
Charity is the strength and warmth of perseverance! The "Love under the Blue Sky" activity in this district was launched
Charity is the strength and warmth of perseverance! The "Love under the Blue Sky" activity in this district was launched

A few days ago, the 30th "Love under the Blue Sky" charity activity in Baoshan District was launched, and 27 public welfare activities will be carried out, which is expected to benefit 31,000 people. Among them, the "10,000 people donate to help 10,000 families" street fundraising activity has become one of the most important contents of the "love under the blue sky", the activity will be on the morning of January 13, in Songnan Town set up a branch venue, and at the same time in the district 581 villages, residential communities simultaneously opened. At the scene, caring people from all walks of life held up signs to pledge, and donated a total of 27.15 million yuan.

The relevant person in charge of Baoshan District said: Charity is the measure of civilization of the city, and it is an important part of the city's soft power. Baoshan should not only lay a solid material foundation for the people's city with high-quality development, but also build a spiritual home that is endless, caring for each other, and make the city warmer and warmer with good civilization and customs. At the same time, it is hoped that the majority of charitable organizations, caring enterprises and caring people will continue to actively and enthusiastically devote themselves to charity, gather charity with loving feelings, and constantly create a new situation in the development of Baoshan's philanthropy.

At the scene, the charity donation window of "Love in Baoshan, Mortal Acts of Kindness" was unveiled. The official launch of the "Love in Baoshan, Mortal Acts of Kindness" charity window marks that Baoshan District will more widely mobilize and guide all sectors of society to actively participate in public welfare and charity.

Charity is the strength and warmth of perseverance! The "Love under the Blue Sky" activity in this district was launched

In the donation activity, a number of caring enterprises came to the scene to participate in the donation. Among them, Shanghai Ruihe Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd. actively participates in the annual "Love under the Blue Sky" activity and organizes the company's party members and employees to donate love. In addition, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the company last year, 200,000 yuan was donated to support Baoshan charity. After receiving the donation, the Baoshan District Representative Office of the Shanghai Charity Foundation actively linked up with the charity project and used 50,000 yuan to help a child with congenital spine in Xinjiang to successfully complete the operation in Shanghai. The relevant leaders of the enterprise said that charity is not only a momentary act of kindness, but also a persistent energy, strength and warmth.

Charity is the strength and warmth of perseverance! The "Love under the Blue Sky" activity in this district was launched

During the event, the leaders presented awards to the outstanding volunteers of Shanghai Charity, encouraging and commending their selfless dedication in daily volunteer service, public health emergencies and rural revitalization public welfare activities. The special fund for blue sky rescue was unveiled at the same time. The reporter learned that the special fund for blue sky rescue was set up by the Shanghai Baoshan Blue Sky Rescue Team in the district charity representative office, which is used to support public welfare activities such as emergency rescue, disaster prevention and mitigation safety publicity, and contribute to the construction of a better home and the safety of people's lives and property.

The reporter learned that last year, the district charity representative office raised 32.2546 million yuan in charitable funds, carried out 36 various charitable projects, spent 32.3678 million yuan on charity to help the poor, and benefited 1.3103 million people.

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