
Among the three people, Zhang Fei, Zhang Liao, and Zhang He, who has the strongest overall strength? Cao Cao's evaluation was very objective

author:Joyful ingenuity with dreams

In the long river of history, the Three Kingdoms period can be described as turbulent and heroic. Today, let's travel through time and talk about the three fierce generals under Cao Cao: Zhang Fei, Zhang He, and Zhang Liao. Cao Cao was a strategically skilled general, how did he view these three Warring States heroes and speak highly of them? Let us unveil the mystery of this period of Warring States history.

Among the three people, Zhang Fei, Zhang Liao, and Zhang He, who has the strongest overall strength? Cao Cao's evaluation was very objective

First of all, let's trace back to Zhang Fei, a brave general known as "Yide". Zhang Fei has an open-minded personality, and his bravery on the battlefield is impressive. He and Lu Fengxian under Lu Bu won a hundred battles, and even took the head of the enemy general Yan Liang in the million-strong army, which made Cao Cao impressed by his martial arts. However, Cao Cao's evaluation of Zhang Fei was quite objective. He believes that although Zhang Feiwu is brave, he lacks strategy, and only knows how to charge into battle, and he is a pure "barbarian".

Zhang Fei's military achievements were impressive, but what Cao Cao saw was his overly impatient personality and lack of strategic vision. In the battle of Changbanpo, Zhang Fei shouted and shocked Cao's army, but Cao Cao knew that he was just blindly brave and difficult to make a difference in the troubled times. Cao Cao's evaluation of this fierce general is both objective and profound, which makes people think about the hidden flaws behind the hero.

Among the three people, Zhang Fei, Zhang Liao, and Zhang He, who has the strongest overall strength? Cao Cao's evaluation was very objective

Next, let's talk about Zhang He, Cao Cao's right-hand man. Zhang He, who was originally under Yuan Shao's account, defected to Cao Cao after Yuan Shao's defeat and became a key figure in Cao Ying. Zhang He not only performed well on the battlefield, but was also good at training recruits, cultivating the rabble of Cao's army into an elite division. Cao Cao's evaluation of him was like a tide, and even compared him to "Han Xin's reincarnation".

Zhang He's prudent use of troops and outstanding performance in government affairs made Cao Cao see an excellent strategist. Not only did he make many achievements on the battlefield, but he also excelled in commanding and governing the army. The general's all-round strength was impressive, and he became Cao Cao's right-hand man.

Among the three people, Zhang Fei, Zhang Liao, and Zhang He, who has the strongest overall strength? Cao Cao's evaluation was very objective

Finally, let's get to know Cao Cao's right-hand man - Zhang Liao. Zhang Liao, who was originally under Lu Bu, defected to Cao Cao after seeing through Lu Bu's style of acting and became one of his most trusted generals. Zhang Liao defeated 100,000 enemy troops with 800 troops in the Battle of Hefei, almost captured Sun Quan, and became a fierce general under Cao Cao.

Zhang Liao not only performed well on the battlefield, but also was upright and won the support of the soldiers. His loyalty and obedience to Cao Cao made Cao Cao admire him. After the First World War in Hefei, Cao Cao even called his strategy no less than Zhuge Liang, and listed him as the first of the "five good generals". Zhang Liao's all-round strength and personality won the trust of his superiors and became an important support for Cao Cao's right-hand man.

Among the three people, Zhang Fei, Zhang Liao, and Zhang He, who has the strongest overall strength? Cao Cao's evaluation was very objective

Cao Cao believed that although Zhang Fei was brave and fierce, he lacked strategy and commanding ability, and it was difficult for him to achieve great things in troubled times. Zhang He was cautious in his use of troops, with outstanding political achievements, and was one of Cao Cao's most effective advisers. As for Zhang Liao, he not only made great achievements, but also performed well in politics, and was Cao Cao's right-hand man.

These three generals showed their own powers, so Cao Cao was able to rise to prominence in the troubled times and establish Cao Wei's foundation. In the long river of history, these heroic generals have left their own glorious chapters. I hope that through this historical journey, you will have a deeper understanding of these Warring States heroes. Wait for me to unveil a new veil of history for you next time, see you there!✨#Historical Exploration# #Three Kingdoms Period# #曹操麾下猛将#

Among the three people, Zhang Fei, Zhang Liao, and Zhang He, who has the strongest overall strength? Cao Cao's evaluation was very objective
Among the three people, Zhang Fei, Zhang Liao, and Zhang He, who has the strongest overall strength? Cao Cao's evaluation was very objective

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