
The lower body is cold, the legs and feet are not warm, Chinese medicine teaches you 3 methods, quickly heat up and warm up to the bones!

author:Director He of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Especially in the cold season. Many people have the problem of how the legs and feet are not warm, only feel that the bones are cold, today, Chinese medicine teaches you 3 methods, quickly heat, warm to the bones!

The lower body is cold, the legs and feet are not warm, Chinese medicine teaches you 3 methods, quickly heat up and warm up to the bones!

To solve this problem, you must first figure out the cause.

The first one is that the yang energy is insufficient, and the places where the sun does not shine in winter are all frozen. The same is true of the human body. Kidney Yang is the foundation of Yang Qi in the body, and if Kidney Yang is insufficient, it is easy to have cold legs and feet, soreness and weakness in the body, and getting up five or six times at night. In this case, you can refer to a right gui drink to tonify kidney yang.

The lower body is cold, the legs and feet are not warm, Chinese medicine teaches you 3 methods, quickly heat up and warm up to the bones!

In the second case, when the kidney yang is replenished, why can't it be warmed up?

Let's think about it, just like the heating pipe in winter, if the pipe is blocked, is it that the heating supply can't come through? Our human body is the same, the meridians are blocked, the blood can't flow normally to the limbs, and the yang energy can't reach the place where the liver qi, so the legs and feet will naturally be cold. This kind of person generally has a purple and dark tongue, and is prone to stinging pain on the body, and loves to have spots on the face. In this case, you can refer to one In addition, there will be purple-red petechiae and ecchymosis on the body, the skin is dry and molting, and the general tongue color is purple, and there will also be petechiae and ecchymosis. At this time, it is necessary to invigorate blood circulation and remove blood stasis, dredge blood vessels, you can refer to a wind dehumidification, phlegm dissipation, blood circulation and pain relief.

The lower body is cold, the legs and feet are not warm, Chinese medicine teaches you 3 methods, quickly heat up and warm up to the bones!

But the situation of unobstructed is not only the obstruction of the meridians, but also the condition related to the liver.

If you usually sulk and hold everything in your heart, it will lead to abnormal liver qi leakage and liver qi stagnation. The heater walked and walked, and it couldn't walk, and it was stuck in the road. In this case, in addition to cold legs and feet, there is also chest tightness and shortness of breath, often sighing, angry and depressed. We need to relieve the stagnant liver qi, we can refer to a Bupleurum Shugansan plus or minus.

The lower body is cold, the legs and feet are not warm, Chinese medicine teaches you 3 methods, quickly heat up and warm up to the bones!

In the view of traditional Chinese medicine, there are many causes of cold legs and feet, including lack of yang qi, liver stagnation, qi stagnation and blood stasis, etc. In order to alleviate the disease, it is necessary to treat the different conditions of the patient.

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