
The hard-core Chinese uncle once used 63 fake paintings to destroy the rich circle of the United States in one fell swoop and defrauded nearly one billion dollars

author:Cognitive history
The hard-core Chinese uncle once used 63 fake paintings to destroy the rich circle of the United States in one fell swoop and defrauded nearly one billion dollars

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The hard-core Chinese uncle once used 63 fake paintings to destroy the rich circle of the United States in one fell swoop and defrauded nearly one billion dollars

Text丨Tigger loves to eat jumping candy

Editor丨Tigger loves to eat jumping candy

The statements in this article are based on reliable sources of information and are detailed at the end of the article

"Your uncle will always be your uncle!"

There is a bus "don't need to give up your seat" uncle, and there is a "Tianjin diving" uncle, these full-level uncles have never disappointed us.

Everyone is familiar with "hardcore uncle", right?

The hard-core Chinese uncle once used 63 fake paintings to destroy the rich circle of the United States in one fell swoop and defrauded nearly one billion dollars

In 1981, this uncle went to the United States to develop, and within a few years, he directly entered the rich circle in the United States.

The hard-core Chinese uncle once used 63 fake paintings to destroy the rich circle of the United States in one fell swoop and defrauded nearly one billion dollars

Paintings are fake

In the art circle, there is an uncle who is famous. Although he is not a great painter, he used 63 fake paintings to disrupt the rich circle of the United States in one fell swoop and defrauded nearly one billion dollars!

The hard-core Chinese uncle once used 63 fake paintings to destroy the rich circle of the United States in one fell swoop and defrauded nearly one billion dollars

This is no ordinary liar, but a hardcore man, and his story can be said to be more exciting than any Hollywood blockbuster.

This uncle usually likes to fiddle with brushes and paints, and his painting skills are superb, and he can imitate the styles of various masters. Every stroke, every stroke is so vivid that you can't believe your eyes.

The hard-core Chinese uncle once used 63 fake paintings to destroy the rich circle of the United States in one fell swoop and defrauded nearly one billion dollars

The hardcore uncle directly aimed at the rich circle in the United States and decided to give them a "surprise".

He elaborately produced 63 fake paintings, each of which was a work of art, and then sold them to the wealthy Americans by various means.

The hard-core Chinese uncle once used 63 fake paintings to destroy the rich circle of the United States in one fell swoop and defrauded nearly one billion dollars

These rich people really have money and nowhere to spend it, and when they see these paintings, they go crazy and buy them at high prices.

After a long time, the truth of these fake paintings was gradually exposed, and the truth of these fake paintings had to start with a divorce case.

The hard-core Chinese uncle once used 63 fake paintings to destroy the rich circle of the United States in one fell swoop and defrauded nearly one billion dollars

There is a wealthy couple in the United States named Mr. and Mrs. Desor, whose husband is a graduate of Harvard Law School, is a well-known figure, and has appeared on the cover of Time magazine.

Once, while walking in a gallery, I accidentally noticed a painting with only a few colored squares, and I was immediately attracted by this simple abstract painting.

The hard-core Chinese uncle once used 63 fake paintings to destroy the rich circle of the United States in one fell swoop and defrauded nearly one billion dollars

After that, he and his wife had an emotional rift to the point where they could not be sewn, and this led to divorce.

Divorce is already quite complicated for ordinary people, let alone the rich, so since we want to divorce, dividing the family property is undoubtedly the most troublesome part of it.

Both of them want to realize their property in half, so for the realization of artworks, the inspection must be more strict.

The hard-core Chinese uncle once used 63 fake paintings to destroy the rich circle of the United States in one fell swoop and defrauded nearly one billion dollars

It's okay if you don't test it, but when you detect it, there is a big problem, so there is a fake painting report of tens of thousands of words, and it is with this farce that the fake painting is completely exposed to the public.

The "hardcore" experience of the Chinese uncle

Uncle Liu in the United States single-handedly made the "headlines" in the United States, and successfully won the title of "Chinese Van Gogh" with 63 exquisite abstract style paintings.

The hard-core Chinese uncle once used 63 fake paintings to destroy the rich circle of the United States in one fell swoop and defrauded nearly one billion dollars

Why? Let's talk about it in detail.

The life story of this hardcore master is legendary, he was born in an ordinary family in China, and showed a strong interest in painting from an early age.

The hard-core Chinese uncle once used 63 fake paintings to destroy the rich circle of the United States in one fell swoop and defrauded nearly one billion dollars

However, the uncle's life was not all smooth sailing, during the Cultural Revolution, because of his family background, his parents ran to Taiwan before liberation, and he had to go to his aunt.

Unable to provide him with the opportunity to attend art school, he did not become a professional painter, but he never gave up his interest in painting, and he began a long road of self-study.

