
Tang Yan ate a rice cake in "Flowers", and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors

author:Jesse Kan Entertainment

The trough of domestic dramas

2023 seems to be a year when domestic TV dramas are facing a trough. Whether it is a mainstream TV station or an online platform, most TV dramas show the common characteristics of dull plots and jerky performances, making it difficult for audiences to truly immerse and resonate. For a long time, domestic dramas have been plagued by mediocre screenwriting techniques and performances that lack warmth, which also leads to the unsightly quality of domestic dramas in the eyes of the audience. Against this backdrop, the audience is eager for a work that will be uplifting and bring a fresh experience.

Tang Yan ate a rice cake in "Flowers", and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors

Highlights of "Flowers".

In this sluggish film and television land, the TV series "Flowers" directed by Wong Kar-wai is like a ray of light, and its distinctive visual language and delicate performances have won the applause of the audience. The lifelike characterization and vivid scene setting in the play are intoxicating. In particular, the outstanding performance of the heroine Tang Yan became the focus, and her subtle expression changes and eye contact in the eating scene completely integrated into the complexity of the character's inner world, making many jerky tastes very different before the performance. "Flowers" relies on a wonderful perspective and excellent actor skills to let the audience re-understand the artistic charm of domestic dramas.

Tang Yan ate a rice cake in "Flowers", and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors

The phenomenon of "fake eating" is troubled

However, there are also some worrying problems in domestic dramas, such as the phenomenon of "fake eating" is one of them. This refers to the fact that in the eating scene, the actor does not actually eat, but substitutes the feeling of eating through exaggerated expressions and movements. There are many examples that prove that it is difficult to create a sense of realism and resonate with the audience. For example, Yang Ying and Du Chun in "Song in the Clouds" and Liu Shishi in "Yi Nian Guan Mountain" have been criticized for being too obvious for fake eating. Although it is inevitable that the performance is not satisfactory, "fake eating" reflects the lack of detail control and ability of some actors to enter the play.

Tang Yan ate a rice cake in "Flowers", and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors

Tang Yan's transformation in "Flowers".

Compared with the previous domestic dramas, Tang Yan's performance in "Flowers" gives people a new feeling. Although her performance may have been rusty at the beginning, as the plot progressed, Tang Yan fully integrated into the role.

Tang Yan ate a rice cake in "Flowers", and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors

For example, in the food scene, she vividly shows the complex emotions in the character's heart through smaller expressions and delicate eye contact. This also allows the audience to really feel her growth in this work.

Tang Yan ate a rice cake in "Flowers", and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors

In terms of detail control ability, Tang Yan represents the continuous improvement of the standards of domestic actors. She showed professionalism and injected new vitality into the improvement of the quality of domestic TV dramas.

Tang Yan ate a rice cake in "Flowers", and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors

An exploration of acting and authenticity

In "Flowers", Tang Yan took her acting skills to a new level. With delicate eyes and demeanor, and with moving restrained power, she vividly interprets the fate and psychological changes of women in an era. This is in stark contrast to the overly exaggerated "meme" acting in many TV dramas. She internalizes her emotions through small micro-expressions, and truly restores the subtle and complex inner world of a woman.

Tang Yan ate a rice cake in "Flowers", and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors

The audience saw the vivid and deep inner life of humanity in Tang Yan's performance. This changes the traditional "fake eating" performance mode, and puts the perspective into the training of the actor's mental ability. Authenticity has become a new standard for measuring excellent acting skills, which to a certain extent has also awakened more TV drama practitioners to pay attention to connotative acting skills.

Tang Yan ate a rice cake in "Flowers", and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors

The unique charm of "Flowers".

Another key factor in the success of "Flowers" is the familiar and unique cinematic language of director Wong Kar-wai. He uses the perfect control of light and shadow and scenes to create a strong sense of storytelling. At the same time, he vividly integrates classic elements with contemporary feelings, and condenses the fate of frustrated characters like a drama, making "Flowers" a condensed cultural work that combines elegance and vulgarity.

Tang Yan ate a rice cake in "Flowers", and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors

Director Wang's unique perspective and sense of rhythm give the audience a feast of vision and soul. This cultural innovation that brings the traditional atmosphere into modern life has also established his unique position in the field of TV dramas.

Tang Yan ate a rice cake in "Flowers", and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors

The depth of acting skills and market repercussions

Encouraged by the superb acting skills of "Flowers", more and more audiences have begun to pay attention to the inherent artistic factors of a TV drama work. And not satisfied with flashy appearances. This has also given rise to a strong demand for connotation and depth from the audience.

