
Shen Teng Hundred Flowers Award 'Zero Votes': Is the comedy 'down-to-earth' or the judges 'not eating the fireworks of the world'



Shen Teng Hundred Flowers Award Tour: From zero tickets to no tickets

Last year, the eye-catching name of Shen Teng on the nomination list brought a hint of surprise, but the final result ended with zero votes, which is undoubtedly a huge gap. The nomination was supposed to be a recognition of the actor's work, but it turned into a one-man show that no one cared about. Shen Teng, the comedian who made countless audiences laugh on the screen, failed to cause the judges to laugh on the stage of the Hundred Flowers Awards.

Shen Teng Hundred Flowers Award 'Zero Votes': Is the comedy 'down-to-earth' or the judges 'not eating the fireworks of the world'

The box office data clearly shows that the movies "Walking on the Moon Alone", "Man Jianghong", and "Flying Life 2" occupy the box office list with 3.103 billion, 4.544 billion and 3.398 billion respectively. But in the selection of the Hundred Flowers Award, these numbers do not seem to translate into the votes of the judges.


Internet celebrity actor or powerful faction?

In the eyes of netizens, Shen Teng is not only an actor who can act, but also an Internet celebrity who can mobilize the atmosphere. His movies not only have a high box office, but also have a considerable Douban score, with "Walking on the Moon Alone" scoring 6.6 points, "Man Jianghong" scoring 7.0 points, and "Flying Life 2" has won a good reputation on Douban with a score of 7.7 points.

Shen Teng Hundred Flowers Award 'Zero Votes': Is the comedy 'down-to-earth' or the judges 'not eating the fireworks of the world'

Although he is sometimes labeled as a "funny actor", Shen Teng's superb acting skills in each play are unquestionable. From the laughter on the screen to the loneliness at the awards, Shen Teng seems to be undergoing a transformation from an Internet celebrity to a powerful faction, and glory and loneliness coexist along the way.

Shen Teng Hundred Flowers Award 'Zero Votes': Is the comedy 'down-to-earth' or the judges 'not eating the fireworks of the world'

The glory and sorrow of the "box office king" Shen Teng

Counting Shen Teng's works in the past two years, all of them are the darlings of the box office. The amazing box office of "Man Jianghong" and "Lonely on the Moon" and the word-of-mouth results of "Flying Life 2" are enough to prove Shen Teng's ability to attract money in the commercial film market. The audience is willing to pay for him, and behind the laughter is the trust and expectation of the actor.

Shen Teng Hundred Flowers Award 'Zero Votes': Is the comedy 'down-to-earth' or the judges 'not eating the fireworks of the world'

He proved with his strength that he can support the pillars of a movie, not only winning the audience with his acting skills, but also conquering the market with box office results. However, in the selection of the Hundred Flowers Award, Shen Teng does not seem to have received corresponding recognition. The gap between the market and the professional judges makes the glory of the box office king reveal a bit of sorrow.

Shen Teng Hundred Flowers Award 'Zero Votes': Is the comedy 'down-to-earth' or the judges 'not eating the fireworks of the world'

It's not just behind the jokes

Shen Teng's films can always bring joy to the audience, but behind the comedy, it is the actors' meticulous efforts to carve each character. His image in "Lonely on the Moon" has both the pride of a science fiction hero and the warmth of ordinary people; showed another kind of heroism in "Man Jianghong", and "Flying Life 2" once again proved his unique charm in the field of comedy.

Shen Teng Hundred Flowers Award 'Zero Votes': Is the comedy 'down-to-earth' or the judges 'not eating the fireworks of the world'

Shen Teng's roles seem to be easy and funny, but they are a constant attempt to challenge the diversity of acting skills. He continues to break through himself, bringing a different smile to the audience and adding a strong touch to his acting career.

Shen Teng Hundred Flowers Award 'Zero Votes': Is the comedy 'down-to-earth' or the judges 'not eating the fireworks of the world'

The award does not look at the face, only looks at the "connotation"?

For the selection results of the Hundred Flowers Award, netizens launched a heated discussion. Some people joked that the awards seemed to have become a "cold" party that didn't talk about the box office, and Shen Teng's exclusion was like being told "this is not where you should be". Some netizens said that although they like Shen Teng's movies, the award is a matter of professional judges after all, and has nothing to do with the box office.

Shen Teng Hundred Flowers Award 'Zero Votes': Is the comedy 'down-to-earth' or the judges 'not eating the fireworks of the world'

This discussion is not only a personal concern for Shen Teng, but also a reflection on the entire film award system. There seems to be an invisible gap between the audience and the judges, and this gap is the dialectic between box office and art.

Shen Teng Hundred Flowers Award 'Zero Votes': Is the comedy 'down-to-earth' or the judges 'not eating the fireworks of the world'

Helplessness in the spotlight

Although Shen Teng was not nominated in this year's Hundred Flowers Awards, the joy he brought to the audience was obvious. From the theater stage to the movie screen, his footprints have spread to every corner of the entertainment industry, and he has forged his star with talent and sweat. However, outside the spotlight, Shen Teng also experienced helplessness and loss.

Shen Teng Hundred Flowers Award 'Zero Votes': Is the comedy 'down-to-earth' or the judges 'not eating the fireworks of the world'

Public figures are often glorious, but also face unpredictable turmoil. Shen Teng's situation may lead us to think about the criteria for film awards, and perhaps we need more transparency and inclusiveness to recognize the value of different types of films and actors.

Shen Teng Hundred Flowers Award 'Zero Votes': Is the comedy 'down-to-earth' or the judges 'not eating the fireworks of the world'

Hundred Flowers Award, a new battlefield in the field of Africa?

Shen Teng's trip to the Hundred Flowers Award this year can be said to be full of heated discussions. From the perspective of netizens, Shen Teng's absence is undoubtedly a pity, but from the perspective of the professionalism of the awards, this may be a necessity. As a film award with a long history, the Hundred Flowers Award naturally has its own unique selection criteria and value orientation.

Shen Teng Hundred Flowers Award 'Zero Votes': Is the comedy 'down-to-earth' or the judges 'not eating the fireworks of the world'

However, with the rise of social media and the growing voice of young audiences, should the Hundred Flowers Awards start considering incorporating more public opinion into the awards system? Should the necessary reforms and innovations be carried out on the basis of respect for tradition? Perhaps this is the new issue that modern film awards need to face.

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