
Pingyao Ancient City prohibits travel photography shops from listing non-Han ethnic costumes?

author:Jinan Times - New Yellow River

Recently, the WeChat official account of "Pingyao Ancient City Tourism" issued a notice saying that all travel photography operators in the ancient city are prohibited from putting on the shelves clothing that is incompatible with the culture of the Han nationality and does not conform to the main theme of the times, and will clean up and remove them from the shelves within 15 days. On January 6, a staff member of the Pingyao County Culture and Tourism Bureau confirmed to reporters that the notice was true, and said that the notice had been deleted and that the leaders were meeting to discuss the matter.

Pingyao Ancient City prohibits travel photography shops from listing non-Han ethnic costumes?

Notice: Courtesy of the insider

The notice mentioned that in recent years, Pingyao ancient city travel photography, as a new form of cultural tourism, is deeply loved by the majority of tourists, and the "Jin Shang Young Grandmother" travel photography has caused tourists to come to Pingyao to experience Hanfu travel photography. The reason why Pingyao travel photography is so popular is inseparable from the thick "Jin merchant culture" behind it, and the fire of Jin Shang travel photography reflects the love of the people, especially the younger generation, for traditional clothing and the high self-confidence of Han culture. In order to protect the historical authenticity, integrity and cultural continuity of the ancient city of Pingyao, and to ensure that the traditional costumes of the ancient city conform to the cultural heritage and historical features of the Han nationality for thousands of years, according to the provisions of Articles 3, 10, 29 and 30 of the Regulations on the Protection of the Ancient City of Pingyao in Shanxi Province, all travel photography operators in the ancient city are prohibited from putting on the shelves clothing that is not suitable for the culture of the Han nationality and does not conform to the main theme of the times.

The notice clearly states that all travel photography operators will clean up and remove non-Han ethnic and non-Han clothing that does not conform to the main theme of the times within 15 days from now on, and jointly help the inheritance and development of the ancient city culture. Those who have not been removed from the shelves after the extension will be cleaned up in accordance with the "Regulations on the Protection of the Ancient City of Pingyao in Shanxi Province".

Pingyao Ancient City prohibits travel photography shops from listing non-Han ethnic costumes?

Notice from the Bureau of Culture and Tourism Courtesy of the insider

The Jimu News reporter noticed that the signing unit of the notice is the Pingyao County Culture and Tourism Bureau, and the time is January 5, 2024. At present, the WeChat official account of "Pingyao Ancient City Tourism" has deleted the notice.

A travel photography operator in the ancient city of Pingyao told a Jimu News reporter that she also saw this notice, but she thought it was inappropriate. The "Jin Shang Young Grandmother" travel photography has indeed brought fire to Pingyao Travel Photography to a certain extent, but tourists who come to the ancient city will also have the need to wear other types of clothing for travel photography. If you can't meet the diversified needs of tourists, tourists who have photographed "Jin Shang Young Grandma" will not come to Pingyao Ancient City again.

The travel photographer said that her store does not have non-Han ethnic and non-mainstream clothing that does not meet the main theme of the times, but she has met tourists who need to wear other types of clothing, those clothes are rented, and this time the regulations have little impact on the store, "I don't know how to implement it yet, and if you don't implement it in the future, you may be punished." ”

On January 6, a staff member of the Pingyao County Culture and Tourism Bureau confirmed to reporters that the notice was true. The staff member said that after the above-mentioned notice was issued, some consultation calls were received, and the WeChat public account of "Pingyao Ancient City Tourism" deleted the notice on the 6th. As for why the relevant measures in the notice were implemented, the staff member said that he did not know very well.

The staff member said that after the deletion of the notice, the relevant leaders of the Bureau of Culture and Tourism are holding a meeting to discuss the matter, and there should be a research result soon, "either not implemented or a new announcement." ”

Pingyao Ancient City prohibits travel photography shops from listing non-Han ethnic costumes?

Jin Shang young grandmother travel photography data map

At about 16 o'clock on the 6th, the staff of the Pingyao County Culture and Tourism Bureau called to say that the relevant policies and regulations on the notice had been revoked, and the relevant policies and regulations would be released on the official platform in the future.

According to public information, the ancient city of Pingyao is a famous cultural city with a history of more than 2,800 years, one of the four most intact ancient cities in China, in 1986, the ancient city of Pingyao was designated as a "national historical and cultural city" by the State Council, in 1997 it was listed as a "world cultural heritage" by the United Nations, and in 2015 it was officially included in the national 5A-level tourist attractions. In recent years, the "Jin Shang Young Grandmother" travel has become popular, which has also become an indispensable cultural experience for tourists to travel to the ancient city of Pingyao.

Source: Jimu News

Editor: Yu Dan

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