
What happens to people who insist on eating coriander? Can you eat high blood lipids? What about men?

author:Wang Xianyong, an internal medicine physician

Xiao Li's cousin's family came back from other places, and in order to pick up the wind and wash the dust for his cousin, Xiao Li's mother specially cooked a big table of meals. Xiao Li's mother is a loyal lover of coriander, so she can almost see coriander on the table.

As a result, during the meal, Xiao Li found that his cousin was wandering between various dishes with chopsticks, but he rarely put down the chopsticks, and finally only ate a little. The mother also found out about this problem and quickly asked if there was a problem with the food or if she was not feeling well.

Under the family's inquiry, the cousin gave an explanation because of the coriander in the meal. This answer made Xiao Li's mother a little confused, because in addition to the fact that she likes to eat coriander, there is also a big reason why she remembers that her cousin's family also loves to eat coriander.

What happens to people who insist on eating coriander? Can you eat high blood lipids? What about men?

In the face of Xiao Li's mother's inquiry, my cousin smiled and said that he really liked to eat coriander when he was young, but in recent years, he has found high blood lipids and can no longer eat them.

This remark did not make Xiao Li's family ask me, after all, it was the first time they had heard of the relationship between coriander and hyperlipidemia, can't patients with hyperlipidemia really eat coriander?

What are the effects of people who eat cilantro on their bodies? Let's walk into this king of seasonings

Coriander, whose scientific name is coriander, is a seasoning vegetable, named for its strong aroma, and is a home-cooked dish widely distributed in various provinces on the mainland. And about coriander, some people love and some hate, and people discuss not only the taste of coriander, but also its nutritional value.

What happens to people who insist on eating coriander? Can you eat high blood lipids? What about men?

Some people think that the so-called condiment of coriander has low nutritional value and is a stimulating food, and eating too much is not good for the body, while some people think that coriander is not only delicious but also good for the body and should be eaten more, so who is right?

Today we will walk into this king of seasonings, according to the current performance of coriander, coriander is definitely a vegetable that is good for the body.

First of all, coriander is rich in nutrients, such as a large amount of vitamins A, C, K, folic acid, mineral elements, etc. In particular, folic acid has many effects.

Folic acid can promote the production of red blood cells, which is a very good blood tonic food for the elderly who are weak, and can effectively prevent the occurrence of anemia. And coriander has a protective and promoting effect on the development of the nervous system, so coriander is also a rare permissible condiment for pregnant women.

What happens to people who insist on eating coriander? Can you eat high blood lipids? What about men?

In addition, the best time to market coriander is from November to March, which is during the cold winter season. During this time, the weather is cold and the air is dry, and one of the problems that everyone will encounter at this time is dry and chapped skin.

As one of the few water-soluble vitamins, folic acid in coriander can promote the acceleration of skin cell metabolism and the multiplication of epithelial cells. And it also has a certain shrinkage function, so coriander has become a must-have food for every household in winter.

Coriander itself also has a strong digestive function, coriander is rich in volatile oil substances such as mannitol and linalool, which will promote appetite and accelerate the secretion of salivary glands to promote digestion.

The large amount of fiber contained in coriander can also stimulate gastrointestinal function after entering the stomach and intestines, accelerate gastrointestinal peristalsis and thus accelerate digestion, which is an excellent ingredient for improving constipation and preventing indigestion.

What happens to people who insist on eating coriander? Can you eat high blood lipids? What about men?

In addition to the above-mentioned functions, coriander is also the darling of the immune system.

Coriander is rich in a variety of antioxidants, which have antibacterial and antiviral effects, thereby reducing the occurrence of inflammation and the appearance of cell damage. Winter and spring are the flu-prone periods, and coriander can enhance the body's own protection at this stage.

Therefore, people who have been accustomed to eating corian Xi der for a long time generally have strong body resistance, are not easy to be infected by influenza and germs, and generally have a better appetite and online digestive function, so it is no wonder that many are loyal fans of coriander.

Of course, eating too much of any kind of food has certain harms, and coriander is no exception. As mentioned above, coriander contains volatile lipid substances, although these substances can promote the secretion of salivary glands and promote digestion, but if you consume too much, it may also cause excessive gastrointestinal reactions and cause abdominal pain, diarrhea and other symptoms.

