
The 3 secrets of longevity, drinking water is the second, walking is only the third, and everyone needs to know the first

author:Love Yinan

When people reach middle age, in addition to worrying about things outside the family, and as they get older, many people hope that they can live a long and healthy life. And if you want to live a long and healthy life, in addition to genetics, it is more important to develop a good Xi habits, for example, around me, there are 2 long-lived old people, their diet and rest are particularly good, like other long-lived old people, they all have 3 longevity secrets, drinking water second, walking only ranked third, the first everyone should know, and then I will explain to you in detail these 3 secrets of longevity.

The 3 secrets of longevity, drinking water is the second, walking is only the third, and everyone needs to know the first

Point 3: Walking

When people reach middle and old age, they must not be lazy, and walking slowly for 1 hour a day has 4 major benefits for the body. The first benefit is that it can strengthen the muscles of the legs and hips and improve the muscles' ability to prevent diseases. The second benefit is to prevent calcium loss, delay bone degeneration, and prevent osteoporosis, and the third benefit is to enhance cardiopulmonary function and reduce the occurrence of stroke, myocardial infarction, and respiratory diseases. The fourth benefit is that it can promote intestinal peristalsis, so that the stomach and intestines are healthier.

The 3 secrets of longevity, drinking water is the second, walking is only the third, and everyone needs to know the first

When middle-aged and elderly people walk, it is most recommended to walk slowly, not fast, because often walking too fast, it is easy to cause arthritis, so it is most recommended that you walk slowly, and when there is fog or rain, you should not walk slowly outdoors, walking slowly indoors is more beneficial to the body.

Number two: Drink water

Longevity of the elderly, must know how to drink water, for example, in the morning after getting up to brush their teeth, the first time to drink a glass of warm water, which is more conducive to intestinal peristalsis, so that the intestinal toxins are discharged faster. When drinking water on an empty stomach in the morning, it is not recommended to drink hot water, salt water, or sugar water, which are irritating to the stomach and intestines. And an adult, whether middle-aged or elderly, drinking 1200-1500 ml of water (6 to 8 glasses) a day can make the body healthier.

The 3 secrets of longevity, drinking water is the second, walking is only the third, and everyone needs to know the first

Drinking more water every day, in addition to detoxification, also has the following 3 major benefits, the first benefit is that the skin is no longer dry, and it becomes hydrated and shiny. The second benefit is that drinking more water is more conducive to digestion. The third benefit is that drinking water can balance body temperature and maintain normal physiological activities.

Number one: a good mindset

The 3 secrets of longevity, drinking water is the second, walking is only the third, and everyone needs to know the first

As the saying goes: "Only with a healthy mind can you have a healthy life", around us, some successful people, no matter what they encounter, will maintain a good attitude and will not be overjoyed. When we encounter some difficulties, smile slightly, riveting energy, a little more patience, maybe it will be successful, when we encounter problems that others can not encounter in a lifetime, we must keep a normal heart, it is really impossible to solve it with the best attitude to tolerate and understand. And how to maintain a good attitude, there are 3 good ways.


The first: know how to live

The 3 secrets of longevity, drinking water is the second, walking is only the third, and everyone needs to know the first

If you encounter something unhappy, you can go out to eat hot pot with your family and friends, and then go to KTV to sing and sing. If you are someone who likes to be alone, you can buy some of your favorite ingredients, cook some of your favorite dishes, and then take a hot bath, and generally by the next day, your mood will be better.


The second: read a book

The 3 secrets of longevity, drinking water is the second, walking is only the third, and everyone needs to know the first

There are many sayings about reading books, such as "reading more than 10,000 volumes, writing like a god", "there is a golden house in the book, and there is Yan Ruyu in the book", as we get older, when we have our own time alone, we can properly read books such as "Living the Meaning of Life", "Fraternity", "Alive", etc., which can make us love life more.


The third: review

The 3 secrets of longevity, drinking water is the second, walking is only the third, and everyone needs to know the first

To do a thing, whether it is successful or unsuccessful, we must learn to review, because review can make us gain more experience, when we encounter the same thing or similar things, we can relax our minds to deal with it, and everyone who succeeds understands the benefits of review.

The 3 secrets of longevity, drinking water is the second, walking is only the third, the first is to "have a good attitude", a healthy and good psychology is the real secret of longevity!

Editor丨Zheng Wei