
"Eat one in winter, all the germs will be bypassed", eat more and eat hard, benefit the lungs and relieve cough, and enhance resistance

author:Department of Cardiology: Dr. Guo Xuefeng

As winter approaches, we are not only in the midst of a snow-soaked landscape, but also a host of health challenges. Have you noticed that this season, your friends and relatives seem to complain more frequently about colds, coughs, and even the flu? Winter, especially for middle-aged and elderly friends, is not only a beautiful season, but also a challenging time. The invasion of cold air and the change of temperature difference between indoor and outdoor air all pose a test to our respiratory system and immunity.

Winter Health Challenge: Resist the cold and protect your breathing path

In winter, as temperatures drop, the health of middle-aged and elderly people faces special challenges. During this season, the low temperature and dry environment can easily cause various respiratory diseases, such as colds, flu, chronic bronchitis, etc. These diseases not only bring inconvenience to daily life, but may also aggravate pre-existing health problems, especially for middle-aged and elderly people with pre-existing respiratory diseases or weakened immunity.

1. Prevalence of respiratory diseases in winter

In winter, due to the drop in temperature and the increase in the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor, the mucous membranes of the human respiratory tract are easily irritated by cold air and become more sensitive and fragile. This not only makes the respiratory tract more susceptible to germs, but also increases the incidence of respiratory diseases. In addition, poor indoor ventilation in winter makes it difficult for germs and viruses in the air to disperse, which is also an important reason for the high incidence of respiratory diseases.

"Eat one in winter, all the germs will be bypassed", eat more and eat hard, benefit the lungs and relieve cough, and enhance resistance

2. Problems with weakened immunity

As we age, the immune system gradually weakens. This decrease in immunity is even more pronounced during the winter months. The cold environment further inhibits the body's immune response, making it more difficult for the body to defend itself against viruses and bacteria. Therefore, boosting immunity, especially through diet and lifestyle adjustments, becomes the key to staying healthy during the winter months.

3. The importance of precautions

It is important to understand and identify these winter health challenges. The risk of respiratory diseases can be effectively reduced by taking appropriate precautions, such as maintaining proper indoor temperature and humidity, avoiding excessive exposure to cold environments, and maintaining good personal hygiene Xi. In addition, by enhancing physical fitness and immunity, especially through a reasonable diet, it can also effectively help middle-aged and elderly people spend a healthy winter.

Winter regimen: Choose the right food and stay away from diseases

In winter, the health management of middle-aged and elderly people is particularly important. During this season, respiratory diseases and weakened immunity become common health hazards due to the dry climate and lower temperatures. Choosing the right foods can not only help us combat these seasonal health challenges, but also improve our overall health.

"Eat one in winter, all the germs will be bypassed", eat more and eat hard, benefit the lungs and relieve cough, and enhance resistance

The link between nutrition and health

First, we need to understand that nutrient-dense foods are the cornerstone of staying healthy. Proper nutrition strengthens our immune system, which reduces the occurrence of diseases. Especially for middle-aged and elderly people, a reasonable diet is not only related to daily health, but also directly affects the quality of life.

"Eat one in winter, all the germs will be bypassed", eat more and eat hard, benefit the lungs and relieve cough, and enhance resistance

Nutritional needs in winter

During the winter months, our bodies need more calories and specific nutrients to fend off the cold. For example, vitamins C and E are powerful antioxidants that boost immunity, while zinc and selenium are directly involved in the normal function of the immune system. At the same time, adequate water intake is also not negligible, it can help maintain the body's water balance and prevent dry skin and respiratory problems that are common in winter.

Choose the right food

For middle-aged and older adults, it is essential to choose foods that are suitable for winter. For example, fruits rich in vitamin C (e.g., oranges, grapefruits) and nuts rich in vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids (e.g., walnuts, almonds) are excellent choices. In addition, foods rich in dietary fiber, such as whole grains and legumes, not only help maintain a healthy digestive system, but also help maintain stable blood sugar levels, which plays an important role in the prevention of abnormal glucose metabolism.

"Eat one in winter, all the germs will be bypassed", eat more and eat hard, benefit the lungs and relieve cough, and enhance resistance

Practical advice

Fruits and vegetables: Make sure you eat enough fruits and vegetables each day, especially dark-colored vegetables like spinach and kale.

Nuts and seeds: Eat some nuts and seeds that are rich in healthy fats and proteins, such as pumpkin seeds and flaxseeds.

Water intake: Make sure you drink enough water every day, especially during the dry winter months.

Winter Defense Artifact: Not only does it benefit the lungs and relieves cough, but also strengthens immunity

Winter arrives, and with it comes not only the joy of the holidays, but also the health challenges, especially for the middle-aged and elderly population. During this season, a common and easily accessible food can be a powerful ally for your health: it both benefits the lungs and relieves coughs, as well as strengthens your immunity. This is our protagonist - garlic.

The miracle of garlic

Antibacterial and antiviral: Alicin, a special ingredient contained in garlic, has been scientifically proven to have powerful antibacterial and antiviral effects. This property is especially important during the winter months, as it helps the body fight off the flu and other common germs.

"Eat one in winter, all the germs will be bypassed", eat more and eat hard, benefit the lungs and relieve cough, and enhance resistance

Boosts immunity: Garlic not only fights off foreign microbial attacks, but also strengthens the body's internal defense mechanisms. The trace elements and vitamins it contains, such as zinc and vitamin C, are essential for strengthening the immune system.

Cough relieve: Garlic is a natural cough remedy for people who often suffer from winter coughs. It can help relieve inflammation in the respiratory tract and reduce coughing.

How to consume garlic for the best results

Raw food vs. cooking: Raw garlic retains its nutrients to the maximum, but it is not acceptable to everyone due to its spicy taste. It can be chopped up and mixed with salads or sauces. Cooking garlic is milder and suitable for everyday dishes.

Moderate amount: Moderate consumption of garlic is sufficient every day. Excessive consumption may cause discomfort such as indigestion or bad breath problems.

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