Tang Yan ate a rice cake in "Flowers", and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors

At the same time, "Flowers" has received rave reviews, and the box office and traffic also reflect that in-depth content can attract a wider audience. This has had a profound impact on the TV drama industry,-- guiding more practitioners to realize that they no longer take the road of formalism, but focus on the inner depiction of human nature. Promote the evolution of traditional industries into quality corridors.

Tang Yan ate a rice cake in "Flowers", and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors

Cultural connotation and story communication

The biggest highlight of "Flowers" is that it vividly restores the style and culture of an era with small details. For example, through every look and movement of the heroine at the ballroom ballroom, there is a vivid restoration of the past customs.

Tang Yan ate a rice cake in "Flowers", and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors

This narrative technique of integrating cultural connotation into the psychological changes of the characters makes the whole drama no longer a simple emotional brainwashing, but a refined cultural immersion. While conveying the story, it also allows the audience to think deeply about an era. This pushes the cultural spirituality to a new artistic height of TV dramas.

Tang Yan ate a rice cake in "Flowers", and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors

"Flowers": The deep integration of acting skills and characters

In "Flowers", a TV series directed by Wong Kar-wai, the heroine Tang Yan's interpretation of the role left a deep impression on the audience. One of the widely discussed scenes is the subtle expressions on the characters' faces as they enjoy their meals. This is in stark contrast to the exaggerated and blunt "fake eating" scenes in many TV dramas.

Tang Yan ate a rice cake in "Flowers", and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors

Through the long filming process, Tang Yan seems to have put herself into this role, revealing the inner fluctuations of the character with body language. No longer satisfied with just staying at the surface narrative, she tries to grasp every subtle emotion of the character. From the bend of the lip line to the water in the eyes, the psychological activities of this character at that moment are meticulously depicted.

Tang Yan ate a rice cake in "Flowers", and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors

It is this interpretation of integrating acting skills into the heart of the character that makes Tang Yan recognized. Unlike being a "performer", she seems to have become the character entirely. The audience is no longer confronted with an "actor", but sees a vivid and real person. This marks a new milestone in the level of acting.

Tang Yan ate a rice cake in "Flowers", and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors

"Flowers": the integration of innovation and traditional culture

The reason why "Flowers" left a deep impression is also inseparable from the exquisite conception of director Wong Kar-wai. He is familiar with the traditional Chinese culture, and can integrate modern perspectives to achieve innovation in the language of images.

Tang Yan ate a rice cake in "Flowers", and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors

Set in Shanghai in the 40s of the 20th century, Wong Kar-wai reshaped a story stage full of Chinese style and strong characteristics of the times. For example, the street dance scene combines Peking Opera and folk elements to convey the memory of an era. The lens language also adds utopian colors to create a nostalgic and aesthetic feeling.

Tang Yan ate a rice cake in "Flowers", and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors

This unique perspective of concretizing the essence of traditional culture and integrating it into modern picture language expands the dexterity of TV drama expression. It not only reflects the respect for culture, but also opens a new door to visual enjoyment to the audience. This is one of the important reasons for the success of "Flowers".

Tang Yan ate a rice cake in "Flowers", and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors

"Flowers": Triggering deep thinking and innovation in the industry

The success of "Flowers" has undoubtedly inspired industry insiders to review new ideas for TV drama creation. On the one hand, it once again highlights the decisive influence of excellent scripts and fine performances on the quality of the work; On the other hand, it also suggests the need to emphasize the positive significance of traditional culture in film and television creation.

Tang Yan ate a rice cake in "Flowers", and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors

In this regard, there is a view that TV drama production should pay attention to the inheritance of cultural heritage, and innovation should be based on tradition rather than replacing tradition; At the same time, it is also necessary to deepen the grassroots and pay attention to the professional training of young actors. Only by condensing the nourishment of culture and art can the production level of TV dramas continue to improve and occupy a position in the global audiovisual market.

Tang Yan ate a rice cake in "Flowers", and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors

"Flowers" became famous overnight with its unique insights and superb realization techniques, and ruined the understanding of many viewers and practitioners on the media form of TV dramas. The success was not only a surprise, but also a reflection on how the industry could redefine innovation while preserving tradition. This is destined to have a profound impact on the global audiovisual culture.

Tang Yan ate a rice cake in "Flowers", and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors

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