
The "Wandering Doctor" in the United States spoke out, and the latest news →

author:Golden Sheep Net

Recently, the experience of Dr. Sun Moumou, a doctor studying in the United States at Fudan University, who wandered on the streets of New York, has attracted continuous public attention. On January 7, Dr. Sun Moumou, a doctor from Fudan University who was wandering on the streets of New York, was properly resettled, and Dr. Sun himself spoke out again to thank volunteers for helping him restart his life.

On the morning of the 7th, the reporter learned from volunteers and the American Alumni Association of Fudan University (New York) that Dr. Sun had changed into new clothes and cut his hair short, and someone accompanied him in his temporary residence during the day, and the alumni association would carry out the next step of the help plan according to his mental condition.

On the 7th, the reporter learned from Mr. Wang, a volunteer who was the first to pay attention to this matter, that Dr. Sun had been properly resettled.

The "Wandering Doctor" in the United States spoke out, and the latest news →

Screenshot of the live video. Photo/Netizen Lin Xiaobei

Mr. Wang has posted the latest progress of the matter on his personal social media account. In the video, Dr. Sun has changed into new clothes and cut his hair short, and he looks very energetic.

Dr. Sun said that he has experienced some life changes and fallen into difficulties over the years, and he is very grateful to all the friends who have cared for and helped him, so that he can get back on his feet and start a new life.

Mr. Wang also wrote: "Next, volunteers will arrange for Dr. Sun to receive treatment in the United States, and at the same time, they will also apply for cooperative social welfare and assistance for him, hoping that he can return to normal life and work." ”

The "Wandering Doctor" in the United States spoke out, and the latest news →

Screenshot of the video posted by Mr. Wang

The liaison of the Fudan University American Alumni Association (New York) said that Dr. Sun's current state is relatively stable, and they are still discussing follow-up plans.

Previously reported

He received his Ph.D. in physics from Fudan University

16 years of living on the streets of the United States

Recently, a Chinese blogger saw a scruffy homeless man looking Chinese on the street of the United States, so he walked over and chatted, and the more he talked, the more surprised he became. From the chat, I learned that he was an undergraduate graduate from Fudan University in China, and later came to the United States to study for a postdoctoral degree, but he has been living on the streets of the United States for 16 years.

The video was later posted on social media, and the homeless man was recognized by his classmates and acquaintances at the time, confirming that what he said was true.

The "Wandering Doctor" in the United States spoke out, and the latest news →

In the video, Dr. Wandering recalled his "wandering story", mentioning that in 2007, he "arrived from Chinatown to Brooklyn, and it has been 16 years, and he has been living in a fixed place for 16 years. At the same time, he also revealed that he had mental problems, "I was confused by lonely fantasies, I don't even know if it's true or fake now, (my mind is full of) hallucinations and fantasies."

At the request of the blogger, "Dr. Wandering" introduced himself as Eason in English, and he has been in the United States for more than 30 years, and has only returned to China once in 16 years. "I've missed out on a lot of opportunities in the U.S., so my life is still hard because I'm so unrealistic." When asked about his personal situation, he said that he had divorced his wife and "has not seen each other recently".

According to media reports, the man, surnamed Sun, is 54 years old and said that he had been spending the night in an Internet café and now has no place to sleep at night, especially in winter, and can only spend the night in subway stations, some of which have heating and stools.

It is reported that in 1969, he was born in Jiangyin, Jiangsu Province, and was an undergraduate student majoring in physics at Fudan University.

While working as a researcher, he studied computer science and worked as a programmer on Wall Street for two years, earning more than $100,000 a month.

Voices from loved ones:

A lot of information spread on the Internet is false!

On January 5, a relative of "Dr. Wandering" Sun Moumou told reporters that a lot of information about Sun Moumou on the Internet was "untrue", and relatives and friends communicated with the Fudan University Alumni Association, and the two sides were discussing how to help him.

"He stayed in our school for a year, and then he went to Fudan Junior Class, and it was many years ago, and the teachers at that time were all retired or gone, so [the school] doesn't know much about it now. It was pointed out in the online video that Sun Moumou was selected into the "Fudan Juvenile Class" in 1985 from Jiangyin Nanjing Middle School, which had just been studied for less than a year, and the relevant people of Nanjing Middle School confirmed it, saying that Sun Moumou was very smart at that time, because he had not been studying at the school for a long time, and he went to Fudan and went to the United States to study, so he had little contact with Nanjing Middle School, and in fact, he did not have much contact with his family.

In addition, the relationship between Sun Moumou and his relatives in his hometown has also attracted much attention, and some netizens said that Sun Moumou has resentment towards his family, and there are many related speculations. In this regard, a relative and friend of Sun Moumou who understands the situation said that now relatives and friends at home are understanding and dealing with this matter, and they are a little anxious, and the Internet is full of speculation and "false information", but at present, he is inconvenient to disclose, and the specific way is still being discussed, hoping not to put too much pressure on his family. During the interview, relevant parties also said that the follow-up situation and briefing need to be coordinated and decided.

The "Wandering Doctor" in the United States spoke out, and the latest news →

Classmate Sun: He used to have a cheerful personality

I haven't been in touch with my family for more than 10 years

On January 5, according to Red Star News, Mr. Liu, who was in the same class as Sun Moumou in primary school and junior high school, told reporters that Sun Moumou had a cheerful personality and loved sports in the past, and at that time he was very good at Xi, which was a "myth" that has been circulating in the mouth of school teachers for more than ten years. Mr. Liu himself did not expect that decades later, he would see a video of his classmates living on the streets of the United States on the Internet, and he felt very embarrassed.

The "Wandering Doctor" in the United States spoke out, and the latest news →

A photo of Sun Moumou when he was young

"I saw these videos on the Internet a few days ago, and the first time I saw him, I recognized him. Mr. Liu, a citizen of Jiangyin, Jiangsu, told reporters that Sun Moumou was a classmate of his primary school and junior high school, and the two people's homes were less than 1 kilometer apart before.

Mr. Liu said that Sun Moumou's grades in primary school and Xi junior high school were very good, and the full score in the high school entrance examination that year was 640 points, and Sun Moumou scored 628 points. "He had a pretty good personality at the time, he was a bit of an extrovert, and he liked sports, especially the high jump. After graduating from junior high school in 1982, he was admitted to Nanjing Middle School, a local key high school in Jiangyin, and has never been in touch since then, but the story of his Xi good learning has been circulating in our school until the 90s of the last century, and then the teachers who taught him have retired one after another, and the story about him in the school has gradually faded. ”

Classmates from Fudan University's 85th Junior Class recognized him, as well as a group photo of classmates and teachers who had been admitted to American universities. There are also classmates in Jiangyin, after seeing this video, people in his hometown want to contact him and offer help.

The "Wandering Doctor" in the United States spoke out, and the latest news →

On the morning of the 6th, the reporter called the Chinese Consulate General in New York, and because the local area was not working hours, the call was automatically transferred to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' global consular protection and service emergency hotline. According to the hotline staff, if Dr. Sun has a U.S. citizenship ID, he can contact the relevant departments of the local government in the United States to handle the return to China, if Dr. Sun has a Chinese citizen ID, he can contact the Consulate General in New York directly, and if Dr. Sun does not have a ID, his family can contact the public security organ in his hometown or the volunteers of the alumni association to contact the Consulate General in New York, and report his personal details to the relevant departments for a solution.

Source | Yangcheng Evening News Comprehensive Jimu News, Yangtze Evening News, Red Star News, Southern Metropolis Daily

Editor: Li Xuan

Source: Yangcheng Evening News WeChat public account