
Parents must know that home-cooked dishes that contain the most calcium are more important if they want their children to grow up

author:Love Yinan

Parents must know that home-cooked dishes that contain the most calcium are more important if they want their children to grow up

Today's parents only know to give their children calcium tablets to supplement calcium, and buy calcium tablets for their children in a different way, but they don't know that dietary supplements can also supplement calcium. Parents must know that in fact, what calcium tablets to eat is not as good as food supplements, which are naturally nutritious.

The calcium that the child's body needs can be obtained from food, if you want your child to grow up, food supplement is more important, home cooking dishes stronger than calcium tablets, give children to eat to grow taller, let's take a look at what home cooking dishes are available:

Parents must know that home-cooked dishes that contain the most calcium are more important if they want their children to grow up

One: [Crucian carp stewed tofu] Tofu is a food high in calcium, and fish is rich in vitamin D, which helps calcium absorption.

Ingredients: 2 crucian carp, 1 piece of tofu, 1 coriander, appropriate amount of oil and salt, 1 piece of ginger, 1 tablespoon of cooking wine, 1\2 teaspoons of white pepper,


1. To make crucian carp soup, the fish should be made of live fish, the taste of the fish soup is relatively fresh, first of all, the crucian carp should be scaled and gills, dig out the internal organs, the black membrane in the fish belly should be removed, the black membrane in the fish belly is more fishy, it should be removed, the fish should be washed, and the surface moisture should be wiped off

2. Cut the tofu in half, then cut into 1 cm thick slices, cut the coriander into sections, and slice the ginger

3. Cut the crucian carp on both sides with a few knives, spread it evenly with a small amount of salt, sprinkle it with a small amount of cooking wine, and marinate it for 10 minutes, which can remove the fishy smell of the crucian carp.

4. Heat the pot, rub a layer of ginger juice on the pot with ginger slices, then pour in the oil, wait for the oil to be hot, fry the carp, fry one side of the shape, turn it over, fry the other side, fry the two sides until golden, rub the pan with ginger, so that the fish is fried, the fish skin is not broken, and it will not stick to the pan. When boiling fish soup, the step of frying fish is indispensable, and the crucian carp soup made after frying the fish is milky white, and it is boiled directly without going through the step of frying, and the soup made is boiled water.

5. After the crucian carp is fried, pour boiling water, to cover the fish, add enough water, add ginger slices, boil over high heat, turn to medium-low heat to cook, add tofu when the soup in the pot is milky white, and then change to high heat and cook for ten minutes, add salt to taste, turn off the heat, sprinkle in white pepper and coriander, stir well, and the delicious and nutritious crucian carp tofu soup is ready.

Parents must know that home-cooked dishes that contain the most calcium are more important if they want their children to grow up

2: [Sesame paste mixed with spinach] Sesame paste is a treasure trove of calcium, spinach contains a lot of vitamin K, which helps bone formation.

Ingredients: 1 kg of spinach, 2 tablespoons of sesame paste, 1 spicy millet, 1 tablespoon of sesame oil, appropriate amount of salt, 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, 2 cloves of garlic,



2. Finely chop the garlic and avoid choosing sesame paste with too much oil slick in the bottle, because less oil slick means fresher.

3. Add water to the pot and boil, add a little salt, put in the spinach stems, after changing color, push the spinach leaves into the pot and blanch for about half a minute, the color of the spinach becomes dark green, and the spinach is removed.

4. After removing the spinach, immediately put it in cold water to cool so that the spinach is cool. When blanching spinach, add a little salt to the water, which will make the color of spinach greener, after blanching, put it in cold water to cool, you can maintain the crisp and tender taste of spinach, and the color of spinach will not turn yellow.

5. Drain the spinach with water, then cut the spinach into segments and stack them on a plate for later use.

6. Put the sesame sauce in a bowl, add salt, then add sesame oil, stir constantly with chopsticks, stir clockwise, pour cold boiled water in batches while stirring, pay attention to add water must be added in batches, at this time the sesame paste will be slowly diluted, just put the sesame paste until it has a sense of flow, add light soy sauce and minced garlic. Stir well so that the sesame sauce is ready.

7. Pour the prepared sesame sauce on the spinach and decorate it with chili rings, so that a plate of fragrant sesame sauce spinach is ready, and you can mix it when you eat.

