
The school treats students as leeks and cuts them over and over again, is this still compulsory education?

author:Interesting story

#q1# The school treats students as leeks and cuts them over and over again, is this still compulsory education?

The school treats students as leeks and cuts them over and over again, is this still compulsory education?

**Description:** Parents, do you feel that the school has higher and higher requirements for children, and the burden is getting heavier and heavier? Let's discuss together, whether the school is a little excessive, whether it ignores the physical and mental health of children? This is a topic related to compulsory education, let's think about it together!


Dear parents, today I would like to talk to you about a topic that worries many people, that is, "Is it still compulsory education for schools to treat students as leeks and cut them over and over again?"

First of all, we all know that children's growth is inseparable from education, and compulsory education is the right of every child. However, many schools seem to erase children's childhood in the process of pursuing high scores and impacting the admission rate. With homework piling up and after-school tutoring classes on their toes, children's time and energy are so limited that their playful nature is stifled.

The school treats students as leeks and cuts them over and over again, is this still compulsory education?

We can't deny that the pressure of competition is indeed very great now, and schools are also facing the assessment of the admission rate. But does this mean that we can sacrifice our children's physical and mental health? Parents, have you ever felt confused and helpless about this?

In addition to excessive academic loads, some schools also have a serious tendency to take exams. Education should be a process of nurturing a child's all-round development, not just to prepare for exams. However, many schools only focus on students' scores, ignoring the development of their interests, creativity and thinking skills.

What's more, in order to increase the admission rate, some schools have adopted various measures, such as excluding disadvantaged students in advance, raising the high line, and marking grades. This has caused some students to lose their fair chance in the competition and suffer from unfair treatment.

Parents, I believe you are looking forward to your child's future and hope that they will achieve good grades and opportunities in school. However, we must not ignore the physical and mental health and well-being of our children.

Therefore, we should think about how to give more care and support to children while pursuing the rate of progression. Schools should pay attention to the essence of education, pay attention to cultivating students' comprehensive quality, and provide more colorful courses and activities so that children can develop in an all-round way.

In addition, parents should also be involved in education, spend more time with their children, and listen to their needs and opinions. Encourage them to develop hobbies and develop good academic habits XiXi, not just high grades.

Finally, we also need to strengthen the supervision and feedback of schools. If we find a problem in the school, we should report it in time and actively participate in the improvement. Only through joint efforts can we truly return to the original intention of compulsory education and give every child a healthy and happy growth environment.

The school treats students as leeks and cuts them over and over again, is this still compulsory education?

> Schools treat students as leeks and cut them over and over again, is this still the compulsory education we are looking forward to? Let us take action together, pay attention to children's physical and mental health, and improve the educational environment together, so that every child can enjoy a truly happy growth! May every child be able to spread his wings and fly high and chase his dreams!

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