
Why do you always lose when playing mahjong? Master the "three don't play" and "three don't touch", and easily win the secret of the card!

author:Positive energy sports 6

#Article First Challenge#Mahjong, the favorite board game of the Chinese nation, can bring us joy and challenges, whether it is a family gathering or leisure time. However, many people always feel helpless when faced with the mahjong table, and they are often in a losing situation. So, why do some people always lose at the mahjong table? Today, we are going to reveal the secret!

Why do you always lose when playing mahjong? Master the "three don't play" and "three don't touch", and easily win the secret of the card!

First of all, we need to be clear: in mahjong, skill and strategy are crucial. Only by mastering the correct playing style and mental adjustment can we stand out in the highly competitive mahjong competition. Among them, a key factor is to master the skills of "three no-hits" and "three no-touches".

"Three don't play" means that when encountering the following three situations, we should try to avoid playing the corresponding cards. First of all, when encountering multiple cards of the same number or the same suit, we should not easily play one of them. Cards of the same number can form pairs, while cards of the same suit can form straights or pungs, which are the basis for our winning hands. Secondly, when encountering some special hand types, such as all do not rely on, seven stars do not rely on advanced card types, we should avoid playing cards that may destroy the card type. Finally, when we already have the conditions to win in our hand, such as a draw, we should not play any other cards. This will increase the chances of someone else winning and put our victory at stake.

The "three do not touch" means that we try to avoid touching the following three types of cards in the process of playing cards. First of all, when encountering a trade card, we should carefully consider whether to touch the card. Honor tiles are usually discarded cards played by other players, and when we touch them, we reveal our hand style and intentions for the convenience of other players. Secondly, when encountering 10,000, 90,000 and red medium treasure cards, we should not easily touch them. The Jack is the key to our victory, and we should keep it in our hands in order to score higher points when we win. Finally, we shouldn't hit a card when we already have two cards in our hand. Because after touching, our hand will be more completely exposed, giving other players more chances to win.

Why do you always lose when playing mahjong? Master the "three don't play" and "three don't touch", and easily win the secret of the card!

After mastering the skills of "three do not play" and "three do not touch", we will be able to play at the mahjong table and win cards easily. But in addition to skill, there are other factors that can also affect our winning and losing.

First of all, we need to maintain a good attitude. In mahjong games, sometimes we are unlucky and unlucky, so we have to learn to be calm, adjust our playing style unhurriedly, and look for opportunities. At the same time, we also have to avoid getting depressed because of the loss of one or two games, which affects our performance in the next game. Maintain a positive and optimistic attitude in order to better cope with various situations.

Secondly, be good at observation and analysis. Mahjong is an information-intensive game, and by observing other players' cards and expressions, we can guess their hand style and intentions, allowing us to make more accurate decisions. In addition, we must be good at analyzing the trend and trend of each hand, and adjust our playing style according to the situation of the hand pile to strive for a greater advantage.

Finally, focus on teamwork. Although mahjong is a very competitive game, we also need to maintain good cooperation and communication with our teammates. By cooperating and communicating with each other, we can better coordinate and increase our chances of winning. At the same time, we must also learn to respect other players and not affect the atmosphere of the whole game because of winning or losing.

To sum up, playing mahjong is not a matter of pure luck, mastering the right skills and strategies, being good at observation and analysis, good mentality and teamwork, we can show our skills at the mahjong table and win. I believe that as long as we continue to learn Xi and practice, we will soon become an excellent mahjong master!

Why do you always lose when playing mahjong? Master the "three don't play" and "three don't touch", and easily win the secret of the card!

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