
Musk: With these five strong thinking, you can also achieve an awesome life

author:Emotional expert smoke and rain butterflies


Text/Emotion Expert: Yan Yu Yi Butterfly

Musk: With these five strong thinking, you can also achieve an awesome life

Musk, a name, a legend.

His career is an epic of ups and downs, full of adventure, innovation and disruption.

And behind all this, it is inseparable from his unique strong thinking. His way of thinking is unique and insightful, from the pancake fruit to the sea of stars, all reflect his wisdom and vision.

At first hearing, you may think that Musk is an out-and-out workaholic, but in fact, he is well aware of the importance of relaxation.

Musk: With these five strong thinking, you can also achieve an awesome life

On that trip to Shanghai, he was deeply attracted by the pancakes on the street, stopped to taste them, and praised them. This may seem casual, but it reflects his unique way of thinking.

He understands that only by relaxing his mind can he keep a clear head and make accurate judgments.

This way of thinking not only enriches his life, but also makes him more decisive and precise in his business decisions.

After reading "Musk's Biography", I was deeply shocked, trying to find the amazing thinking pattern from this book, and the clues of how to achieve his life.

1. Break through the convention

Musk's mental acumen is beyond the ordinary.

He was able to quickly catch the pulse of the times and uncover the vast business opportunities hidden beneath the surface.

In the era of the rapid development of the Internet, he saw the infinite possibilities hidden in it, and resolutely gave up his doctorate from Stanford University to devote himself to business.

This courage to break out of the box and embrace change is the key to his success.

Musk: With these five strong thinking, you can also achieve an awesome life

2. Disruptive innovation

Musk's mindset can be described in one word - disruptive innovation.

He is never satisfied with the status quo and always tries to break the mold and find more efficient, convenient and disruptive solutions.

In the automotive industry, the emergence of Tesla has completely changed people's perception of electric vehicles, which not only gives a new definition of automobiles, but also a profound challenge to the traditional automotive industry.

In the field of space exploration, SpaceX's Falcon Heavy and Starship rockets have made the dream of returning to the moon or even landing on Mars within reach.

Such innovative thinking is not limited to a certain field, Musk has also expanded his vision to energy, transportation, artificial intelligence and other fields, striving to achieve all-round breakthroughs.

Musk: With these five strong thinking, you can also achieve an awesome life

3. Strong execution

And behind this disruptive innovation is Musk's strong execution.

He is never satisfied with words on paper, but puts his ideas into practice and proves his point with action.

This strong execution stems from his unwavering belief in goals and uncompromising attitude.

He knows that only by turning ideas into reality can he truly move the world forward.

Musk: With these five strong thinking, you can also achieve an awesome life

Fourth, circle of competence thinking

Warren Buffett said that it doesn't matter the size of the circle of competence, it's important to know the boundaries of your abilities.
His golden partner, Charlie Munger, also said, "Keep investing in areas that have a good position in your life." Know your strengths and your strengths, and stay near those strengths. ”
Musk: With these five strong thinking, you can also achieve an awesome life
Munger added: "You have to figure out what your talents are. If you compete in a game where others have an advantage but you don't, you're bound to lose, and it's almost impossible to go wrong with predictions. You have to figure out where you have an advantage and keep playing within your own circle of competence. ”

During his Xi at Scotiabank, Musk conducted research on Latin American debt problems and saw that banks had the opportunity to make huge gains by investing in restructured bonds.

However, the bank's top brass rejected his offer for the sake of asset balance.

This made him realize that the philosophy and style of traditional banking did not suit him.

So, despite the bank's admiration, he turned down the high-paying job offer and instead devoted himself to a direction that would allow him to reach his potential: using the "engineer's mind," polishing products, and pursuing breakthroughs.

Musk knows what he is good at and is familiar with, understands his limitations, and focuses on the area of strengths. He believes that no one is perfect, and the key to a person's ability to stand out is to develop their strengths and avoid weaknesses and cultivate within the circle of competence.

Musk: With these five strong thinking, you can also achieve an awesome life

Fifth, the courage to challenge failure, the setback into the driving force for progress.

Musk's strongman mentality is also reflected in his attitude towards setbacks and failures.

On the road of entrepreneurship, he encountered countless difficulties and challenges, and even faced bankruptcy at one point.

But these setbacks did not break him, but instead became the driving force for him to move forward.

He firmly believes that every failure is the only way to success, and only by daring to face and accept failure can we finally achieve success.

This strong mindset allows him to always keep a clear head and firm beliefs in the face of adversity. It is this amazing strong thinking that has made Musk's brilliant life.

He has not only become a superstar in the tech world, but also an idol in the hearts of countless people.

Musk: With these five strong thinking, you can also achieve an awesome life

A message from the smoke and rain

Musk's story tells us that with unconventional, disruptive innovative thinking, circle of competence thinking and strong execution, coupled with the courage and perseverance in the face of setbacks and failures, we can overcome all difficulties and create our own brilliant chapter.

We should draw strength and wisdom from Musk. We must not only dare to challenge the status quo and break the conventional mindset, but also strengthen our beliefs and bravely face setbacks and failures. Only in this way can we continue to move forward on the road of life and achieve our own awesome life.

Musk: With these five strong thinking, you can also achieve an awesome life

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