
Women are always on guard against your performance: reading their minds

author:Unstoppable dragonfly wY

Women are always on guard against your performance: reading their minds

In the world of emotions, we will always encounter some elusive phenomena. Sometimes, you may feel that you are already in a close relationship with a woman, but she always seems to have reservations about you, making you feel like you can't really enter her inner world. So, under what circumstances do women show an attitude of always guarding against you? Today, we will decipher their minds.

Women are always on guard against your performance: reading their minds

1. Reluctance to reveal your private life

When a woman is reluctant to talk too much about her family, friends, work, and other aspects of her private life, it may be because she is still wary of you. She may be worried that this personal information will be used by you for other purposes, or that you will stop cherishing her because you know her too much. Therefore, she will choose to keep it with you to protect her privacy and security.

Women are always on guard against your performance: reading their minds

2. Avoid being too close to you

In a relationship, physical contact is a natural phenomenon. However, if you find that a woman always avoids having too intimate contact with you, such as hugging, kissing, etc., then it may be a sign that she has not trusted you enough. She may be worried that this intimacy will cause her to fall into a mire of affection or make her lose her self-esteem in front of you.

Women are always on guard against your performance: reading their minds

3. Very sensitive when it comes to money

Money is a sensitive topic in relationships. If a woman is very sensitive to money issues in her relationship with you, is reluctant to let you spend money for her, or always emphasizes AA system, then it may indicate that she is worried that you will have bad motives for her because of money. She wants to be independent and not make you feel like she's a woman who depends on you.

Women are always on guard against your performance: reading their minds

4. Reluctance to fit in with your circle of friends

In a relationship, both partners should be willing to fit into each other's social circles so that they can get to know each other's lives better. However, if you find that a woman is always reluctant to attend your friends' gatherings or appears very reserved at the parties, then it could be a sign that she has not fully trusted you. She worries that your friends will stress her out, or that she is afraid that your friends won't like her.

Women are always on guard against your performance: reading their minds

5. Check your phone often

When a woman starts to be suspicious of you, she may check your phone frequently to see if you are in contact with other women. She may have a strong curiosity about your text messages, call logs, social media, etc., trying to find some clues in them. This behavior, while it may make you feel uncomfortable, is a measure she takes to protect herself.

Women are always on guard against your performance: reading their minds

6. Be skeptical of your commitments

When you make a promise to a woman, if she acts distrustful and always questions your sincerity, then it may be a sign that she has not trusted you enough. She may feel that your promise is just perfunctory, or she may be disappointed by the fear that you will not be able to fulfill your promise.

Women are always on guard against your performance: reading their minds

Trust is a very important cornerstone in a relationship. If a woman is always on her guard against you, then this could be a way for her to protect herself. To defuse this phenomenon, you need to give her enough time and space for her to feel your sincerity and kindness. At the same time, you also need to do self-reflection to see if some of your actions are misleading her. Only when both parties are willing to open their hearts can the relationship be better.

Women are always on guard against your performance: reading their minds