Parents must know that home-cooked dishes that contain the most calcium are more important if they want their children to grow up

Three: [Scrambled eggs with green peppers] Green peppers contain vitamin C, and eggs contain protein and calcium.

Ingredients required: 1 kg of green pepper, 3 eggs, appropriate amount of oil and salt, 1 green onion, 2 slices of ginger, 2 cloves of garlic,


1. Wash the green peppers, drain the water, remove the stems, remove the seeds, and then break the green peppers into evenly sized pieces by hand.

2. Knock the eggs into a bowl, beat evenly with chopsticks, chop the green onions, mince the ginger, and slice the garlic.

3. Add oil to the pot and heat it, pour in the egg liquid, spread it out, heat it until the egg liquid becomes solidified, then stir-fry the eggs into pieces, and put the egg pieces out for later use.

4. Add a little oil to the pot, add the green peppers and stir-fry over high heat, and fry the green peppers until they are wrinkled. Add chopped green onion, minced ginger and garlic slices and stir-fry evenly, then add salt and stir-fry evenly.

5. Put in the scrambled egg pieces, quickly stir-fry evenly over high heat, turn off the heat, put it on a plate, and a plate of light and delicious scrambled eggs with green peppers is ready.

Four: [Seaweed Egg Soup] Seaweed contains a lot of iodine, iodine is related to brain development, known as the intellectual element, eggs are rich in protein and calcium.

Ingredients: 2 eggs, 1/2 seaweed, appropriate amount of shrimp skin, 1 tablespoon of sesame oil, appropriate amount of salt, 1 green onion, 1 slice of ginger, 1/2 teaspoon of white pepper,


1. Prepare the required ingredients, knock the eggs into a bowl and beat them, and wash the shrimp skin.

2. Add water to the pot and bring to a boil, add minced ginger, boil the shrimp skin for 2 minutes, tear the seaweed into small pieces and put it into the pot, stir until it spreads, and cook for a while.

3. Pour in the egg mixture, stir well while pouring, bring to a boil, add salt to taste, turn off the heat, add chopped green onions, sesame oil, pepper and stir well.

Parents must know that home-cooked dishes that contain the most calcium are more important if they want their children to grow up

Five: [Roasted rape with shiitake mushrooms] The calcium content of rape is the highest among green leafy vegetables. In addition, rape contains a lot of minerals and vitamin K that help with calcium absorption. Shiitake mushrooms are also high in calcium and iron,

Ingredients required: half a catty of fresh shiitake mushrooms, half a catty of rape, an appropriate amount of oil and salt, 1 section of green onion, 1 slice of ginger, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce, appropriate amount of water starch,


1. Prepare the required materials, cut off the umbrella handle of the fresh shiitake mushrooms, wash them cleanly, peel off the rape leaves, and wash them cleanly.

2. Cut the shiitake mushrooms into slices and set aside.

3. Cut the rape into 2 sections, the larger ones into 3 sections, the leaves of the rape and the rape gang are separated, when blanching, first blanch the parts of the rape gang and then blanch the rape leaves, so that the rape and rape leaves are cooked for the same time, and the rape leaves will not be blanched.

4. Add water to the pot to boil, add a little salt, then drop a few drops of oil, put in the rape to help blanch, after the water boils, blanch the rape leaves together, boil until the color of the rape leaves becomes darker, take out the rape, add a little salt to the water when the rape is blanched, which will make the color of the rape more green, and a few drops of oil, the color of the rape will be better.

5. After the rape is taken out, quickly put it in cold water to cool down the temperature of the rape, and then take out the rapeseed, drain the water and set aside, which will maintain the crisp and tender taste of the rape, and the color will not turn yellow.

6. Boil the water in the pot again, blanch the mushrooms, blanch the mushrooms until soft, drain the mushrooms and set aside, blanch the mushrooms, you can remove the impurities and sawdust and peculiar smell of the mushrooms, and make the taste of the mushrooms more pure.

7. Heat oil in a pot, add chopped green onions, minced ginger and garlic slices and stir-fry until fragrant, then add shiitake mushrooms and stir-fry for 1-2 minutes to bring out the fragrance of shiitake mushrooms.

8. Add the rape, then add salt and oyster sauce, stir-fry quickly over high heat, pour in a little water starch to thicken, stir-fry a few times over high heat, turn off the heat, and put it on a plate.

Editor丨Zheng Wei