The hard-core Chinese uncle once used 63 fake paintings to destroy the rich circle of the United States in one fell swoop and defrauded nearly one billion dollars

He used various resources to learn painting and constantly Xi various painting techniques.

After years of hard work, his painting skills have reached the point of perfection, and he is able to imitate the style of many famous painters.

After the reform and opening up, the uncle finally had the opportunity to show his talent.

The hard-core Chinese uncle once used 63 fake paintings to destroy the rich circle of the United States in one fell swoop and defrauded nearly one billion dollars

He began to sell his paintings on the market and gradually attracted attention.

In 1979, when the spring breeze of reform was blowing all over the land, 12 painters from Shanghai gathered together to hold a grand art exhibition, which was an unexpected success.

The success of this exhibition made him a pioneer in the Chinese painting scene in China, however, he did not rest on his laurels and decided to push his limits.

The hard-core Chinese uncle once used 63 fake paintings to destroy the rich circle of the United States in one fell swoop and defrauded nearly one billion dollars

In 1981, at the age of 42, he went to the United States for further study, but what he did not expect was that his self-proclaimed "avant-garde style" was no longer suitable for the trend of the American painting world, which also caused him to repeatedly hit a wall.

The hard-core Chinese uncle once used 63 fake paintings to destroy the rich circle of the United States in one fell swoop and defrauded nearly one billion dollars

In order to make ends meet, he had to do all kinds of hard work, but he still had a very poor life.

Artists often have a sensitive and lonely heart, and such an artist who no one cares about and is not recognized is more likely to feel lonely than ordinary people.

However, at this time, his life was about to usher in a turning point.

One day, Carlos, a Spanish buddy, began to notice the old man who painted portraits on the street and was very interested in his paintings.

The hard-core Chinese uncle once used 63 fake paintings to destroy the rich circle of the United States in one fell swoop and defrauded nearly one billion dollars

So he invited him to visit his gallery, and the uncle instantly felt that he had found "the bole of life".

Since then, the two have been working together for a long time. When they were in the middle of their thro, Carlos made a request to his uncle that he could imitate the abstract style of the American abstract master Jackson Pollock, and under the temptation of high prices, he began an artistic career of "painting fake paintings".
The hard-core Chinese uncle once used 63 fake paintings to destroy the rich circle of the United States in one fell swoop and defrauded nearly one billion dollars

And the mastermind of this bold plan is Carlos and his girlfriend Grafila, who use fake paintings to deceive the rich circle of Americans.

The hard-core Chinese uncle once used 63 fake paintings to destroy the rich circle of the United States in one fell swoop and defrauded nearly one billion dollars

He meticulously produced 63 fake paintings, each of which is a work of art, which is not only wildly sought after by the wealthy circle, but even entered art galleries and museums.

In this way, he actually cheated nearly a billion dollars through various means!

The hard-core Chinese uncle once used 63 fake paintings to destroy the rich circle of the United States in one fell swoop and defrauded nearly one billion dollars

But since the scam was exposed, the uncle disappeared and has never appeared in people's eyes again. His story has also become a mystery, making people curious and speculating about his "true identity and whereabouts".

Hate the poor and love the rich

This incident was also filmed as a documentary, and in the documentary, actually

The hard-core Chinese uncle once used 63 fake paintings to destroy the rich circle of the United States in one fell swoop and defrauded nearly one billion dollars

There are many people who praise the works of the uncle, and these people also include the wife and children of the original painter.

Even the paintings that they can't tell can be distinguished, is it just going with the flow, or is the painting itself "disliking the poor and loving the rich"?

The hard-core Chinese uncle once used 63 fake paintings to destroy the rich circle of the United States in one fell swoop and defrauded nearly one billion dollars

So what exactly is called art? Is it true that the more noble it is, the more expensive it is, the more difficult it is?

But this phenomenon will not disappear because of this big oolong incident, as long as there are wealthy businessmen who resell art at high prices, such a similar situation of deception will definitely "happen in the east window".

The hard-core Chinese uncle once used 63 fake paintings to destroy the rich circle of the United States in one fell swoop and defrauded nearly one billion dollars

Some netizens sharply commented that "art has long been separated from the masses".

The definition and threshold of art are very high, so it is not easy for us ordinary people to come into contact with art, let alone be deceived.

The hard-core Chinese uncle once used 63 fake paintings to destroy the rich circle of the United States in one fell swoop and defrauded nearly one billion dollars

Speaking of which, suddenly there are some people who appreciate "it" and "dislike the poor and love the rich", what do you think?

[Disclaimer] The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy, no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible!

Reference Sources:

Netflix documentary "Hiding from the Sea: The Biggest Counterfeiting Case in New York History"

However, in order to improve the readability of the article, there may be polishing of the details, please read sensibly, for reference only!

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