
Steamed pangasius! High protein, low fat, rich in nutrients, good digestion, delicious!

author:Traveler A Xiaofeng

Steamed pangasius

Steamed pangasius! High protein, low fat, rich in nutrients, good digestion, delicious!

Giant Giant Delicious!

It's a great practice, why didn't I find out sooner!

This tender steamed pangasius is made into a Thai flavor, and it is simply delicious!

Its taste is salty, fragrant and tender, tender and juicy, and the green onion is fragrant, and it is so delicious that you can't stop eating it one bite at a time!

Steamed pangasius! High protein, low fat, rich in nutrients, good digestion, delicious!

The steamed fish has a tender taste, enoki mushrooms are juicy and flavorful, the original taste is thornless and fishy, it is delicious and will not make people fat, it is really a must!

The whole family was full of praise after eating.

This steamed pangasius is not only simple, but also delicious!

Sisters who like to eat must come and try it, it is simply a super satisfying delicacy!

Steamed pangasius! High protein, low fat, rich in nutrients, good digestion, delicious!

Here's how:

Steamed pangasius! High protein, low fat, rich in nutrients, good digestion, delicious!
Steamed pangasius! High protein, low fat, rich in nutrients, good digestion, delicious!

1. First, cut the pangasius into cubes, then put it in a bowl and add green onion and ginger, 1 tablespoon of cooking wine, 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce, 1/2 tablespoon of black pepper and a pinch of salt, grasp and marinate for 30 minutes.

2. Take a steamer, spread the bottom of the pot with white mushrooms, then spread the marinated fish pieces on top and steam for 8 minutes.

3. After cooking, you can sprinkle some shredded ginger, green onion and dried chili peppers to increase the taste and aroma.

4. Finally, drizzle with steamed fish soy sauce and hot oil, and you're ready to eat!

Steamed pangasius! High protein, low fat, rich in nutrients, good digestion, delicious!

With the above simple steps, you can enjoy a delicious steamed pangasius!

It has a tender texture and a salty and fragrant taste, which is simply a super satisfying delicacy.

Whether it's a side meal or a delicious dish for a family meal, it's perfect for that!

So, try this dish and enjoy the deliciousness it brings!

The benefits of this steamed pangasius are as follows:

Steamed pangasius! High protein, low fat, rich in nutrients, good digestion, delicious!

1. High in protein: Pangasius is a protein-rich fish, and steaming can maintain the tender taste of the fish and keep the protein intact. Protein is an essential nutrient for the body to build and repair tissues, and is important for maintaining muscle health, boosting immunity, and boosting metabolism.

2. Low in fat: Steamed pangasius reduces fat intake compared to other cooking methods, such as frying or frying. This helps to lower the calories in the diet and maintain the health and weight control of the body.

3. Rich in nutrients: Pangasius is rich in a variety of nutrients, such as vitamin B12, vitamin D, selenium, potassium and Omega-3 fatty acids. Vitamin B12 is essential for the normal function of the nervous system and the production of red blood cells, vitamin D contributes to bone health, and selenium and potassium have antioxidant and cardiovascular health effects. Omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial for brain function, heart health, and anti-inflammatory effects.

4. Promotes Digestive Health: Steamed pangasius retains the fibrous structure of the fish and provides dietary fiber. Moderate dietary fiber intake can help promote digestive health and prevent constipation and other digestive problems.

5. Simple and healthy: Steamed pangasius is simple and easy to make, and does not require a lot of fat and seasonings. It is a healthy food choice, especially for those who are looking for a healthy diet.

Steamed pangasius! High protein, low fat, rich in nutrients, good digestion, delicious!

To sum up, steamed pangasius is not only delicious and tasty, but also has several benefits such as high protein, low fat, rich in nutrients, promoting digestive health, and simple health.

So, give this dish a try and enjoy the deliciousness and benefits it brings!

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