
Take a look! The 3 poisonous chicken soups that break up couples are exposed, and the last one is terrifying!

author:A fairy spirit

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In the wave of modern social media, the emotional field has gradually become the focus of many people's attention. People share their love experiences and emotional insights through platforms such as short videos and Weibo. However, underneath these seemingly positive contents, there are some poisonous chicken soups that break up partners. Although these poisonous chicken soups may appear to be intended to give advice to people, they can actually have a negative impact on relationships.

Take a look! The 3 poisonous chicken soups that break up couples are exposed, and the last one is terrifying!

I'm a person who likes to browse emotionally related content, and recently I found a series of videos about relationships on a short video platform for couples. In the video, a girl who claims to be an expert in relationships shares some so-called emotional advice. She claims that if a person truly loves you, they will tolerate everything about you, even if you have a lot of flaws. This statement sounds wonderful, but I'm starting to doubt the truth of it.

So, I started looking for more discussions on this topic on social media. I found an article titled "3 Poisonous Chicken Soups That Break Up Countless Partners" that revealed some of the dangers hidden behind emotional advice.

Take a look! The 3 poisonous chicken soups that break up couples are exposed, and the last one is terrifying!

The first poisonous chicken soup is "If you have a heart, you don't need to teach, and if you don't have a heart, you can't teach it".

On the surface, this sentence seems to tell people that as long as the other party truly loves you, they will take the initiative to change themselves, and those who have no heart are not worth your effort. However, such a statement ignores the fact that everyone is not perfect and we all have our own strengths and weaknesses. Just because a person truly loves you doesn't mean he can change himself exactly as you expect, and this expectation can be stressful and unhealthy in the relationship.

Take a look! The 3 poisonous chicken soups that break up couples are exposed, and the last one is terrifying!

Everyone is not perfect, and we all have our strengths and weaknesses. In love, we often encounter situations where we expect them to change when we find that the other person has some shortcomings or behavioral Xi that do not match us. This expectation is natural, after all, we love each other and hope that they will be better adapted to our needs and expectations. However, we should also realize that everyone has their own independence and personality, which includes their way of thinking, behavioral Xi, and values.

On the surface, the phrase "if you have a heart, you don't need to teach, and if you don't have a heart, you won't teach" This sentence seems to tell people that as long as the other party truly loves you, they will take the initiative to change themselves, while the heartless person is not worth your effort. However, such a statement ignores the fact that love does not mean fully accepting the other person's shortcomings, but being able to tolerate and understand.

Love is a process of inclusion and growth. We can't expect the other person to change themselves exactly as we expect them to, and this expectation can be stressful and unhealthy in the relationship. Instead, we should focus more on our own growth and change, as well as the efforts and progress of the other person.

Take a look! The 3 poisonous chicken soups that break up couples are exposed, and the last one is terrifying!

Change in love should come from inner longing and self-awareness. When we are truly aware of our shortcomings and have a strong desire to change, it is only when we are truly aware of our shortcomings that we are able to truly make positive changes. This also applies to the other side. We can inspire and motivate others to change, but ultimately change should come from their own inner needs. Love is not about changing a person, it's about growing and progressing with it.

Although the big poisonous chicken soup of "those who have a heart don't need to teach, and those who don't have a heart can't teach" makes sense on the surface, we need to re-examine this view. Change in love should not be forced, but stems from the desire of the heart and the pursuit of self-growth. Rather than expecting the other person to change exactly what we expect, we should pay attention to our own growth and progress, and give the other person support and understanding. It is only through mutual respect and tolerance that we can build healthy, long-lasting relationships.

The second most poisonous chicken soup is "someone who truly loves you will tolerate everything about you".

This quote makes people mistakenly believe that only those who can tolerate all your shortcomings are the ones who truly love you. But it doesn't mean that the other person has to fully accept everything about you, including your bad Xi and wrong behavior. Inclusion in relationships needs to be based on mutual respect and mutual growth.

Take a look! The 3 poisonous chicken soups that break up couples are exposed, and the last one is terrifying!

We want to find someone in love who can embrace everything about us, because it gives us a sense of security and happiness. However, this expectation needs to be revisited. On the one hand, we cannot expect the other person to fully accept our bad Xi and wrong behaviors, which would ignore the importance of self-growth and change. True love, on the other hand, is not unconditional inclusion, but is based on mutual respect and mutual growth.