And because it is a volatile substance, for friends who have diseases such as fox odor, a large intake of coriander may aggravate the existence of peculiar smell, so such friends should pay attention to the control of the amount when eating.

What happens to people who insist on eating coriander? Can you eat high blood lipids? What about men?

Finally, coriander is a light-sensitive food, which has a certain effect on human light absorption after eating.

If it is often exposed to the sun after consumption during the day, it may cause accelerated pigmentation and the appearance of sunspots. Therefore, although coriander should be eaten according to its own situation, and not too much at one time.

Can't eat coriander for high blood lipids?Does coriander lower lipids or raise lipids?

Now that we've learned a full picture of cilantro, let's take a look at some of the rumors about cilantro.

When coriander appears on the dining table of every household, many diseases are naturally linked to coriander, such as whether people with high blood cholesterol can eat coriander.

There are various theories circulating on the Internet that coriander will aggravate hyperlipidemia symptoms, and the reasons for this vary from coriander to the fact that the high sugar content of coriander will increase the cardiovascular burden, and some say that it is due to the ketones contained in coriander, which will increase cholesterol levels, but when you know a little more, you will find that these reasons are nonsense.

What happens to people who insist on eating coriander? Can you eat high blood lipids? What about men?

First of all, the sugar content of coriander is not high, only about 7%, which means that there are only 7 grams of sugar per 100 grams of coriander.

Coriander is mostly a seasoned vegetable in life, and if you want to raise blood sugar by eating coriander, I am afraid you have to eat coriander by pot.

And coriander not only does not raise blood sugar, but may have a certain regulatory effect, according to research shows that coriander contains a compound: isothiocyanate. This substance can effectively increase the sensitivity of insulin receptor cells in the body, enhance the hypoglycemic effect of insulin, and also has a certain insulin-like effect, which can effectively control glucose.

The phenylbenzenenoic acid contained in coriander is a recognized hypolipidemic substance, which can effectively reduce the cholesterol content in blood vessels, especially for low-density cholesterol, which is commonly known as bad cholesterol.

What happens to people who insist on eating coriander? Can you eat high blood lipids? What about men?

In addition, the cerebroside contained in coriander is also an emotion regulating substance, which can help people be in a happy state, reduce anxiety, and promote relaxation throughout the body.

The relaxation of the mind will cause corresponding changes in the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves, thereby regulating a variety of vasoactive substances in the body, and can also indirectly maintain the health of blood vessels.

Therefore, for patients with hyperlipidemia, as long as they do not have the above-mentioned gastrointestinal-related diseases or allergies to coriander, coriander is completely edible, but there is no need to binge-eat, "dietary therapy can often only play a certain auxiliary role", everyone must be familiar with this sentence.

Coriander is also known as "Broken Yang Grass", and men will kill sperm if they eat too much?

In addition to can you eat coriander with high blood lipids, coriander also has a popular rumor that men eating too much coriander will kill sperm and reduce new functions, which can make many men shy away from coriander.

In some areas, coriander is called Broken Yang Grass and Impotence Grass, according to the locals, this is because coriander will kill sperm and inhibit sexual function if you eat too much, so it has this name, and the reason cannot be given.

What happens to people who insist on eating coriander? Can you eat high blood lipids? What about men?

Some people on the Internet say that the reason why sperm is killed is because the volatile oily substances in coriander stimulate the prostate, which inhibits the synthesis of testosterone and then impairs spermatogenesis.

The so-called volatile oils are also the mannitol, linalool, etc. we mentioned above. However, according to modern medical research, the existence of the above mechanism has never been discovered, and the theory of coriander spermicidal has not been theoretically confirmed. If you consult the ancient books, you will find that coriander is indeed used as a medicinal material in mainland Chinese medicine, that is, coriander or coriander in traditional Chinese medicine.

It is recorded in the "Compendium of Materia Medica" that coriander has a heart and spleen inside and a limb outside. It is mainly for its promotion of gastrointestinal function and enhancement of immunity, and there is no theory to support its spermicidal in ancient and modern times, so men do not have to be afraid of coriander.


[1] Fang Lingsheng, "Coriander Enhances Flavor and Health".2012.07.01.

[2] Tang Bing, "Those people are not easy to eat coriander".2018.05.01.

[3] Lv Bin."Dietary Principles and Methods for Regulating Hyperlipidemia".2023.07.01.
