
What the? How easy is it to do with chili sauce?

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
What the? How easy is it to do with chili sauce?

Winter has arrived, and it is the season of pickling, this winter depends on it, the sudden arrival of the epidemic in Gansu is caught off guard, and I hope that everything is fine

By sure by hand


Pepper to taste

Six cucumbers

2 purple onions

Spring onion to taste

Ginger slices to taste

4 garlic

Chaotian pepper 200g

Parsley to taste

Rapeseed oil 500ml

Raw soy sauce one bottle

Old smoker a bottle

Rock sugar two large handfuls

MSG three scoops

Salt to taste in grams

Cinnamon leaf star anise to taste

Cumin white root peppercorns to taste

White wine or rice wine to taste

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

What the? How easy is it to do with chili sauce?

1, buy the peppers and wash them to control the water

What the? How easy is it to do with chili sauce?

2, change the knife cut in half and put ginger slices sprinkled with salt to kill the water of the pepper, I put it all night, remember to press with a heavy object

What the? How easy is it to do with chili sauce?

3: Cut the cucumber into sections, cut into strips, remove the sticks, cut some millet spicy, sprinkle salt to kill the water, and press with a heavy object

What the? How easy is it to do with chili sauce?

4, the next morning the cucumber and pepper out of the water all poured out, find a gauze bag to put up with a heavy object to dehydrate, press seven or eight hours is best, so that the pepper cucumber is particularly crisp, especially chewy

What the? How easy is it to do with chili sauce?

5: Start making the sauce and prepare the onion, shallots, coriander, ginger

What the? How easy is it to do with chili sauce?

6: Pour a little more rapeseed oil into the pan, add all the ingredients in the cool oil, and fry slowly over low heat

What the? How easy is it to do with chili sauce?

7, fry until golden brown,

What the? How easy is it to do with chili sauce?

8, after fishing out the ingredients, put in the prepared material package and fry for one minute, pour in a bottle of soy sauce, dark soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, white wine or rice wine, less than the aged vinegar, rock sugar, rock sugar can neutralize the salty taste, and then boil and cool for later

What the? How easy is it to do with chili sauce?

9: Mix the dehydrated cucumber peppers together and pour in the garlic slices

What the? How easy is it to do with chili sauce?

10: Pour in the cool sauce and mix well

What the? How easy is it to do with chili sauce?

11, find a glass jar into the press porcelain solid, and then pour the sauce into it, the next day you can eat, of course, put a period of time after the taste is better,

What the? How easy is it to do with chili sauce?

12. Finished product

<h2>Nutritional benefits of chili peppers</h2>

Pepper taste spicy, hot sex, into the heart, spleen meridians, has the effect of dissipating cold in temperature, appetizing and digesting food. Fruit: Warm in the cold, healthy stomach to digest. It is used for cold stomach pain, flatulence, indigestion; topical treatment of frostbite, rheumatic pain, lumbar muscle pain. Root: Activates blood and reduces swelling. For external use to treat frostbite.

1. Stomach and digestion

Pepper has a stimulating effect on the mouth and gastrointestinal tract, can enhance gastrointestinal peristalsis, promote the secretion of digestive juices, improve appetite, and inhibit abnormal fermentation in the intestine. Some medical and nutrition experts in China have investigated Hunan and Sichuan provinces and found that the incidence of gastric ulcers in these provinces and regions that generally like to eat peppers is much lower than that of other provinces and regions. This is due to the fact that pepper can stimulate the release of human prostaglandin E2, which is conducive to promoting the regeneration of gastric mucosa, maintaining gastrointestinal cell function, and preventing gastric ulcers.

2. Prevent gallstones

Eating green peppers often can prevent gallstones. Green pepper is rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C, which can convert excess cholesterol in the body into bile acids, thereby preventing gallstones, and people who have suffered from gallstones eat more green peppers rich in vitamin C, which has a certain effect on alleviating the disease.

3. Improve heart function

Peppers are used as the main raw materials, with garlic, hawthorn extracts and vitamin E, made into "health products", which can improve heart function and promote blood circulation after consumption. In addition, regular consumption of chili peppers can reduce blood lipids, reduce thrombosis, and have a certain preventive effect on cardiovascular system diseases.

4. Hypoglycemic

Scientists in Jamaica have experimentally demonstrated that capsaicin can significantly lower blood sugar levels.

5. Relieves skin pain

Studies have found that capsaicin can relieve skin pain caused by many diseases.

6. Lose weight

Chili pepper contains an ingredient that can stimulate the body's thermogenic system by dilating blood vessels, effectively burning fat in the body, speeding up metabolism, and accelerating the rate of calorie consumption in the body, thus achieving the effect of weight loss.

7. Anti-cold

Spicy food has the "three links" effect of tongli lung qi, access to the trick table, and smooth blood vein.

8. Block radiation

Spices such as red pepper, black pepper, and curry protect cells' DNA from radiation damage, especially gamma rays.

9. Promote blood circulation

Chinese medicine believes that spicy foods can not only promote blood circulation, but also enhance brain cell activity, help delay aging, alleviate a variety of diseases.

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