Tolerance is one of the important factors in love, but it does not mean that the other person should be completely tolerant of all our shortcomings and wrong behaviors. Instead, inclusion should be mutual, based on mutual understanding and respect. Someone who truly loves you will try to understand you and accept your flaws, but will also want you to be able to recognize your shortcomings and try to change. Inclusion in love is a process of mutual influence and mutual growth.

In love, we should learn to communicate with each other and express our needs. When we find that the other person has some behaviors or Xi that do not match us, we can express our feelings and expectations through rational communication. Instead of expecting the other person to be completely inclusive of everything about us, we should pay more attention to our own growth and progress, and be willing to make positive changes for love.

Take a look! The 3 poisonous chicken soups that break up couples are exposed, and the last one is terrifying!

Love requires mutual compromise and effort. In relationships, we may encounter various challenges and conflicts, and this is where inclusion is even more important. However, inclusion does not mean letting the other person's wrong behavior or unhealthy Xi go unchecked. Instead, in the name of love, we should guide each other in a better direction and grow into better people together.

"The person who truly loves you will tolerate everything about you" may seem affectionate on the surface, but we need to revisit this view. Inclusion in love needs to be based on mutual respect and mutual growth. Instead of expecting the other person to fully accept everything about us, we should pay more attention to our own growth and progress, and be willing to make positive changes for love. It is only through mutual compromise and hard work that we can build a healthy and strong relationship.

The third big poisonous chicken soup is the virtual one that often appears in the short videos of "invisible poisonous chicken soup" couples.

In today's age of social media, short videos for couples have become one of the ways for many people to show their love. However, these videos often only show sweet moments orchestrated by couples, ignoring real-life frustrations and arguments. This article will explore virtual reality in short couples' videos, and the potential for invisible poisonous chicken soup in them.

Take a look! The 3 poisonous chicken soups that break up couples are exposed, and the last one is terrifying!

Short videos for couples have become a popular trend in social media these days. These videos tend to feature romantic, sweet scenes that show happy moments for couples. From travel to everyday life, each shot is carefully curated and edited to show their perfect side. However, this virtual reality presents only the tip of the iceberg, often ignoring real-life frustrations and quarrels.

The virtual reality in the couple's short video gives the audience the illusion that love should be sweet and perfect. However, in real life, couples will inevitably have run-in periods, quarrels, and challenges. Everyone has their own shortcomings and mood swings, which are normal human behaviors. However, short videos of couples often hide these true faces, giving viewers a false sense of happiness. Virtual reality in short couples videos has also given others a false standard of comparison. Seeing other people's sweet videos, people tend to have self-doubt and think that their love is not perfect or happy enough. The psychological stress that comes with this comparison can have a negative impact on individuals and relationships.

In fact, every couple is at a different stage of development, and everyone has a different way of loving and expressing. We need to realize that short videos for couples are only superficial displays and cannot fully represent real love life. Instead of striving for illusory perfection, we should focus more on real relationship building and mutual support. Love is a continuous effort and communication process that involves accepting and embracing each other's shortcomings, working together to solve problems and face setbacks.

Take a look! The 3 poisonous chicken soups that break up couples are exposed, and the last one is terrifying!

Couples need to build an authentic connection and mutual understanding. We can express our feelings and needs through honest communication, rather than showing our perfect side through virtual reality. True love should be based on mutual respect, trust, and mutual growth, rather than pursuing the standard of happiness in the eyes of others. Virtual reality in short couples gives the illusion that love should be sweet and perfect.

However, we need to realize that this is only a superficial display and ignores the frustrations and quarrels in real life. We should focus more on real relationship building and mutual support, rather than pursuing illusory perfection. True love should be based on mutual respect, trust, and mutual growth. Let's face reality with our partners and work together to create truly happy love.

Take a look! The 3 poisonous chicken soups that break up couples are exposed, and the last one is terrifying!

I delved into the phenomenon behind these poisonous chicken soups and discovered a shocking fact. Those who post these poisonous chicken soups often have negative emotions because their relationship experiences are not going well, or because they have been betrayed by their partners. In this way, they express their anger and disappointment, trying to soothe their hearts by giving wrong advice to others.

However, the harm of these poisonous chicken soups cannot be ignored. Some people may blindly believe these suggestions, creating unnecessary suspicion and distrust of their partner. This unhealthy attitude can lead to the breakdown and hurt of the relationship.

I decided to write an article to reveal the truth about these invisible poisonous chicken soups to help more people avoid falling into emotional mistakes. I posted this post on social media and it got a lot of attention and responses.

Okay, friends! This issue is shared here for you, what else do you know? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to share~

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