed. This is probably the most concise and accurate evaluation of the character of Ma Jie.

"The Annual Meeting Can't Stop": He is even more poignant

Ma Jie (right) is a standard worker

But even this little person who is cautious, submissive, and only dares to yell after drinking, "Look up to the sky and laugh and go out, how can my generation be a Penghao person", and finally he can muster up the courage to follow Hu Jianlin to make a big fuss about the annual meeting. At that moment, many "screws" who are also not valued in real life may have their eyes warmed.

The most intriguing scene in the film is that even though the annual meeting is about to be made, Ma Jie did not forget to write his name seriously on the sign-in board of the annual meeting. The company abused me thousands of times, and I treated the company like my first love! At that moment, all the laughter in the theater was a smile, and all the tears were also related.

"The Annual Meeting Can't Stop" is a carnival of workers. After the carnival is over, like Ma Jie, continue to work. After that scene, it seems that nothing has changed, but only you know in your heart that the blood is not cold.

Text | Reporter Li Li