
Take the train to go abroad to play, these four domestic trains must be experienced once!

author:Liren article

China's railway network extends in all directions, not only connecting the north and south of the country, but also connecting with neighboring countries, taking you to the world. These four trains are the transportation arteries from Beijing and Urumqi to Moscow, Ulaanbaatar and Hanoi in Vietnam, and are the bridges connecting China and the world. They are not just a journey, they are a baptism of the soul.

Beijing to Moscow: A Six-Day Journey Through Siberia

Imagine sitting on a train and the scenery outside the window changes from a bustling city to a vast countryside to a dense forest and endless snowfields. This is the feast for the eyes of the train from Beijing to Moscow. You will travel through the long Siberia, past the spectacular Lake Baikal, over the Ura Mountains, and finally to the Eastern European Plain. It's a trip to the bone marrow that allows you to truly experience the leap from Asia to Europe.

Take the train to go abroad to play, these four domestic trains must be experienced once!

Beijing to Ulaanbaatar: An Amazing Journey Through Nature

Departing from Beijing and heading to Ulaanbaatar, the heart of Mongolia, is an unforgettable journey. As the train progresses, you will find that the mountains gradually flatten, the crowded cities become thin, and the Loess Plateau becomes a snowy plateau. The beauty here is vast, and it seems to be a masterpiece of nature. Here, you can feel the harmonious coexistence of man and nature.

Take the train to go abroad to play, these four domestic trains must be experienced once!

Urumqi to Mutu: A beautiful meeting of desert and lake

Departing from Urumqi in Xinjiang, this train will take you through the vast deserts and vast grasslands to Mutu, Kazakhstan. Along the way, you will see the wonders of half desert and half lake, and feel the magic of nature. The scenery here is breathtaking, as if it were a fairyland on earth.

Take the train to go abroad to play, these four domestic trains must be experienced once!

Nanning to Hanoi: Discover the beauty of Southeast Asia

For 215 yuan, you can buy a train ticket from Nanning to Hanoi. It's a journey to discover the beauty of Southeast Asia. Here, you can visit the beaches of Da Nang, the historical sites of Hanoi, and the diving resorts of Nha Trang. This train will take you to the different flavors of Southeast Asia and let you feel a different kind of exotic culture. Here, you can indulge in sun, sand and food, and let your mind be completely relaxed and happy.

Take the train to go abroad to play, these four domestic trains must be experienced once!

These four trains will not only take you through the beautiful scenery, but also give you an insight into the culture and history of the countries along the way. They are a bridge between China and the world, as well as a link between the past and the future. Here, you can feel the inheritance and development of human civilization, as well as the magic and magnificence of the natural world.

Don't miss out on the journey of these four trains! they will give you memories and experiences that will last a lifetime. Plan your trip now! Follow us for more travel tips and offers! Let's embark on this amazing journey together!

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