
This rural revitalization brand ceremony, what links are worth paying attention to?

author:Three rural headlines

7 days later (13 January)

The annual glory ceremony of the Rural Revitalization Brand Festival is about to open

At this event

What are the areas worth paying attention to?

Which experts will you see?

What are some of the best ideas that can come together?

Who is on the top 100 list, typical cases and characters?

Want to know all about the annual glory ceremony of the brand festival

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Top 10 highlights

1. The grand opening of rural revitalization comes with dreams

Deputy national-level leaders will deliver speeches on the spot, more than 10 ministerial-level, department-level and bureau-level leaders participated in the launching ceremony, well-known experts and scholars delivered keynote speeches, and county magistrates from all over the country "County is talking" tricks to introduce the treasure county. There will also be ceremonies such as the Rural Revitalization Brand Incubation Base, Livable and Business-friendly and Beautiful Rural Awards.

This rural revitalization brand ceremony, what links are worth paying attention to?

2. The glory ceremony is full of surprises and exciting

The red carpet ceremony is star-studded, the honors are conferred and full of surprises, the theatrical performances are splendid, and the empowerment and promotion are inspiring. At the Glory Ceremony, the list of rural revitalization brand influence and communication, typical cases of rural revitalization, and typical figures of rural revitalization will be announced.

This rural revitalization brand ceremony, what links are worth paying attention to?

3. Eight live broadcast rooms across the country for the cloud exhibition of good things

The National Famous and High-quality Specialty Products Exhibition and New Year's Festival kicked off, with cloud exhibition + live broadcast to help farmers gather with goods, and there are multiple rounds of free delivery of welfare items. Government leaders and business leaders sit in the official promotion live broadcast room to promote good things from all over the world. In seven themed live broadcast rooms, several "pioneers of helping farmers" and tens of millions of fan-level Internet celebrities jointly brought goods to help farmers increase their income.

This rural revitalization brand ceremony, what links are worth paying attention to?

4. Rural revitalization survey to explore the grape industry in Huailai

The rural revitalization research group, composed of more than 40 "research officers", will understand the history of China's wine country, review the development process of the grape industry, display the traditional brewing process, visit the green organic planting base, and find answers in the fields through the three research forms of "big visit", "big service" and "big problem solving".

This rural revitalization brand ceremony, what links are worth paying attention to?

5. The super parlor industry is prosperous and the brand is strong

Focus on brand strong agriculture, discuss the role of brand in the construction, transformation and upgrading of industrial clusters and value upgrading, and share the practical experience of the sustainable development of regional characteristic industries. Representatives of all parties conducted interactive interviews, interpreted relevant policies, and set up "Rural Revitalization Observers" to analyze hot issues of industrial development from different dimensions, put forward constructive suggestions, and help build a brand strong agricultural industry chain.

This rural revitalization brand ceremony, what links are worth paying attention to?

6. Super Lounge, Digital Intelligence Strong Chain, Industry Helps Agriculture

"Wisdom" produces "wisdom" life, and "digital village" continues to become a high-frequency word on the Internet. From "agricultural prosperity" to "strong whole chain", rural development has opened up the revitalization of the "two pulses of appointment and supervision", and the big coffee talked about increasing the core technology research of cold chain logistics, and how digital and intelligent cold chain logistics can help the high-quality development of agricultural internationalization.

This rural revitalization brand ceremony, what links are worth paying attention to?

7. Pioneer words, revitalization, peak dialogue, and development path

In the form of one-on-one open interviews with the host and guests, the specific measures of rural revitalization will be discussed, and local highlights and props will be displayed in the living room, and the achievements of various places in the process of helping rural revitalization will be shared, so as to create a super meeting room of the three rural brands with diverse forms, rich content and frequent hot spots.

This rural revitalization brand ceremony, what links are worth paying attention to?

8. Typical case release condenses a number of cutting-edge achievements

Gathering the successful experience on the road of rural revitalization, a number of cutting-edge achievements of rural revitalization will be released at the event, such as the "Annual Rural Revitalization Research Report", "Compilation of Typical Cases of Rural Revitalization Empowerment Plan", "Xinhua China Huailai Cultivated Land Fertility Index Operation Report", "Zero Carbon Huailai White Paper", etc., to promote rural revitalization to achieve new results.

This rural revitalization brand ceremony, what links are worth paying attention to?

9. The alliance was established on the road to revitalization hand in hand

The Rural Revitalization Brand Alliance and the Brand Innovation Research Institute will be formally established, working with relevant government agencies, enterprises, scientific research institutes, business associations, think tank experts, platforms and industry representatives to innovate agricultural brand building methods, promote resource sharing, promote the standardized development of the industry, improve the quality and level of comprehensive rural revitalization, and give full play to the important role of agricultural brands in the modernization of agriculture and rural areas.

This rural revitalization brand ceremony, what links are worth paying attention to?

10. Flag presentation to announce the next host venue

Who will take over the banner of the 3rd Rural Revitalization Brand Festival?

The annual glory ceremony of the Rural Revitalization Brand Festival

The surprises don't stop there

January 13-14, 2024

Meet in Huailai, Hebei

This rural revitalization brand ceremony, what links are worth paying attention to?

Editor|Yang Jingxuan

Editor-in-charge|Bai Wa, Li Jie

Shangguan Wang Qiang